Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

"Sounds more like you want validation for submitting to an experimental therapy."
My apology if my avatar wasn't clear enough for the good poster Concerned American.
Both he, and I, thought that this disclaimer was enough to alert most readers:

Yeah, I could see that argument being made by sincere folks.
I'm not saying I would make that argument....but I can see the traction in the argument.

But, we are not here to judge.
We are mildly sure he is a busy guy, and merely sped-read through the post......and didn't catch the nuance.

Hey, it happens.
My apology if my avatar wasn't clear enough for the good poster Concerned American.
Both he, and I, thought that this disclaimer was enough to alert most readers:

But, we are not here to judge.
We are mildly sure he is a busy guy, and merely sped-read through the post......and didn't catch the nuance.

Hey, it happens.
Probably a waste of my time because you resort to it every time your debate fails, but your avatar and you are one and the same and the third person narrative just makes you sound more like a moron--your avatar as well. Also, I have discovered on this board that when it comes to leftists, it is best to take all posts literally because when they lose, they alway resort to "Oh gee, I was being sarcastic" or "That's not what I meant" or "It was a typo" Say what you mean, skip the nuance. Communicate.
True. One cannot fix Stupid.

Amen to that.

Proof is right here....

"I voted for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe because Rump was an existential threat to American representative democracy. " - Kondor3

cc: OhPleaseJustQuit
Germany represents the vaccinated. And in the beginning they were kicking everybodies, ass. It wasn't until 1943 that the tide turned.
Germany is 71% fully vaccinated, but 96% of recent COVID cases were in fully-vaccinated. That's negative vaccine effectiveness...

Page 14...


And here is data for all of Denmark...


The vaccinated are the superspreaders. They are infected and have milder symptoms.

Fauci said yesterday that boosted people are getting infected, so you should only hang out with other boosted people. Think about that for a moment...
Amen to that.

Proof is right here....

"I voted for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe because Rump was an existential threat to American representative democracy. " - Kondor3

cc: OhPleaseJustQuit
Incorrect. That was an honest explanation of loyal Americans' reaction to an arrogant power-mad con-man.

Because Omicron is vastly more contagious than its predecessor strain(s).

Biden told everyone if they got two shots, they could stop wearing masks. Then just two months later, he told everyone to put masks back on. This was during Delta.

Anyone with half a brain at that point should have realized that the vaccines were broken.

You still believe Fauci? Everything he told you has been proven to be false. What does that say about you?

Fool me once... and so on...

Everyone in medicine knew this would happen. Respiratory viruses mutate quickly and have animal reservoirs. They CANNOT be defeated with vaccines, only worsened. We have had influenza vaccines for over six decades, and they are tuned at least annually, but in a good year, they are only about 50% effective. In a bad year, less than 20%.

Everyone knew this would happen. But they thank you for helping boost the big pharma stocks, and making all of them very rich...


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Biden told everyone if they got two shots, they could stop wearing masks. Then just two months later, he told everyone to put masks back on. This was during Delta.

Anyone with half a brain at that point should have realized that the vaccines were broken.

You still believe Fauci? Everything he told you has been proven to be false. What does that say about you?

Fool me once... and so on...

Everyone in medicine knew this would happen. Respiratory viruses mutate quickly and have animal reservoirs. They CANNOT be defeated with vaccines, only worsened. We have had influenza vaccines for over six decades, and they are tuned at least annually, but in a good year, they are only about 50% effective. In a bad year, less than 20%.

Everyone knew this would happen. But they thank you for helping boost the big pharma stocks, and making all of them very rich...
View attachment 583338
C'mon man, he surrounded his house with chain link fabric--now he doesn't have to worry about flies and skeeters.
They think the vaccine is like a bulletproof vest that doesn't work, because somebody got shot in the arm or the leg.

LOL. THey told you to get vaccinated because it will prevent infection. So you got your shots. Then they told you, ooops, it doesn't prevent infection, but it will probably prevent you from getting very sick.

They continue to lie to you, and you continue to believe them.

I guess that is understandable. After all, you voluntarily injected yourself with a vaccine that makes your own body produce a spike protein, which your own body then creates antibodies to fight. You would probably believe anything that comes from official government sources you trust, LOL.
That's a lie. Omicron was first detected in Botswana, which had a 17% vaccination rate (35% single dose) which means 83% of the population where it started weren't fully vaccinated.


The first four cases of Omicron were in fully-vaccinated individuals who were on government travel...
Because I am vax'ed and boosted.
Your vax and boost provides mediocre protection to the Alpha spike protein only. Delta mutated the spike, and so did Omicron.

I had COVID. I have antibodies to multiple parts of virus. And I have T- and B-cells in my bone marrow which can spring to life and produce antibodies for years.

You might want to quit getting so many unnatural injections at some point. There are signs that it messes up both innate and adaptive immunity, reducing your ability to fight other diseases, but thanks for being a guinea pig.
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Your vax and boost provides mediocre protection to the Alpha spike protein only. Delta mutated the spike, and so did Omicron.

I had COVID. I have antibodies to multiple parts of virus. And I have T- and B-cells in my bone marrow which can spring to life and produce antibodies for years.

