Serious question


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
When the non-racist, non-misogynist, non-homophobic, non-bigoted, everyday ordinary people get so sick of you calling them racists, misogynists, homophobes, and bigots that they go out and vote against your candidate, do you:

A. Reevaluate your personal conduct and strategy of convincing people to share your politics?


B. Call them racists, misogynists, homophobes, and bigots and yell at them even more?

According to most of you far left folks, you chose B. And that's why your candidate lost.

(H/T to the author of this image)
When the non-racist, non-misogynist, non-homophobic, non-bigoted, everyday ordinary people get so sick of you calling them racists, misogynists, homophobes, and bigots that they go out and vote against your candidate, do you:

A. Reevaluate your personal conduct and strategy of convincing people to share your politics?


B. Call them racists, misogynists, homophobes, and bigots and yell at them even more?

According to most of you far left folks, you chose B. And that's why your candidate lost.

(H/T to the author of this image)

Without identity politics they wouldn't be able to fund their fake outrage agenda.
Democrat Race-Baiting will not go away. It's a tool used to keep African Americans in line. It's a dirty Divide and Conquer tactic. Saul Alinsky wrote the book on Communist Organizing. Obama, Clinton, and most Democrats are devout Alinsky disciples. It's all in his 'Rules for Radicals', if anyone's interested in checking it out.
Democrat Race-Baiting will not go away. It's a tool used to keep African Americans in line. It's a dirty Divide and Conquer tactic. Saul Alinsky wrote the book on Communist Organizing. Obama, Clinton, and most Democrats are devout Alinsky disciples. It's all in his 'Rules for Radicals', if anyone's interested in checking it out.

Actually, it's a cover for lack of a decent defense for their candidates and political views. Insecurity and insufficiency.
When the non-racist, non-misogynist, non-homophobic, non-bigoted, everyday ordinary people get so sick of you calling them racists, misogynists, homophobes, and bigots that they go out and vote against your candidate, do you:

A. Reevaluate your personal conduct and strategy of convincing people to share your politics?


B. Call them racists, misogynists, homophobes, and bigots and yell at them even more?

According to most of you far left folks, you chose B. And that's why your candidate lost.

(H/T to the author of this image)
What about the other side that does equal name calling, such as:
Socialist Marxist Communist femininazi censors of free speech
Fascist thugs freeloaders
Unamerican or people who hate America Unpatriotic Tyrants Traitors

Aren't there guilty people on both sides
who project blame by labels to
justify demonizing the target group?
Aren't there guilty people on both sides who project blame by labels to justify demonizing the target group?

Yes, there are. But because the culture described in my OP was given 8 years to flourish under a Democratic presidency, it became a thorn in ordinary American sides/lives. It went on so long that people got tired of a politically correct culture. This is what happened as a result:

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