Sexual Abuse Against Nuns. The Other Bomb That Is About To Explode


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
To judge by what Francis has written and said - most recently on the planethat brought him back from Panama to Rome - sexual abuse committed against minors by sacred ministers will be the main topic of the summit convened at the Vatican from February 21 to 24 between the pope and the presidents of the roughly 130 episcopal conferences of the world.

The risk is that of bypassing, however, that plague which statistically turns out to be prevalent among the perpetrators of abuse in Europe and in North and South America, meaning homosexual activity with the young and very young.

But that’s not all. There is still another plague over which there hangs a pall of silence. And it is that of sexual abuse committed by clergy against nuns. It is a plague that is widespread above all in Africa, according to the reports that were the first to lift the veil. But that also turns out to be present in Asia.
Sexual Abuse Against Nuns. The Other Bomb That Is About To Explode

That's going to hit hard.
There is something wrong with you. You know that, right?
This story is just now gaining some traction, but it's been known by some for a while now. Jane Fonda did a movie about it some time ago, too.
As a recovering Catholic, the Roman Catholic church is all about money, and now cover ups. They do some good charitable work, but it seems their dirty laundry is now coming out.
As a recovering Catholic, the Roman Catholic church is all about money, and now cover ups. They do some good charitable work, but it seems their dirty laundry is now coming out.

there is a vast difference between the Vatican and the rank and file and the various monastics; the Vatican is indeed all about politics, and should not even be considered part of the religion, given its history; that kind of concentration of political power and wealth is a giant magnet to sociopaths and criminals. They should just be bureaucrats, not religious leaders.

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