Sexual predator as bad or worse than bill cosby comments on obama's amnesty...

Clinton was impeached...remember....
Yes, and acquitted. And the voters were so upset with the Republicans for doing so they spanked Gingrich and he had to resign his position.
The board retard pukes on himself once again. Clinton was found guilty and lost his law license for a while.

no, he settled with Charles Ray on a minor technicality.

Guy, frankly, you spent 70 million dollars to find out that he lied about a personal matter in a lawsuit that was dismissed without merit.


That shit didn't fly with Americans 16 years ago and it won't fly now.

Hey, here's a whacky idea. Instead of trying to rehash your voyeurism from 16 years ago, how about giving us a good reason to vote for one of your guys, after the Rich impose the candidate you all are going to say you don't want now.
Clinton was impeached...remember....
Yes, and acquitted. And the voters were so upset with the Republicans for doing so they spanked Gingrich and he had to resign his position.
The board retard pukes on himself once again. Clinton was found guilty and lost his law license for a while.

no, he settled with Charles Ray on a minor technicality.

Guy, frankly, you spent 70 million dollars to find out that he lied about a personal matter in a lawsuit that was dismissed without merit.


That shit didn't fly with Americans 16 years ago and it won't fly now.

Hey, here's a whacky idea. Instead of trying to rehash your voyeurism from 16 years ago, how about giving us a good reason to vote for one of your guys, after the Rich impose the candidate you all are going to say you don't want now.
You're going to double down on it huh? You don't even know what went on, what it was about or why the price tag climbed so high. Why are you even here?

President Clinton impeached mdash This Day in History mdash 12 19 1998
After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice. Clinton, the second president in American history to be impeached, vowed to finish his term.
You're going to double down on it huh? You don't even know what went on, what it was about or why the price tag climbed so high. Why are you even here?

President Clinton impeached mdash This Day in History mdash 12 19 1998
After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice. Clinton, the second president in American history to be impeached, vowed to finish his term.

The price tag climbed so high because the IC Statue was a horrible law that created a fourth branch of government.

Most Americans at the time opposed impeachment.

Poll Clinton s approval rating up in wake of impeachment - December 20 1998

December 20, 1998
Web posted at: 10:48 p.m. EST (0348 GMT)

(AllPolitics, December 20) -- In the wake of the House of Representatives' approval of two articles of impeachment, Bill Clinton's approval rating has jumped 10 points to 73 percent, the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll shows.

That's not only an all-time high for Clinton, it also beats the highest approval rating President Ronald Reagan ever had.

At the same time, the number of Americans with an unfavorable view of the Republican Party has jumped 10 points; less than a third of the country now has a favorable view of the GOP.

Boy, you guys sure showed Clinton, didn't you?
most Americans don't follow the truth...they watched news casts from the media wing of the democrat party....ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, PBS
and just believed what the Clinton supporters disguised as journalists said about clinton....
most Americans don't follow the truth...they watched news casts from the media wing of the democrat party....ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, PBS
and just believed what the Clinton supporters disguised as journalists said about clinton....

Actually, most Americans realized that if you spent 70 million dollars digging through a man's personal life, you'll find someone who is going to say bad stuff about you. Some of it might even be true.

What most Americans saw under Clinton was that they had good jobs, were getting good raises, we were at peace.

They really didn't care that he got a blow job from an intern, and they didn't care that someone he knew 30 years earlier had changed her story for the third time.
No it's not...he is a sexual predator and his wife protected him from the consequences of his rapes and sexual assaults...and now she is considered to be the sure in for the next President.....considering they used the power of his various public offices to further persecute his victims it is not a non story....

This man needs to be held to account for monstrous behavior....and sadly....too many people are easily lulled into a comatose state in relation to this story because they are protected by the media wing of the democrat party...if the news media did its job he would have been in jail a long time ago....
Actually, most Americans realized that if you spent 70 million dollars digging through a man's personal life, you'll find someone who is going to say bad stuff about you

Joe, really....we aren't talking about someone who cheated on their taxes...we are talking about a violent sexual predator who used his public office and other positions of power to rape and assault women.....really? 3 women come out against bill cosby from 30 years ago and he is losing his new show, his old shows are being pulled from netflix....and bill clinton is lauded by the media wing of the democrat party...who accuse the republicans of hating is just absurd....

bill clinton has numerous, credible accusations of violent sexual assault both here in the U.S. and in Britain when he was a student there....he should be in jail....
No it's not...he is a sexual predator and his wife protected him from the consequences of his rapes and sexual assaults...and now she is considered to be the sure in for the next President.....considering they used the power of his various public offices to further persecute his victims it is not a non story....

