Seven Texas mall robbery suspects are Mexican nationals, illegals.

Yeah let's keep those borders porous. We need more immigrants like these guys.

"Seven suspects who were arrested in connection with an attempted robbery at a jewelry store in Texas over the weekend have been identified as Mexican nationals that were in the U.S. illegally."

Texas mall robbery suspects ID'd as Mexican nationals in US illegally

I used to live and work in the Detroit, MI area. My job, after getting settled in, was high volume, entry-level headhunting for a start-up staffing agency. Some weeks the handful of client manufacturing companies would put in orders for over one hundred short-term temps, with a few days notice. Now, I was office manager of a staffing office independent of corporate HQ, newly leased for me in a historic downtown building, as well as recruiter, secretary, account manager, etc. I begged them to hire me up some help, but that's a different tale.

At length, my job was to build a database of thousands of low-skill, low education, low wage expectation new hire potentials, all so I could meet weekly mass hire events to meet real time client demands. I alone was responsible for doing orientation briefings for sometimes nearly two hundred potentials, aiding non-English speakers with the application packet, doing on-site instant result drug screening, and verifying applicant citizenship.

Over 95% of my applicants were Hispanic with national origins running the gamut from South and Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc. Of that percentage of new hire potentials, a very large section were either illegally in the U.S. or their immigrant status was so ambiguous as to be indeterminable. In order to meet client labor demands, my company V.P. recommended without my own choice in the matter, hiring the ones we couldn't verify or disqualify on "confirmed" illegal status.

Long story, finally down to the near end, the primary manufacturing company I staffed for that year was located in a small Ohio town. More and more regularly I was sent down there on certain days to hold on-site hiring events and do safety orientations for new hires. What absolutely blew me away, was how a small, fairly remote flatland country town had been transformed into a sideshow amalgamation of national cultures from south of our southern borders. Seemed I alone had aided in the transformation of the generational culture of that town in meeting the labor needs of a busy, booming domestic manufacturer.

While I cannot confirm or deny increase in crime due to the immigrant workers I sent down there, I did get an unwanted front row seat to cultural invasion, assimilation and replacement. That's not to say, in all fairness, I did not enjoy exposure to the different cultures and practice with different dialects--even some indigenous ones, and always felt rewarded in connecting hard workers with jobs. Even if very few of them were U.S. citizens.
before this thread is done, a leftist will call you a racists and say they are not all like that and list some homegrown crooks.

and completely show that they don't care if anyone was harmed.
Every group has it's bad asses. But the bigotry displayed on this board is the equal of those bad asses. The vast majority of those from south of the border that I have met are hard workers, seeking only to have a better life. When the nations south of the border were less violent, they were seasonal workers, and went home every year. Today, they are as much refugees as seasonal workers. Exactly what so many of the ancestors of you bigoted haters were when they came over here. And, yes, they also faced bigoty. "No Irish Need Apply"
Every group has it's bad asses. But the bigotry displayed on this board is the equal of those bad asses. The vast majority of those from south of the border that I have met are hard workers, seeking only to have a better life. When the nations south of the border were less violent, they were seasonal workers, and went home every year. Today, they are as much refugees as seasonal workers. Exactly what so many of the ancestors of you bigoted haters were when they came over here. And, yes, they also faced bigoty. "No Irish Need Apply"
and there it is.

called it
Look, asshole, you cared nothing at all about the victims of Sandy Hook, or the multiple other atrocities possible because of the proliferation of weapons of war in our population. So don't try that hypocrisy on me, this thread is only a conduit for your bigotry. And the fact that low education workers are a threat to people like you that are also low education workers.
Every group has it's bad asses. But the bigotry displayed on this board is the equal of those bad asses. The vast majority of those from south of the border that I have met are hard workers, seeking only to have a better life. When the nations south of the border were less violent, they were seasonal workers, and went home every year. Today, they are as much refugees as seasonal workers. Exactly what so many of the ancestors of you bigoted haters were when they came over here. And, yes, they also faced bigoty. "No Irish Need Apply"
and there it is.

called it

You did.

