Sheep In Sheep's Clothing

Collins would have been a turncoat, if she had chosen the "party" over her constituents.... she and Murkowski are just doing what is RIGHT for their own citizens in their States. They have balls the men don't have to stand up for their own State citizens...does that make them Republicans in Name Only because they refused to ignore their own State situations? that doesn't say much for these so called "real Republicans" who would dick their constituents front and back, for their "party".
Collins would have been a turncoat, if she had chosen the "party" over her constituents.... she and Murkowski are just doing what is RIGHT for their own citizens in their States. They have balls the men don't have to stand up for their own State citizens...does that make them Republicans in Name Only because they refused to ignore their own State situations? that doesn't say much for these so called "real Republicans" who would dick their constituents front and back, for their "party".
All of them ran on and were elected to repeal it. So your point is bullshit.
Collins would have been a turncoat, if she had chosen the "party" over her constituents.... she and Murkowski are just doing what is RIGHT for their own citizens in their States. They have balls the men don't have to stand up for their own State citizens...does that make them Republicans in Name Only because they refused to ignore their own State situations? that doesn't say much for these so called "real Republicans" who would dick their constituents front and back, for their "party".

That's always the issue isn't they do what they think is best or what their voters want? Collins has a major opioid problem on her hands in she afraid her governor will allocate the Graham/Cassidy plan elsewhere and take her power away? Murkowski just enjoys being a pain in the ass and like Collins, wants to control who gets the federal money in Alaska. McCain is just an asshole...always was and is in the pocket of the hotel industry here in Arizona. All three of them are worthless to the GOP which means they're little more than democrat thieves.
Collins would have been a turncoat, if she had chosen the "party" over her constituents.... she and Murkowski are just doing what is RIGHT for their own citizens in their States. They have balls the men don't have to stand up for their own State citizens...does that make them Republicans in Name Only because they refused to ignore their own State situations? that doesn't say much for these so called "real Republicans" who would dick their constituents front and back, for their "party".
All of them ran on and were elected to repeal it. So your point is bullshit.
This current bill is not a repeal or a replacement.

Try again.
Collins would have been a turncoat, if she had chosen the "party" over her constituents.... she and Murkowski are just doing what is RIGHT for their own citizens in their States. They have balls the men don't have to stand up for their own State citizens...does that make them Republicans in Name Only because they refused to ignore their own State situations? that doesn't say much for these so called "real Republicans" who would dick their constituents front and back, for their "party".
All of them ran on and were elected to repeal it. So your point is bullshit.

That's right....the country club GOPers figured out how to profit from Barry-Care and weren't about to let a real estate magnate mess up their game. Despite them and the Rats, the President is slowly but surely going around the obstructionists and getting things done. This time they pretty much have to play ball or watch him give the Rats what they want for infrastructure and a tax cut.
The word "RINO" doesn't really fit these three because none of them are even claiming to be Republicans anymore. Susan Collins sold out to the commiecrats long ago. Murkowski just got reelected and has nothing to fear from Alaska voters for another 6 years. McCain? He has a brain tumor and hates Trump. But Lindsay has always been his loyal buddy. The Graham/Cassidy healthcare overhaul probably comes down to these three; needing one of them to vote yes this time. Or does it?


30 September is the deadline it can pass with a simple majority which is sending Schumer up the wall. He thought he'd won. Since the President has been courting a few blue dogs in states he won BIG TIME, there's always a chance to pick off one of them. Chuck didn't expect this. Chuck knows his coalition is vulnerable to their own self-interests. There's going to be a flurry of promises in the coming week. Is there a wolf in the commiecrat ranks that Chucky doesn't know about?
Cassidy Graham uses Obamacare taxes to send fed money to subsidize HC in states that did not expand Medicaid, and it continues sending money (albeit less money) to states that did expand it. So how are these three any more RINO than Cassidy and Graham (whom guys like you have been calling rino for years)?
Collins would have been a turncoat, if she had chosen the "party" over her constituents.... she and Murkowski are just doing what is RIGHT for their own citizens in their States. They have balls the men don't have to stand up for their own State citizens...does that make them Republicans in Name Only because they refused to ignore their own State situations? that doesn't say much for these so called "real Republicans" who would dick their constituents front and back, for their "party".
All of them ran on and were elected to repeal it. So your point is bullshit.
This current bill is not a repeal or a replacement.

