Ben Shapiro banned from Depaul...left wingers are too violent and Depaul can't protect him


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
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Yep..... Ben Shapiro is banned from Depaul...because the violent left wingers can't be stopped by University Security....

DePaul University Bans Ben Shapiro From Campus For Triggering Students

According to the explaination from DePaul, triggered students apparently can't handle themselves or behave properly and therefore, the event is bring shut down in the name of security.

Last week, DePaul University informed the DePaul Young Americans for Freedom chapter (of which I am Vice Chairman) that they plan to partake in this attack. DePaul University has banned conservative commentator Ben Shapiro from appearing on campus. Mr. Shapiro’s strong defense of the Constitution and conservative values is apparently too much for the University and its students to handle.

Bob Janis, Vice President of Facilities Operations at DePaul, in an email to the DePaul YAF chapter’s executive board, said, "Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time.”

Frankly, this is an embarrassment for DePaul.
The event was being sponsored by Young America's Foundation and has been in the works for months.
This is the guy they won't let speak......the fascists truly do run our universities now....

It's over guys. It's over.
Shapiro's a little shit. He probably deserved it.

But 2aguy didn't you know that Shapiro's a RINO now? He's against Trump because Trump's a social and fiscal liberal.

The violent left cannot be controlled by the campus left wing bureaucrats.....
Shapiro's a little shit. He probably deserved it.

Way to be objective there. The fact is conservative speakers frequently meet this type of resistance at college campuses whereas left wing speakers do not. You never see conservative students out there threatening and assaulting leftist speakers or people trying to attend their events. It is always the other way around and the university administrators much of the time do nothing to address this double standard.

University education is supposed to foster the free exchange of ideas so people can learn how to think, not be programmed as to what to think. That means you need to be exposed to all viewpoints no matter how offensive one might deem them.
How long before triggering is a defense to violent attack?
This is Ben Shapiro....a man so dangerous that Depaul can't keep him safe.......

Here he is on gay marriage, gun control.......and he is soooooo scary.....those little college kids just can't take it...

Here is the dangerous Ben Shapiro....taking on women.............hide.....Ben Shapiro wants to speak on your campus.....

Yep..... Ben Shapiro is banned from Depaul...because the violent left wingers can't be stopped by University Security....

DePaul University Bans Ben Shapiro From Campus For Triggering Students

According to the explaination from DePaul, triggered students apparently can't handle themselves or behave properly and therefore, the event is bring shut down in the name of security.

Last week, DePaul University informed the DePaul Young Americans for Freedom chapter (of which I am Vice Chairman) that they plan to partake in this attack. DePaul University has banned conservative commentator Ben Shapiro from appearing on campus. Mr. Shapiro’s strong defense of the Constitution and conservative values is apparently too much for the University and its students to handle.

Bob Janis, Vice President of Facilities Operations at DePaul, in an email to the DePaul YAF chapter’s executive board, said, "Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time.”

Frankly, this is an embarrassment for DePaul.
The event was being sponsored by Young America's Foundation and has been in the works for months.
Yeah, send your kids to DePaul where the campus is so violent they admit it's out of their ability to control it.
Yep..... Ben Shapiro is banned from Depaul...because the violent left wingers can't be stopped by University Security....

DePaul University Bans Ben Shapiro From Campus For Triggering Students

According to the explaination from DePaul, triggered students apparently can't handle themselves or behave properly and therefore, the event is bring shut down in the name of security.

Last week, DePaul University informed the DePaul Young Americans for Freedom chapter (of which I am Vice Chairman) that they plan to partake in this attack. DePaul University has banned conservative commentator Ben Shapiro from appearing on campus. Mr. Shapiro’s strong defense of the Constitution and conservative values is apparently too much for the University and its students to handle.

Bob Janis, Vice President of Facilities Operations at DePaul, in an email to the DePaul YAF chapter’s executive board, said, "Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time.”

Frankly, this is an embarrassment for DePaul.
The event was being sponsored by Young America's Foundation and has been in the works for months.
Pull any and all Federal funding from DePaul University. That include paving any street leading to the campus. If the Conservative students would threaten to riot if BLM holds a meeting on campus, the University would bring out the riot police.
Is this the one where dems are peacenik hippies or the one where they are super violent ass kickers?
Yep..... Ben Shapiro is banned from Depaul...because the violent left wingers can't be stopped by University Security....

DePaul University Bans Ben Shapiro From Campus For Triggering Students

According to the explaination from DePaul, triggered students apparently can't handle themselves or behave properly and therefore, the event is bring shut down in the name of security.

Last week, DePaul University informed the DePaul Young Americans for Freedom chapter (of which I am Vice Chairman) that they plan to partake in this attack. DePaul University has banned conservative commentator Ben Shapiro from appearing on campus. Mr. Shapiro’s strong defense of the Constitution and conservative values is apparently too much for the University and its students to handle.

Bob Janis, Vice President of Facilities Operations at DePaul, in an email to the DePaul YAF chapter’s executive board, said, "Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time.”

Frankly, this is an embarrassment for DePaul.
The event was being sponsored by Young America's Foundation and has been in the works for months.
The administration at DePaul is likely completely sympathetic to the violent libtard students. The students claiming that they would do this is simply a cover for the administration to do what they want to do already.

College/University admins have been pulling this crap for the last 50 years.
Shapiro's a little shit. He probably deserved it.

Way to be objective there. The fact is conservative speakers frequently meet this type of resistance at college campuses whereas left wing speakers do not. You never see conservative students out there threatening and assaulting leftist speakers or people trying to attend their events. It is always the other way around and the university administrators much of the time do nothing to address this double standard.

University education is supposed to foster the free exchange of ideas so people can learn how to think, not be programmed as to what to think. That means you need to be exposed to all viewpoints no matter how offensive one might deem them.
Universities in the USA have not had a free exchange of ideas on a broad scope in 60 years.

The social Marxist took control way back then and have been using leftist student groups to maintain the illusion of neutrality ever since.

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