What the Left doesn't want us to know, is that what they engineer to be a racism divide in America, is really a cultural one. Myself, I never met a person of differing skin tone I couldn't talk to because of so-called race. Cultural difference on the other hand can provide excellent justification for incompatibility between two people, particularly if the cultural norms of one individual include behaviors the other's culture finds offensive or even criminal. But the Left does not want us to understand this historical truth, and would rather weaponize "racial" struggle between peoples, and then force them into eternal conflict for political gain.
Look, asshole, you cared nothing at all about the victims of Sandy Hook, or the multiple other atrocities possible because of the proliferation of weapons of war in our population. So don't try that hypocrisy on me, this thread is only a conduit for your bigotry. And the fact that low education workers are a threat to people like you that are also low education workers.
Lying about me does not exonerate you of your sins.

you support the criminals
you want to let more of them in
you don't care about Americans

your hate for America has led you to support absolute evil
Every group has it's bad asses. But the bigotry displayed on this board is the equal of those bad asses. The vast majority of those from south of the border that I have met are hard workers, seeking only to have a better life. When the nations south of the border were less violent, they were seasonal workers, and went home every year. Today, they are as much refugees as seasonal workers. Exactly what so many of the ancestors of you bigoted haters were when they came over here. And, yes, they also faced bigoty. "No Irish Need Apply"
and there it is.

called it

You did.

What the Left doesn't want us to know, is that what they engineer to be a racism divide in America, is really a cultural one. Myself, I never met a person of differing skin tone I couldn't talk to because of so-called race. Cultural difference on the other hand can provide excellent justification for incompatibility between two people, particularly if the cultural norms of one individual include behaviors the other's culture finds offensive or even criminal. But the Left does not want us to understand this historical truth, and would rather weaponize "racial" struggle between peoples, and then force them into eternal conflict for political gain.
Nice to see someone else that understands that racism is a leftist wedge used to keep us at each others throats.

good luck convincing anyone on the left of that, they simply run with blinders on.
Every group has it's bad asses. But the bigotry displayed on this board is the equal of those bad asses. The vast majority of those from south of the border that I have met are hard workers, seeking only to have a better life. When the nations south of the border were less violent, they were seasonal workers, and went home every year. Today, they are as much refugees as seasonal workers. Exactly what so many of the ancestors of you bigoted haters were when they came over here. And, yes, they also faced bigoty. "No Irish Need Apply"
and there it is.

called it

You did.

What the Left doesn't want us to know, is that what they engineer to be a racism divide in America, is really a cultural one. Myself, I never met a person of differing skin tone I couldn't talk to because of so-called race. Cultural difference on the other hand can provide excellent justification for incompatibility between two people, particularly if the cultural norms of one individual include behaviors the other's culture finds offensive or even criminal. But the Left does not want us to understand this historical truth, and would rather weaponize "racial" struggle between peoples, and then force them into eternal conflict for political gain.
Nice to see someone else that understands that racism is a leftist wedge used to keep us at each others throats.

good luck convincing anyone on the left of that, they simply run with blinders on.


Leftist postmodernist thinkers believe there are an infinite number of ways for interpreting the world. However, we have to ask ourselves how many of those ways are good for individual citizens and society.
Yeah let's keep those borders porous. We need more immigrants like these guys.

"Seven suspects who were arrested in connection with an attempted robbery at a jewelry store in Texas over the weekend have been identified as Mexican nationals that were in the U.S. illegally."

Texas mall robbery suspects ID'd as Mexican nationals in US illegally

Hell they are lucky the Texans didn't blow them away. Most Texans are armed and not afraid to use a gun.

To bad. Those seven will now reside in our jail so we can support their stupid illegal asses.
Every group has it's bad asses. But the bigotry displayed on this board is the equal of those bad asses. The vast majority of those from south of the border that I have met are hard workers, seeking only to have a better life. When the nations south of the border were less violent, they were seasonal workers, and went home every year. Today, they are as much refugees as seasonal workers. Exactly what so many of the ancestors of you bigoted haters were when they came over here. And, yes, they also faced bigoty. "No Irish Need Apply"

Bigotry against a bunch of thieves??

What world do you live in you ignorant asshole??
The vast majority of those from south of the border that I have met are hard workers, seeking only to have a better life.

The fact that many of them broke our laws just to get here is to be overlooked. Perhaps we can overlook bank robbery and murder. The only crime worth pursuing is imagined Russian collusion.
Every group has it's bad asses. But the bigotry displayed on this board is the equal of those bad asses. The vast majority of those from south of the border that I have met are hard workers, seeking only to have a better life. When the nations south of the border were less violent, they were seasonal workers, and went home every year. Today, they are as much refugees as seasonal workers. Exactly what so many of the ancestors of you bigoted haters were when they came over here. And, yes, they also faced bigoty. "No Irish Need Apply"
If they are so great why don’t they stay in their countries and make them great? Call us bigots all you want but we have immigration laws and borders and we expect people to honor that. Why do ewe hate America?

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