This man needs to be held to account for monstrous behavior....and sadly....too many people are easily lulled into a comatose state in relation to this story because they are protected by the media wing of the democrat party...if the news media did its job he would have been in jail a long time ago....

Nobody cared 16 years ago, nobody cares now.

I was one of you right-wingers screaming this shit 16 years ago. Nobody cared then.

Now what I remember was that under Clinton, my salary went up, my property values went up, my investments went up.

Not to worry, you guys got George W. Bush in there and that was all fucked up pretty quickly.
Joe, really....we aren't talking about someone who cheated on their taxes...we are talking about a violent sexual predator who used his public office and other positions of power to rape and assault women.....really? 3 women come out against bill cosby from 30 years ago and he is losing his new show, his old shows are being pulled from netflix....and bill clinton is lauded by the media wing of the democrat party...who accuse the republicans of hating is just absurd....

bill clinton has numerous, credible accusations of violent sexual assault both here in the U.S. and in Britain when he was a student there....he should be in jail....

No, the problem was, most of the women didn't come forward on their own. most of them were hunted down first by Right Wing Scandal mongers like David Brock (before he changed sides) and then by Ken Starr threatening all these women with jail time if they didn't say what he wanted to hear.

If these accusations were credible, then why wasn't he ever convicted of anything bigger than giving a false statement in court?
Now what I remember was that under Clinton, my salary went up, my property values went up, my investments went up.

Ah long as he didn't rape anyone important....who cares....he wasn't convicted because he used his power from his offices to intimidate and scare the women he raped....and those efforts were controlled by protect her future political ambitions.....the power the government has to attack people is incredible and then add an entire media establishment that worked overtime protecting him and down playing the stories and hiding the stories...and it is no wonder he got away with this crap...

Look at what has happened to bill cosby now that the media has decided to go after him...
Now what I remember was that under Clinton, my salary went up, my property values went up, my investments went up.

Ah long as he didn't rape anyone important....who cares....he wasn't convicted because he used his power from his offices to intimidate and scare the women he raped....and those efforts were controlled by protect her future political ambitions.....the power the government has to attack people is incredible and then add an entire media establishment that worked overtime protecting him and down playing the stories and hiding the stories...and it is no wonder he got away with this crap...

Look at what has happened to bill cosby now that the media has decided to go after him...

The Media protected Bill Cosby for decades.

The reason why no one took the women accusing Clinton seriously was that even Ken Starr thought most of them were lying their asses off.
The reason why no one took the women accusing Clinton seriously was that even Ken Starr thought most of them were lying their asses off

Yes, all of those women are lying...all of them, both here and in the is such an unlucky guy to have all of these women accuse him of violent rape and sexual after woman comes forward after they have to be put under oath and they falsely accuse him of at least 3 violent rapes and all sorts of other sexual assaults...his law students, his government underlings, the flight attendants on air force one, women all the way over in Britain, several of them....

And they are all making it up.....

How hard do you have to work Joe to convince yourself of this silliness.....
Yes, all of those women are lying...all of them, both here and in the is such an unlucky guy to have all of these women accuse him of violent rape and sexual after woman comes forward after they have to be put under oath and they falsely accuse him of at least 3 violent rapes and all sorts of other sexual assaults...his law students, his government underlings, the flight attendants on air force one, women all the way over in Britain, several of them....

And they are all making it up.....

How hard do you have to work Joe to convince yourself of this silliness....

Well except-

Only Juanita Brodderick accused him of "rape". And she swore out an affadavit saying that he didn't rape her. then she changed her story after a bunch of Starr's thugs got her into a room.

And frankly, when you sputter shit about what he did in the UK. I really can't see the UK working to protect an American College student.
And frankly, when you sputter shit about what he did in the UK. I really can't see the UK working to protect an American College student.

You have to be joking...they are hiding sexual assault and rape statistics today...let alone back in the 70s when clinton was assaulting women in Britain....

Elizabeth Ward Gracen's freind said she was told by Gracen that clinton raped her....the friend said this under oath and was told it was rape right after it happened....and in the list of stories there is another accusation of rape....

And those are the ones we know about...
Remember, clinton was at Oxford as a Rhodes dont' think that the powers that be would want rape allegations to go away?
Elizabeth Ward Gracen's freind said she was told by Gracen that clinton raped her....the friend said this under oath and was told it was rape right after it happened....and in the list of stories there is another accusation of rape....

EWG's friend isn't EWG.

In a court of law, that's called "Hearsay" and it's not evidence.

Gracen HAS gone on record as saying she had a relationship with Clinton and it was consensual.

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