Try again.
It might be sort of a replacement. It eliminates all of Obamacare's protections for pre-existing conditions and minimum coverage ... with the exception of letting us middle/upper class workers who have our 21Plus year old kids on our plans.
The word "RINO" doesn't really fit these three because none of them are even claiming to be Republicans anymore. Susan Collins sold out to the commiecrats long ago. Murkowski just got reelected and has nothing to fear from Alaska voters for another 6 years. McCain? He has a brain tumor and hates Trump. But Lindsay has always been his loyal buddy. The Graham/Cassidy healthcare overhaul probably comes down to these three; needing one of them to vote yes this time. Or does it?


30 September is the deadline it can pass with a simple majority which is sending Schumer up the wall. He thought he'd won. Since the President has been courting a few blue dogs in states he won BIG TIME, there's always a chance to pick off one of them. Chuck didn't expect this. Chuck knows his coalition is vulnerable to their own self-interests. There's going to be a flurry of promises in the coming week. Is there a wolf in the commiecrat ranks that Chucky doesn't know about?
How can a thread with the title, "A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing" not be about Obama?!
Cassidy Graham uses Obamacare taxes to send fed money to subsidize HC in states that did not expand Medicaid, and it continues sending money (albeit less money) to states that did expand it. So how are these three any more RINO than Cassidy and Graham (whom guys like you have been calling rino for years)?

No it doesn't without the individual mandate and these three didn't just turn's been going on for some time.
It might be sort of a replacement. It eliminates all of Obamacare's protections for pre-existing conditions and minimum coverage ... with the exception of letting us middle/upper class workers who have our 21Plus year old kids on our plans.

Another lie...each state decides whether to keep the pre-existing coverage. That's what will bankrupt any insurance system....wreck the car and then get insurance to repair it.....ridiculous. My State Farm policy has always said if you can live with what's wrong with you for 6 months after you get insurance, it's covered. All insurers will have to have an option to cover pre-existing illness or will just have to cost a little more.
Cassidy Graham uses Obamacare taxes to send fed money to subsidize HC in states that did not expand Medicaid, and it continues sending money (albeit less money) to states that did expand it. So how are these three any more RINO than Cassidy and Graham (whom guys like you have been calling rino for years)?

No it doesn't without the individual mandate and these three didn't just turn's been going on for some time.
BS, Tom it keeps the Medicaid expansion and taxes. It subsides other insurance with YOUR money (assuming you are taxed)
The word "RINO" doesn't really fit these three because none of them are even claiming to be Republicans anymore. Susan Collins sold out to the commiecrats long ago. Murkowski just got reelected and has nothing to fear from Alaska voters for another 6 years. McCain? He has a brain tumor and hates Trump. But Lindsay has always been his loyal buddy. The Graham/Cassidy healthcare overhaul probably comes down to these three; needing one of them to vote yes this time. Or does it?


30 September is the deadline it can pass with a simple majority which is sending Schumer up the wall. He thought he'd won. Since the President has been courting a few blue dogs in states he won BIG TIME, there's always a chance to pick off one of them. Chuck didn't expect this. Chuck knows his coalition is vulnerable to their own self-interests. There's going to be a flurry of promises in the coming week. Is there a wolf in the commiecrat ranks that Chucky doesn't know about?
Cassidy Graham uses Obamacare taxes to send fed money to subsidize HC in states that did not expand Medicaid, and it continues sending money (albeit less money) to states that did expand it. So how are these three any more RINO than Cassidy and Graham (whom guys like you have been calling rino for years)?
Ahhh, then it is possible that Murkowski and Collins vote for it, because their states did not expand Medicaid, so this WILL be extra money for their States.

