Seriously, what did Trump do wrong?

All this contrived emotion from Democrats over a situation they intended to happen from the start.

But was what he said really so outrageous? He complimented the mother of a fallen service member by calling her a good Muslim.

A good Muslim woman submits to her husband, lets him speak for her, and applies copious amounts of makeup to conceal the bruises in public.

Donald Trump, ever the gentleman, highlighted the traits esteemed so highly in Islam. Really, isn't the Left making themselves out to be just a tad silly with all this faux rage?
Trump really hasn't done anything wrong, its just that we don't like the bitch and I'm glad a muslim is taking his white ass down down down....LOLOLOLOL
All this contrived emotion from Democrats over a situation they intended to happen from the start.

But was what he said really so outrageous? He complimented the mother of a fallen service member by calling her a good Muslim.

A good Muslim woman submits to her husband, lets him speak for her, and applies copious amounts of makeup to conceal the bruises in public.

Donald Trump, ever the gentleman, highlighted the traits esteemed so highly in Islam. Really, isn't the Left making themselves out to be just a tad silly with all this faux rage?
All this contrived emotion from Democrats over a situation they intended to happen from the start.

But was what he said really so outrageous? He complimented the mother of a fallen service member by calling her a good Muslim.

A good Muslim woman submits to her husband, lets him speak for her, and applies copious amounts of makeup to conceal the bruises in public.

Donald Trump, ever the gentleman, highlighted the traits esteemed so highly in Islam. Really, isn't the Left making themselves out to be just a tad silly with all this faux rage?
Trump really hasn't done anything wrong, its just that we don't like the bitch and I'm glad a muslim is taking his white ass down down down....LOLOLOLOL
Honesty. Refreshing. Thank you.
His bad rep is the result of liberal media's shameless pathological lying. Every time I watch a Trump speech, the liberal pigs in the media immediately tell a bunch of panicked, foaming-at-the-mouth lies about everything the Don says. For example, at one rally months ago Trump said, "Everyone who supports me in the primaries, raise your right hand." Which they did. Then the next day the liberal MEDIA COCKSUCKERS LIED, showed a pic of the audience raising their right hand, and said they were performing the Sieg Heil salute......even though liberal subhuman walking diseases support the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating religion on earth, Pisslam.
His bad rep is the result of liberal media's shameless pathological lying. Every time I watch a Trump speech, the liberal pigs in the media immediately tell a bunch of panicked, foaming-at-the-mouth lies about everything the Don says. For example, at one rally months ago Trump said, "Everyone who supports me in the primaries, raise your right hand." Which they did. Then the next day the liberal MEDIA COCKSUCKERS LIED, showed a pic of the audience raising their right hand, and said they were performing the Sieg Heil salute......even though liberal subhuman walking diseases support the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating religion on earth, Pisslam.
That was brilliant.
It's good to see the lily-livered, panty-waisted, scared-of-their-own-shadow Liberals finally realising that the right don't believe in playing nice and are using their own tactics against them.
Good job.
It is absolute full court press by pravda. He did nothing wrong. Nothing.

Trust this. It is from both sides.

It is a show and has been for quite a while. The Bush family are on the same side as clinton for Christ's sake.

What else do we need to know. Trump will be taken out one way or the worst way.

He will not be allowed to take office. Do you see how relentless it is?
Explain why the mass media has avoided all of these....

Theowl32 , I cannot tell if you are auditioning for a late nite comedy job or if this bullsh!t rant of yours is meant to be taken seriously. You should use smiley faces or something and give us a hint.

There are times it is better to just shut the hell up.

Trump has got to master that.

Thankfully, he'll have plenty of time to work on it after the election. After Election Day, it is back to screwing vendors for The Donald.
Frank is a prophet of God.

And Hillary is our Guardian Angel sent from His Face to protect us from nuclear incoming war.
Saudi is one out of the tens of Muslim countries out there. In every other Muslim country a woman can drive. Saudi and Iran are the only contries that make hijab mandatory. In every other Muslim country you can wear what you want.

Pakistan and Indonesia have had female leaders. While our country hasn't has any( hopefully that changes in Novemeber).
I have been in 6 car accidents all of which caused by women none of which my fault.

I think KSA has got the right idea then about women NOT driving.

They don't have the attention span for it.

They think they are sitting in their living room watching tv.

They don't understand the danger.
All this contrived emotion from Democrats over a situation they intended to happen from the start.

But was what he said really so outrageous? He complimented the mother of a fallen service member by calling her a good Muslim.

A good Muslim woman submits to her husband, lets him speak for her, and applies copious amounts of makeup to conceal the bruises in public.

Donald Trump, ever the gentleman, highlighted the traits esteemed so highly in Islam. Really, isn't the Left making themselves out to be just a tad silly with all this faux rage?

Trump didn't do anything wrong. The establishment, including demorats and repigs hate him because he wants to end mass illegal immigration, including ending the bringing of tens of thousands of muslims here under the refugee program. What normal person who loves his country wouldn't want an end to this crap. Especially since we've seen what a disaster this has been in Sweden, Germany, France and just about every other country where muslims have gone. Give these bastards hell Donald.
There are times it is better to just shut the hell up.