You might want to quit getting so many unnatural injections at some point. There are signs that it messes up both innate and adaptive immunity, reducing your ability to fight other diseases, but thanks for being a guinea pig.
I had COVID too. I spent 24 days in hospital 11 in ICU. 13 in step-down. Spring 2020. So what?

I have daily conversational access to Federal immunology researchers and they understand the need for full vax'ing and boosters even with a COVID history.

I'll take their word (and that of my PhD microbiology SME neice) before that of any of you lightweight amateur opinion vocalists.
I had COVID too. I spent 24 days in hospital 11 in ICU. 13 in step-down. Spring 2020. So what?

I have daily conversational access to Federal immunology researchers and they understand the need for full vax'ing and boosters even with a COVID history.

I'll take their word (and that of my PhD microbiology SME neice) before that of any of you lightweight amateur opinion vocalists.
You see, that is the difference between you arrogant vaxxers and we unvaxxed. We don't GAF whether you had it or not, nor who you know or who you blow. We are satisfied in our health care choices and don't need approval nor validation from you. For some reason, along with the jab, you folks feel it is incumbent on you to tell others how to live their lives and disparage them when they don't follow your lead. As has been said many times in these threads and disregarded in all, YOU DO YOU, and I"LL DO ME. Do you have problems understanding that? Keep your nose on your own face or it is likely to get flattened.
You see, that is the difference between you arrogant vaxxers and we unvaxxed.
There are a great many differences... none of which reflect credit upon you-and-yours
We don't GAF whether you had it or not
I wasn't talking to you at the time, big mouth... I was responding to another poster who had initiated that sequence by claiming that HE had had COVID.
nor who you know
Yes. I can understand how routine conversations about COVID with immunology researchers and microbiologists might unsettle your delusion.
or who you blow.
I'd wipe that Orange Kool-Aid your lips before I said anything more in that vein... :auiqs.jpg:
We are satisfied in our health care choices
Again... that's fine... just don't expect to be allowed in public spaces or on public transportation as this pandemic deepens...
and don't need approval nor validation from you.
True. But you WILL need a vax-card to go into a restaurant or village hall or school or bus or airplane, as this drags on.
For some reason, along with the jab, you folks feel it is incumbent on you to tell others how to live their lives and disparage them when they don't follow your lead.
Nope. We're just telling you that you can't stay in the military nor government service nor go into restaurants, etc., to endanger the Sane Folk.
As has been said many times in these threads and disregarded in all, YOU DO YOU, and I"LL DO ME.
That goes right out the window during a prolonged Public Health Emergency... the Law provides the precedents... rational, sane jurisdictions will use them.
Do you have problems understanding that?
Nope. It's quite clear. Wrong. Irrational. Myopic. Selfish. Unhealthy. But still wrong.

Unfortunately for you, it's also dangerous to the Public Health and will continue to be treated as such; increasingly so, as the pandemic deepens.

Keep your nose on your own face or it is likely to get flattened.
Nahhhhh... we'll just let The Law (in its Public Health Emergency incarnation) deal with silly, delusional folks like yourself. MUCH more fun that way. :cool:
There are a great many differences... none of which reflect credit upon you-and-yours
And you think that I GAF what your communist opinion is?
I wasn't talking to you at the time, big mouth... I was responding to another poster who had initiated that sequence by claiming that HE had had COVID.
I also have had covid. And I'll direct your attention that this is a PUBLIC forum, if you want to have a private conversation, do it. If your going to air your laundry, don't be surprised when someone else enters in.
Yes. I can understand how routine conversations about COVID with immunology researchers and microbiologists might unsettle your delusion.
Yes, I can understand how you can have conversations, apparently you have a problem grasping the fact that your feeble attempts to shame me into making the same choices as you mean nothing.
I'd wipe that Orange Kool-Aid your lips before I said anything more in that vein...
I just told you I don't GAF about either. Your secret is safe.
Again... that's fine... just don't expect to be allowed in public spaces or on public transportation as this pandemic deepens...
I don't live in one of your communist states. We have open schools, no masking and some of the lowest covid case numbers in the nation. Thank you very much.
True. But you WILL need a vax-card to go into a restaurant or village hall or school or bus or airplane, as this drags on.
Won't pass a constitutionality test.
Nope. We're just telling you that you can't stay in the military nor government service nor go into restaurants, etc., to endanger the Sane Folk.
SCOTUS is reviewing constitutionality (bound to fail along with dementia Joes other mandates). Again, I wouldn't set foot in of those communist states. And to the last point--you made mine. You haven't got a clue what anyone else's health situation it and the fact that you feel you have the right to dictate health decisions shows just what an insane moron you are.
That goes right out the window during a prolonged Public Health Emergency... the Law provides the precedents... rational, sane jurisdictions will use them.
Rational and sane? You don't know the meaning. No public health emergency for a scamdemic that has over a 99% recovery rate. You took an experimental therapy that is neither safe nor effective that does not protect against infection nor spread and has known and unknown side effects--some fatal and you really feel you're sane?
Unfortunately for you, it's also dangerous to the Public Health and will continue to be treated as such; increasingly so, as the pandemic deepens.
We will see, won't we?
Nahhhhh... we'll just let The Law (in its Public Health Emergency incarnation) deal with silly, delusional folks like yourself. MUCH more fun that way.
Again, we will see, won't we. The US is NOT CA, yours and Gavin's dilusions stop at the Sierras.

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