Sexual predator as bad or worse than bill cosby comments on obama's amnesty...

But he didn't get a pass - even though his was sex between consenting adults and Cosby has been accused of rape.

This thread is a total fail but it does show that some RWs are so desperate that they can't tell the difference.

Oh...that's right, you probably went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party so your reading comprehension is probably pretty you show here....

We didn't list any of the sex he had with a consenting female...only those where he either sexually assaulted them or raped them...and clinton had at least 2 rape allegations....and we don't know exactly what he did to those women in Britain....
Theowl32...where did you find that list.....?
Thanks Theowl32...I think I have the first one, but the other 2 are nice....
I realize that you are incapable of seeing beyond your blinders, but Ken Starr was tasked with the responsibility of investigating charges for the trial, in which Clinton perjured himself. The Clinton gang did not co-operate with the investigation, so put blame where it belongs.

No, he was not charged with that. That was NOT his job. Ken Starr was charged with investigating Whitewater.

And unless someone repealed the Fifth Amendment when the rest of us weren't looking, Clinton was under no obligation to co-operate with Starr.

And the fact that you think the vocal feminNazis went mute at the same time was a coincidence proves how far gone you are.

Actually, at the time, I was one of you right wing assholes who said, "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing that was important and stuff.

Do you know what I remember about Clinton now. That we all had good paying jobs. That if you didn't like your job, you could find a better paying one.
You do know they kept adding things to Starr's investigation...right?

Yeah...who cares if he rapes and sexually assaults insignificant long as he keeps the jobless rate low and keeps abortion on demand....they probably enjoyed it anyway...right?

that's the democrat way....
Okay, let's look at some of these. I won't do all of them.

Kathleen Willey, a White House volunteer, reported that
Clinton fondled her against her will during an Oval Office meeting in November, 1993.

Okay, let's look at what Robert Ray, the guy who had to clean up Ken Starr's mess, had to say about Willey.

"Willey's Jones deposition testimony differed from her grand jury testimony on material aspects of the alleged incident," noting that Willey "said at her deposition ... that [Clinton] did not fondle her." Ray also pointed out that -- despite Willey's subsequent claims that she had been intimidated near her home shortly before giving her Jones deposition in 1998 -- in her Jones deposition, she "testified no one had tried to discourage her from testifying."

Ray also found that Willey contradicted herself on whether she had told others about the alleged incident; that Willey had sent repeated letters to Clinton after she claims he harassed her in which she "sought help or expressed gratitude"; that a Willey friend said Willey had instructed her to falsely support her story; and that Willey gave false information to the FBI.

Fox Scrapes The Bottom Of The Clinton Conspiracy Barrel Blog Media Matters for America

Elizabeth Ward, the Miss Arkansas who won the Miss America
crown in 1982, told friends she was forced by Clinton to have
sex with him shortly after she won her state crown. Last year,
Ward, who is now married with the last name of Gracen (from her
first marriage), told an interviewer she did have sex with Clinton
but said it was consensual.

I Had Sex With Bill Ex-miss America Says 1983 Fling With Guv Was Completely Consensual -

Elizabeth Ward Gracen - who previously denied any liaison with the president - said she came forward to rebut allegations that Clinton forced himself on her.

``I had sex with Bill Clinton, but the important part to me is that I was never pressured,'' she said. ``We had an intimate evening. Nothing was ever forced. It was completely consensual.''

``The lies gain credibility every day that I don't address them. I had to put a stop to it . . . It's become a three-ring circus,'' Gracen told the New York Daily News. ``This is something I don't want to talk about at all. It's no one's business.''

Gracen said she has no desire to undermine Clinton. She said she voted for him and would do so again.

In an exclusive interview, Gracen told the New York Daily News: In the aftermath of the Gennifer Flowers scandal, Clinton's campaign asked Gracen to issue a statement in May 1992 denying she had had sex with Clinton. Gracen, who complied, insisted she was not pressured or cajoled into making the statement.

Yes Joe...she was in a jam and he took advantage of her......she was in real trouble and he took the moment to grope her....and he raped Juanita Broderick and Elizabeth Gracen...and who knows what he did to the women in England....he is a monster....

as to Ken Starr...

Ken Starr - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
and Gracens freind told investigators that after the rape Gracen immediately told her about it...and specifically mentioned the painful biting on the lip...the same thing Juanita Broderick said he did.....
Here is the under oath statement by Elizabeth Gracens friend about the rape....

Bill Hillary Clinton A Life of Violating People Bill Clinton bites lips when he sexually assaults women a la Richard Macek the Mad Biter

Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Miss America 1982, says she had a consensual affair with Bill Clinton in 1983, at age 22 and newly married. But that is not exactly what her friends say both under oath and privately. Gracen’s friend Judy Ann Stokes stated under oath that Gracen was in tears as she privately described Clinton pushing himself on her in the back seat of a limo and she said she did not want the sex.

