Setting The Record Straight


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Seems that some of the members here believe that all the other groups, even other black populations outside of America hate blacks as much as they do. Well, that's just not so.

History of the Asian American Civil Rights Movement

During the Asian American civil rights movement of the 1960s and '70s, activists fought for the development of ethnic studies programs in universities, an end to the Vietnam War, and reparations for Japanese Americans forced into internment camps during World War II. The movement had come to a close by the late 1980s.

The Birth of Yellow Power
By watching Black people expose institutional racism and government hypocrisy, Asian Americans began to identify how they, too, had faced discrimination in the United States.

“The ‘Black power’ movement caused many Asian Americans to question themselves,” wrote Amy Uyematsu in “The Emergence of Yellow Power,” a 1969 essay.

Also, a founding member of the Black Panther Party—Richard Aoki—was Japanese American.
A military veteran who spent his early years in an internment camp, Aoki donated weapons to the Black Panthers and trained them in their use.

Important Events of the Asian American Civil Rights Movement
Seems that some of the members here believe that all the other groups, even other black populations outside of America hate blacks as much as they do. Well, that's just not so.

History of the Asian American Civil Rights Movement

During the Asian American civil rights movement of the 1960s and '70s, activists fought for the development of ethnic studies programs in universities, an end to the Vietnam War, and reparations for Japanese Americans forced into internment camps during World War II. The movement had come to a close by the late 1980s.

The Birth of Yellow Power
By watching Black people expose institutional racism and government hypocrisy, Asian Americans began to identify how they, too, had faced discrimination in the United States.

“The ‘Black power’ movement caused many Asian Americans to question themselves,” wrote Amy Uyematsu in “The Emergence of Yellow Power,” a 1969 essay.

Also, a founding member of the Black Panther Party—Richard Aoki—was Japanese American.
A military veteran who spent his early years in an internment camp, Aoki donated weapons to the Black Panthers and trained them in their use.

Important Events of the Asian American Civil Rights Movement

The group that hates blacks the most is of course the DemoKKKrat party. Yet you keep voting for them.
Seems that some of the members here believe that all the other groups, even other black populations outside of America hate blacks as much as they do. Well, that's just not so.

History of the Asian American Civil Rights Movement

During the Asian American civil rights movement of the 1960s and '70s, activists fought for the development of ethnic studies programs in universities, an end to the Vietnam War, and reparations for Japanese Americans forced into internment camps during World War II. The movement had come to a close by the late 1980s.

The Birth of Yellow Power
By watching Black people expose institutional racism and government hypocrisy, Asian Americans began to identify how they, too, had faced discrimination in the United States.

“The ‘Black power’ movement caused many Asian Americans to question themselves,” wrote Amy Uyematsu in “The Emergence of Yellow Power,” a 1969 essay.

Also, a founding member of the Black Panther Party—Richard Aoki—was Japanese American.
A military veteran who spent his early years in an internment camp, Aoki donated weapons to the Black Panthers and trained them in their use.

Important Events of the Asian American Civil Rights Movement
Seems that one of the USMB members has spent so much time reading Black history, he is living in it.
The group that hates blacks the most is of course the DemoKKKrat party. Yet you keep voting for them.
Why is it that you white republicans keep trying this? Your party is the white racist party. We know that. You know that. And we know that you guys hope to fool enough blacks to gain power and take us back to days we don't want to see again.
If someone here honestly said they hate all blacks in America & so does everyone else, that would indeed be a racist statement about others. It is not so at all & should be countered with the facts.
Somebody whose every comment is about race & makes it the main focus of their life is also making a racist statement about themselves. This is obvious & should be countered with the facts.

A Civil Rights History: Latino/Hispanic Americans

Throughout the first half of the 20th century, for example, the American government seemed to be of two minds regarding immigration. In 1942, as millions of young men went off to war, the United States needed cheap labor. The government instituted the bracero program, which admitted thousands of Mexican nationals to the U.S. under contracts to work in agriculture and other seasonal jobs. Some called the program “legalized slavery.”

But in 1953, the U.S. Government launched “Operation Wetback,” a program to send people of Mexican descent to Mexico. More than 3.8 million people were deported through the operation, many of them, American citizens.

Latino and Hispanic resistance to discrimination, violence and the United States’ push-pull immigration policy began to take shape as early as the 1920s. Cannery and factory workers in the Southwest formed unions. The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) opened its doors in 1929 with the mission of fighting injustices such as racially segregated West Coast schools and discriminatory hiring practices at railroads.

In the 1960s, Latinos and Hispanics made their fight for equality even more visible, modeling their actions on the successful African-American struggle for civil rights. In 1962, Cesar Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association. In 1965, his fledgling organization started a boycott on grape growers that exploited their Latino and Hispanic workers.

Whites are going to become a minority. You best humble up, because members of your race who were in power made policies that fucked over everybody not white and to this second whites have refused to do what it takes to fix the damage. So as you all push for an end to AA, remember that.
You can't set either record straight, not with heat and a press or brains...

History doesn't end. History is right now. And the lie that white racism is in the past is just that, a lie.
History is never "right now". The present is always "right now"
History is always the past.
I'll admit there is still white racism.
Are you honest enough to admit there is also black racism?
If someone here honestly said they hate all blacks in America & so does everyone else, that would indeed be a racist statement about others. It is not so at all & should be countered with the facts.
Somebody whose every comment is about race & makes it the main focus of their life is also making a racist statement about themselves. This is obvious & should be countered with the facts.
Like I said, there are members here who seem to believe that every other group hates blacks as much as they do. Comments of that nature have been made. Asians are supposed to hate blacks more than whites do. Hispanics are supposed to hate blacks more than whites do. Africans are supposed to dislike American blacks according to some members here. These things have been said.
History is never "right now". The present is always "right now"
History is always the past.
I'll admit there is still white racism.
Are you honest enough to admit there is also black racism?
History is right now.

What you call black racism is our response to white racism. You don't want to understand that and that's your problem. Because no one black made any laws or policies to deny whites of anything.
You sure like to throw the "lie" word around. Have you ever considered you are actually living a lie?
No, because I'm not. And it is a lie that white racism is a thing of the past.
History is right now.

What you call black racism is our response to white racism. You don't want to understand that and that's your problem. Because no one black made any laws or policies to deny whites of anything.
SO black racism is OK because there is white racism... so the white racists say it's ok because there is black racism.
Fighting racism with more racism is a fools game & just digging a deeper hole.
What actual laws or policies are denying blacks of anything now?
That far left never teaches their loyal followers the history of slavery, including those that sold the slaves.

And FDR put Japanese in Camps just for being Japanese and that far left celebrate him for this!
Seems that some of the members here believe that all the other groups, even other black populations outside of America hate blacks as much as they do. Well, that's just not so.

Dont know that "some of the members" here believe anything like that. Are you saying it's not possible to FIND racial bias against American blacks in any other corner of the world?

If you want to toss the ball and catch it yourself -- that's fun to watch. :banana:
Like I said, there are members here who seem to believe that every other group hates blacks as much as they do. Comments of that nature have been made. Asians are supposed to hate blacks more than whites do. Hispanics are supposed to hate blacks more than whites do.

Why is "MORE" important to you in those statements? Why not "SOME" or "just as much"?

There IS a lot of black hate for Asians and Hispanics. Also actual conflict in communities. Also the other way around. If you ARE a history buff, you KNOW that Asian stores were targeted in some city riots and competition for housing, jobs, schools is a source of race irritation TODAY and recently.

Also seems to be a lot of black on asian crime increase during and since COvid. Especially in NYC.

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