Shame on the American flag


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Gitmo inmate My treatment shames U.S. flag -

The cell door opens. The next session, seemingly the 100th in a row. I think my first period of interrogation lasted three full months. Two teams of interrogators running shifts, day and night.
Each session begins with shouting, to wake me up. Then they hit me on the face and the back. I am so desperate for sleep, my head is swimming. There are photographs of faces stuck all around the walls of this room. They demand that I identify the individuals, but I can barely focus to see if I might know them.
They throw food on the floor of the room and tell me to eat like a pig. They won't let me go to the restroom. They watch as it gets more painful, and laugh as they get the translator to describe how they will rape me if I pee in my pants.
The freezing cold cell. The cell door opens. They make me stand and salute the American flag.
I'm in a sort of cinema room, where I have to watch videos of other prisoners being abused. Then they tell me that I have to dance for them, and run in circles whilst they pull on my chains. Every time I try and refuse, they touch me in my most private areas.

Now it's the pornography room. Awful pictures everywhere. There is one with a man and a donkey. I'm stripped naked and have my beard shaved, in a gratuitous insult to my religion. I'm shown pornographic pictures of women. I'm told to make the noises of different animals, and when I refuse, they just hit me. It ends with them pouring cold water all over me.
Hours later in my cell, I am discovered, nearly frozen. The doctor tells them to bring me urgently to the clinic, where I am given a blanket and treatment. Over the next hours, they observe me as I warm up. They are just waiting for the moment that they can sign off on my return to interrogation

Four years ago, six U.S. government security agencies sat together and reviewed my case. Their conclusion? That I was innocent of any crime and should be released. The dirty and sadistic methods I endured -- which were then taken directly to Abu Ghraib -- achieved nothing, except to shame that American flag hanging in the prison corridor, which I was made to salute.
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Editor's note: Samir Naji is a Yemeni who was accused of serving in Osama bin Laden's security detail and imprisoned for nearly 13 years without charge in Guantanamo Bay. He was cleared for release in 2009, but remains in detention
Editor's note: Samir Naji is a Yemeni who was accused of serving in Osama bin Laden's security detail and imprisoned for nearly 13 years without charge in Guantanamo Bay. He was cleared for release in 2009, but remains in detention

He's probably still in detention because no country wants to claim him.
Editor's note: Samir Naji is a Yemeni who was accused of serving in Osama bin Laden's security detail and imprisoned for nearly 13 years without charge in Guantanamo Bay. He was cleared for release in 2009, but remains in detention

And I'm sure Obama is going to hop right to getting that place closed down, right?
He remains in custody because of security issues in Yemen. That means that you're going to have to focus on Yemen for a hot minute.

Do you remember the pain in the ass that it was to get any other country to accept any Uighurs? China was making threats if any countries accepted them.
Editor's note: Samir Naji is a Yemeni who was accused of serving in Osama bin Laden's security detail and imprisoned for nearly 13 years without charge in Guantanamo Bay. He was cleared for release in 2009, but remains in detention

And I'm sure Obama is going to hop right to getting that place closed down, right?

Obama is a coward when it comes to Gitmo

His failure to stand up for basic human rights and the right to a fair trial are part of his legacy
Editor's note: Samir Naji is a Yemeni who was accused of serving in Osama bin Laden's security detail and imprisoned for nearly 13 years without charge in Guantanamo Bay. He was cleared for release in 2009, but remains in detention

Obama should have killed him with a drone, like he does 16 year old American children...

Then you'd be a happy commie.
Obama is a coward when it comes to Gitmo

His failure to stand up for basic human rights and the right to a fair trial are part of his legacy

He prefers killing people. Obama's legacy is indiscriminate death from a drone.

I don't approve of the torture by the CIA - but what you Communists have done is FAR worse, random, extrajudicial slaughter, including American children - targeted by Barack Obama.

Yet you hypocrites try and pretend you have the moral high ground.
Gitmo inmate My treatment shames U.S. flag -

The cell door opens. The next session, seemingly the 100th in a row. I think my first period of interrogation lasted three full months. Two teams of interrogators running shifts, day and night.
Each session begins with shouting, to wake me up. Then they hit me on the face and the back. I am so desperate for sleep, my head is swimming. There are photographs of faces stuck all around the walls of this room. They demand that I identify the individuals, but I can barely focus to see if I might know them.
They throw food on the floor of the room and tell me to eat like a pig. They won't let me go to the restroom. They watch as it gets more painful, and laugh as they get the translator to describe how they will rape me if I pee in my pants.
The freezing cold cell. The cell door opens. They make me stand and salute the American flag.
I'm in a sort of cinema room, where I have to watch videos of other prisoners being abused. Then they tell me that I have to dance for them, and run in circles whilst they pull on my chains. Every time I try and refuse, they touch me in my most private areas.

Now it's the pornography room. Awful pictures everywhere. There is one with a man and a donkey. I'm stripped naked and have my beard shaved, in a gratuitous insult to my religion. I'm shown pornographic pictures of women. I'm told to make the noises of different animals, and when I refuse, they just hit me. It ends with them pouring cold water all over me.
Hours later in my cell, I am discovered, nearly frozen. The doctor tells them to bring me urgently to the clinic, where I am given a blanket and treatment. Over the next hours, they observe me as I warm up. They are just waiting for the moment that they can sign off on my return to interrogation

Four years ago, six U.S. government security agencies sat together and reviewed my case. Their conclusion? That I was innocent of any crime and should be released. The dirty and sadistic methods I endured -- which were then taken directly to Abu Ghraib -- achieved nothing, except to shame that American flag hanging in the prison corridor, which I was made to salute.

They should have fed you nothing but pork.
Why do you care about an inmate's opinion ?

He's a Muslim and RW cares about those bastards.

His time at Gitmo sure beats the beheading that Muslims are so fond of.

RW is another idiotic handwringer who thinks Gitmo and waterboarding are torture.
Why do you care about an inmate's opinion ?

He's a Muslim and RW cares about those bastards.

His time at Gitmo sure beats the beheading that Muslims are so fond of.

RW is another idiotic handwringer who thinks Gitmo and waterboarding are torture.

The guy was found to be involved in no terrorist related activities. His exposure to how "exceptional" Americans are came through beatings, freezing cold and humiliation

All under the protection of the American flag
Why do you care about an inmate's opinion ?

He's a Muslim and RW cares about those bastards.

His time at Gitmo sure beats the beheading that Muslims are so fond of.

RW is another idiotic handwringer who thinks Gitmo and waterboarding are torture.

The guy was found to be involved in no terrorist related activities. His exposure to how "exceptional" Americans are came through beatings, freezing cold and humiliation

All under the protection of the American flag
Spot the Bullshit:

My story, though, takes place elsewhere: in Guantanamo, away from the CIA program that the report covers. The 6,000 pages of the Senate report are just the start of what Americans have to accept happened in their name.

It starts and ends in the silence of a tiny, freezing cold cell,

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