Revealingly, Gracen told Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff that Bill had severely bitten her lip in bed (although Gracen now says the sex was consensual). Clinton has attacked other women by biting their lips.

Gracen in the early 1990’s benefited from Bill’s Hollywood friends Mickey Kantor and Harry Thomason as they got her a TV miniseries job with no audition. Back then in 1992, Gracen was denying she even had an affair with Clinton. Elizabeth still won’t say it was rape today, but Elizabeth was still tearful about her sexual experience with Bill in a 1998 interview with the NY Post.

Judy Stokes, close friend of Elizabeth Ward Gracen, is adamant that Bill raped Miss America Elizabeth Gracen
Investigator Rick Lambert (for Paula Jones lawyers) talked to Judy Stokes who was a close friend to Liz Ward Gracen. Lambert says, “I talked to Judy Stokes for an hour and a half. At first, she was reluctant to burn her bridges with Liz. But I finally asked, ‘Do you believe Clinton raped her?’ She said , “Absolutely. He forced her to have sex. What do you call that?’ Stokes was totally convinced it was rape.” [Papillons Art Palace accessed 5/5/07]
There you have THREE examples of Bill biting women’s lips: 1) Juanita Broadrick who Bill raped; 2) Elizabeth Ward Gracen whose friend Judy Stokes says under oath that Liz said tearfully that the sex was not wanted; and 3) the woman that Bill sexually assaulted and described by biographer Roger Morris on p. 238 in his book Partners in Power. I wonder how many more women Bill has raped or bitten their lips?
Hillary, the misogynist “feminist” has been covering for her sexual predator political partner for her entire adult life.
You do know they kept adding things to Starr's investigation...right?

Yeah...who cares if he rapes and sexually assaults insignificant long as he keeps the jobless rate low and keeps abortion on demand....they probably enjoyed it anyway...right?

that's the democrat way....

given what a bunch of self-promoters the Clinton accusers were, I certainly wouldn't give up any benefit to the Clintons based on the words of these women, nearly all of whom were proven to be liars.
Yes Joe...she was in a jam and he took advantage of her......she was in real trouble and he took the moment to grope her....and he raped Juanita Broderick and Elizabeth Gracen...and who knows what he did to the women in England....he is a monster....

Um, okay, couple things.

Gracen said she wasn't raped. Gracen has changed her story so many times that nothing she says is believable.

For Broaderick- here's the thing. She filed an affadavitt for Jones v. Clinton saying she never had ANY kind of sex with Clinton.

You see, really, Clinton was the anti-Cosby. Any accusers they dredged up by dragging a $100.00 through a trailer park was treated with instant credibility, until someone did actual reporting and found out these women were questionable.
Yes, Gracen was raped by Governor Clinton, Juanita Broderick by Attorney General clinton....see a pattern....his law school students....Professor clinton...see a pattern and practice here....

Here is what Elizabeth, the 1982 Miss America, who tearfully confided to friends that she did not want the sex with Bill in 1983, later said in 1998:
“I think [Bill] is a very dangerous, manipulative man and I’ve had to be very careful. There was a lot of pressure on my family and friends, people were being staked out. I was a little bit afraid for my safety at one point. It’s just not an area where you are safe.” [Toronto Star, 9-17-98]
"Yes, I was physically scared. We are talking about the presidency of the country here, and between the friendly calls on one hand telling me to get out of town for my own good and then talking about smear tactics on the other, I got scared. Yes, physically scared.
There were always veiled threats. Always. I did nothing wrong except one stupid night a long time ago. But now this last year has become very frightening." [NY Post, 9-27-98, by Steve Dunleavy]
Elizabeth received threatening phone calls and her belongings were ransacked while Elizabeth was on vacation in St. Martin by 3 men in suits (according to a witness). Her manager Vincent Vento said these intimidating phone callers said “You should really keep your mouth shut about Bill Clinton and go on with your life.
You could be discredited. You could have an IRS investigation.” [NY Post, 1-13-99] Within a few weeks, the IRS was sending audit letters to Elizabeth’s parents’ home, which was not listed on her tax filings.
Any other guy...with this level of accusations against him...we are talking close to 10 women that we know of.....and this guy would be in jail as a sexual predator and for abusing his power of office....

the guy is a monster
Yes, Gracen was raped by Governor Clinton, Juanita Broderick by Attorney General clinton....see a pattern....his law school students....Professor clinton...see a pattern and practice here....

Yup, if you promise floozies 15 minutes of fame, they'll claim they were raped by Elvis on a Flying Saucer.

What you guys don't have- barely enough proof to ever go into a court with.
Any other guy...with this level of accusations against him...we are talking close to 10 women that we know of.....and this guy would be in jail as a sexual predator and for abusing his power of office....

the guy is a monster

Really? Ken Starr spent 70 million sniffing panties, and couldn't really charge Clinton with anything. Poor Charles Ray had to clean up the mess and admit most of these women had no credibility.

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