Sex with Robots to be the Norm in 50 years

who knows...may be it's not such a bad idea after all....

wham bam thank you maam or Sir...:funnyface:

no hearts are broken LOL

do robots have hearts?

I sense a hollywood blockbuster in the making!

I bet someone tried to make this hitchhiking robot their sex slave.

who knows...may be it's not such a bad idea after all....

wham bam thank you maam or Sir...:funnyface:

no hearts are broken LOL

do robots have hearts?

I sense a hollywood blockbuster in the making!

I bet someone tried to make this hitchhiking robot their sex slave.

Maybe it wasn't well trained in the fine art of eroticism and the disappointment got somebody real pissed off.

What state do you live in?
who knows...may be it's not such a bad idea after all....

wham bam thank you maam or Sir...:funnyface:

no hearts are broken LOL

do robots have hearts?

I sense a hollywood blockbuster in the making!

I bet someone tried to make this hitchhiking robot their sex slave.

Maybe it wasn't well trained in the fine art of eroticism and the disappointment got somebody real pissed off.

What state do you live in?
It's a superb idea. It would end prostitution and make casual sex safe. No more disease. Every guy no matter how fugly can have his own supermodel.
It's a superb idea. It would end prostitution and make casual sex safe. No more disease. Every guy no matter how fugly can have his own supermodel. is cool. Just change the plastic liner or "sock" and you are good to go.. maybe some bleach would help too.. Ugly guys happy… ugly women happy satisfying their constant dream of a foot long and instead of the two minute deal, getting prolonged, unlimited pleasure until they pass out of exhaustion.
Like it or not, it's something that will happen. How many people are just tired of putting up with one another?
Brilliant concept! I suggest that every prog deviate stick his wet little peepee in an electrical device with metal camshafts, gears, and traction motor until orgasm (or dedicktation) is accomplished
Watch a woman on a Sybian. Sex robots are not so far fetched.

And it wouldn't necessarily have to replace relationships with humans. More like keeping people from doing something stupid just to get laid.

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