Shelters find creative ways to combat ‘Black Dog Syndrome’


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
this is how i get going on about how sending a black cat to the humane was a death sentence......

dont be racist....adopt the black cats and dogs....

There are no statistics, but there's plenty of anecdotal evidence and many possible explanations, ranging from superstitions like the notion that black cats are bad luck, to a simple logistical problem: Black animals are hard to photograph well, and are therefore hard to advertise. To combat the problem, shelters have come up with a variety of creative measures, from reducing adoption fees to improving the quality of the photos.

Shelters find creative ways to combat

next time you get the chance...adopt a black dog or cat...thanks
I am proud to say that I have three black dogs and one black cat. : ) Plus two red (reddish brown) dogs, two orange cats, one white cat, one ruddy (reddish brown) cat and one calico cat.

I had never heard about this "black dog syndrome." But Bones is right. If you're going to adopt, bear this in mind and give the black dogs and cats a chance!

Oh and P.S. To whoever it is that's always saying the houses of people with cats smell like cat pee...mine does not. They all go in their boxes which are kept very clean. So there.
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I have a black cat.

My avatar IS a black cat! Although I'm thinking of changing it to a sexy semi-clad girl so I can get more rep. California Girl started on this forum shortly before me and she has way more rep. I think that's why.


P.S. Congratulations for having a black cat. They're good luck as far as I'm concerned.

P.S. Oops, I misspoke!! Not California Girl! Someone else, I can't think who it is. Joined about the same time as I did. Don't yell at me, California Girl! : )
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I have a black cat.

While I find all cats to have beauty, I have a preference for black cats and have had many. The current love of my life, is 8 lbs. of solid black beauty, mid-length coat with a huge lion's mane and a full fluffy tail. Top all that beauty off with emerald green eyes, that love to stare at me, and all is complete. She talks to me all the time and even does exercises with me every morning and will shake hands and obey commands. We have been together 8 years and know one another well. We make each other happy and feel special. :D
I know black cats are seen as unlucky to the superstisous, but I have never heard of a bias against black dogs before.

They only disadvantage of having one I found was if the damn thing likes to sleep at the bottom of the steps at night. I must have tripped over the dog i grew up with 100 times because of this.

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