"Seniors" and their Pets


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Sitting around the dinner table with four other couples, all retired, halfway through a 15-day cruise, and the subject turns to "What do you miss about home?"

Pets. "I miss my dogs." "I miss my cat."

And the conversation lasted for more than an hour, with each of them speaking fondly of their pets, and how wonderful and smart and lovable their pets are - many of them quite ancient and probably near their scheduled expiration date - and how devastating it will be when that inevitable day comes...

My God, I have considered getting a dog but after this, there is simply no way. I like HUMANS. I miss my friends and golf buddies and bowling buddies, and the people I talk to at the gym, and my brothers and sister. Hearing people talk like this about their fucking DOGS just gives me the creeps. It's an ANIMAL, people; it's not a member of the family.

And you know when the stupid dog dies, the emotional outpouring will be more intense than when a lot of their friends and relatives pass on.

It is sick.

Of course, I would never express this in the middle of the aforementioned conversation, but as I say, it gave me the creeps.

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