Shapiro To Snowflakes: ‘Trump Is Sitting in Trump Tower Eating a Steak & Bathing in Your Salty Tears


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Ben Shapiro to Students: ‘Trump Is Sitting in Trump Tower Eating a Steak and Bathing in Your Salty Tears’


"Ben Shapiro is becoming persona non grata at American universities. A few days ago, DePaul University threatened to arrest him if he set foot on campus. But last night, during a talk at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Shapiro found the best way to respond to whining campus snowflakes.

The conservative commentator spoke at UW-Madison on free speech and safe spaces, despite raucous left-wing protesters who constantly interrupted him and even formed a human wall to block anyone from the audience from seeing him.

One protester shouted at Shapiro that he should be “wearing a swastika,” but Shapiro quickly quipped: “In case you hadn’t noticed, the folks with the swastikas aren’t too nice to my type,” alluding to the fact that he’s Jewish."


Poor ignorant Snowflake...perhaps he should educate himself, perhaps actually READ about Nazi Germany and the Holocaust so he doesn't keep looking like an idiot!

Shapiro continue, sending a message not only that these college Snowflakes needed to hear but rather one that ALL Liberal Snowflaked melting down right now needs to hear:

"Shapiro continued: “Stop being self-indulgent children; stop pretending that everybody who voted for Trump is a vicious racist; it’s your right to protest, of course, but you just make yourself look like an idiot when you cry over a duly-held election … Donald Trump doesn’t care about your protest. Donald Trump is sitting somewhere in Trump Tower eating a steak and bathing in your salty, salty tears.”


Ben Shapiro to Students: ‘Trump Is Sitting in Trump Tower Eating a Steak and Bathing in Your Salty Tears’

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