Trump has got to master that.

Thankfully, he'll have plenty of time to work on it after the election. After Election Day, it is back to screwing vendors for The Donald.
Frank is a prophet of God.

And Hillary is our Guardian Angel sent from His Face to protect us from nuclear incoming war.
Or she will bring you a nuclear war. There's still a snuke in her snatch. I don't think they ever got that out of her. If she does a State of the Union address, she could take out the entire federal government.
Trump didn't do anything wrong. The establishment, including demorats and repigs hate him because he wants to end mass illegal immigration, including ending the bringing of tens of thousands of muslims here under the refugee program. What normal person who loves his country wouldn't want an end to this crap. Especially since we've seen what a disaster this has been in Sweden, Germany, France and just about every other country where muslims have gone. Give these bastards hell Donald.

So I am going to guess that you went to public (not private) high school and did NOT go to college and you drink a lot of beers ?!

N'est pas ?!
There are times it is better to just shut the hell up.

Trump has got to master that.

Thankfully, he'll have plenty of time to work on it after the election. After Election Day, it is back to screwing vendors for The Donald.
Frank is a prophet of God.

And Hillary is our Guardian Angel sent from His Face to protect us from nuclear incoming war.
Or she will bring you a nuclear war. There's still a snuke in her snatch. I don't think they ever got that out of her. If she does a State of the Union address, she could take out the entire federal government.

Insanity is clinton being allowed to run for prez since she's proven she can't be trusted with the security of the country. Then there's the Clinton Cash thing that the robots who support here don't care about.
His bad rep is the result of liberal media's shameless pathological lying. Every time I watch a Trump speech, the liberal pigs in the media immediately tell a bunch of panicked, foaming-at-the-mouth lies about everything the Don says. For example, at one rally months ago Trump said, "Everyone who supports me in the primaries, raise your right hand." Which they did. Then the next day the liberal MEDIA COCKSUCKERS LIED, showed a pic of the audience raising their right hand, and said they were performing the Sieg Heil salute......even though liberal subhuman walking diseases support the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating religion on earth, Pisslam.
That was brilliant.
It's good to see the lily-livered, panty-waisted, scared-of-their-own-shadow Liberals finally realising that the right don't believe in playing nice and are using their own tactics against them.
Good job.
Yeah. Unfortunately , when the war in Afghanistan started the radicals and Taliban poured into the country and spread their cancerous idealolgies. A good friend of mine actually use to live along the border. She said it was a real beautiful area when she was small but when the Taliban came they trashed it and robbed the people.
I'm sure they were very peaceful. After they slaughtered all the remaining Hindus after the secession from India and loaded all their bodies onto a train to ship back to India.

Islam has never been peaceful. Not ever.

Hindus have also killed many Muslims. Hindus and Muslims were killing each other.
Have Hindus ever massecred peaceful Muslims on the scale I just described? No?

No comparison?


You don't know much about the history of the SubContinent, do you?

The violence was far from one-sided.
I know their history well. Muslims were always the aggressors.

BIG surprise.
The story of the subcontinent is that Arab Muslims invaded and tried to Islamicize it, and decades later hundreds of millions of dead Hindus later, they succeeded. How the hell did the shithole Muslim nation named Pakistan get formed anyhow? It is a remnant of the Muslim invasion.
Hindus have also killed many Muslims. Hindus and Muslims were killing each other.
Have Hindus ever massecred peaceful Muslims on the scale I just described? No?

No comparison?


You don't know much about the history of the SubContinent, do you?

The violence was far from one-sided.
I know their history well. Muslims were always the aggressors.

BIG surprise.

You can't be serious. Hindus and Muslims did some really nasty things to each other. There is still animosity between the two groups in current day India. Muslims are treated worse than crap in India. Being harassed and even killed. The same thing goes for the Hindus in Pakistan.

You are either ignorant or just in denial about the violence committed by both religious groups in that region.
Now I'm beginning to understand. You're one of those types that lies one after the other and then lies to cover up the shortcomings generated by previous lies. Muslims are neither being persecuted or killed by Hindus in India. Like a typical Leftist, who is nothing more than a large child, you exaggerate or even just make up Islamic oppression. You people say the same crap about Muslims here. Oh the injustice, oh the plight because those mean, intolerant Republicans say unkind things about them!

Meanwhile, Muslims behead, burn alive, bury alive, drown, shoot, hang, and throw off rooftops gays, religious minorities, or children who didn't fast during Ramadan.

Nothing happening in India remotely resembles that.

Stop lying, Leftists!

What do you expect? Nia is a Muslim.
Saudi is one out of the tens of Muslim countries out there. In every other Muslim country a woman can drive. Saudi and Iran are the only contries that make hijab mandatory. In every other Muslim country you can wear what you want.

Pakistan and Indonesia have had female leaders. While our country hasn't has any( hopefully that changes in Novemeber).
I have been in 6 car accidents all of which caused by women none of which my fault.

I think KSA has got the right idea then about women NOT driving.

They don't have the attention span for it.

They think they are sitting in their living room watching tv.

They don't understand the danger.
I am a victim of the "perfect storm" on the road, I got hit by a Asian woman that was a senior!

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