But McCain, McCain said all he wanted was for Republicans to proceed to "regular order" his last vote and this has not done it is possible, if he is a man of principle and sticks to his guns, he along with Rand, could vote against it, so a 50/50 vote, and that means Pence could break the tie.

It could pass the house too.... unless the R California Reps, would take too much heat and vote against it...cuz California would be losing a TON OF MONEY, the most out of every state out there who expanded Medicaid?
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It might be sort of a replacement. It eliminates all of Obamacare's protections for pre-existing conditions and minimum coverage ... with the exception of letting us middle/upper class workers who have our 21Plus year old kids on our plans.

Another lie...each state decides whether to keep the pre-existing coverage. That's what will bankrupt any insurance system....wreck the car and then get insurance to repair it.....ridiculous. My State Farm policy has always said if you can live with what's wrong with you for 6 months after you get insurance, it's covered. All insurers will have to have an option to cover pre-existing illness or will just have to cost a little more.
Again BS Tom. the Bill does not specify what the states must other than get some approval that is undefined.

Stick to the facts, or put up your Fucking horse
The word "RINO" doesn't really fit these three because none of them are even claiming to be Republicans anymore. Susan Collins sold out to the commiecrats long ago. Murkowski just got reelected and has nothing to fear from Alaska voters for another 6 years. McCain? He has a brain tumor and hates Trump. But Lindsay has always been his loyal buddy. The Graham/Cassidy healthcare overhaul probably comes down to these three; needing one of them to vote yes this time. Or does it?


30 September is the deadline it can pass with a simple majority which is sending Schumer up the wall. He thought he'd won. Since the President has been courting a few blue dogs in states he won BIG TIME, there's always a chance to pick off one of them. Chuck didn't expect this. Chuck knows his coalition is vulnerable to their own self-interests. There's going to be a flurry of promises in the coming week. Is there a wolf in the commiecrat ranks that Chucky doesn't know about?
Cassidy Graham uses Obamacare taxes to send fed money to subsidize HC in states that did not expand Medicaid, and it continues sending money (albeit less money) to states that did expand it. So how are these three any more RINO than Cassidy and Graham (whom guys like you have been calling rino for years)?
Ahhh, then it is possible that Murkowski and Collins vote for it, because their states did not expand Medicaid, so this WILL be extra money for their States.

But McCain, McCain said all he wanted was for Republicans proceed to "regular order" his last vote and this has not done it is possible, if he is a man of principle and sticks to his guns, he along with Rand, could vote against it, so a 50/50 vote, and that means Pence could break the tie.

It could pass.... unless the R California Reps, would take too much heat and vote against it...cuz California would be losing a TON OF MONEY, the most out of every state out there who expanded Medicaid?

Exactly so. Below is a map of the states that did and did not expand. It's bigly in my state's case to pass the bill. And I get to keep my kid on my plan.

ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion

It will hurt the rust belt idiots who voted for the Oranguton. I hope it doesn't pass. It WOULD be a positive step if funded at the level it would have had if ALL states expanded. And in 2017, funding drops by 90%. I don't see that as a positive. But if the funding was actually level and continuous, this bill might be a good thing.

but in any event, it does not repeal Obamacare. That may be irrelevant because the GOP will say "it's a repeal, Whooopie"
The GOP can lose two and still get it passed via reconciliation since Pence is the tie breaker and as far as I know Paul is the only definite NO on Graham/Cassidy (so far).

So Rand Paul voted "yes" on skinny repeal....I missed that. Don't forget that Menendez can't vote because he's on trial for bribery.
Of course Menendez can vote if he is there..... in this nation we are all innocent until proven guilty...and even if he was found guilty and only had to serve probation, I actually believe he can continue to serve...I do not believe there is a clause in the constitution that prevents him from serving, and if memory serves me, I believe "Beam me up" Traficant, while in prison, ran for his old seat in the House.

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