Senior Member
This is priceless!
he title of this piece may seem a bit over-the-top, but it's true. Massachusetts' Junior Senator John F. Kerry admitted he is dumb in front of thousands of left-wing Democrats during the recent "Take Back America" jamboree.
His pal, Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), received a less than cordial reception by the crowd of antiwar, Bush-hating Dems, so perhaps Kerry felt it safer to admit his stupidity than face the heckling and boos accorded Clinton. And after all, it's not as if Kerry hasn't changed positions on issues in the past. He usually makes his rhetorical pronouncements based on his audience at the moment.
When Kerry spoke to the party base, who've repeatedly boasted that they bought and paid for the Democrat Party, he decided to apologize for his past missteps. He knows he must win over this crowd if he hopes to have a fighting chance during the 2008 primaries.
In essence, Senator Kerry apologized to the crowd for his vote for the Iraq invasion. He said he was wrong; that he was duped by President George W. Bush into believing Iraq was a threat to US national security. He told the crowd that the Bush Administration lied to him and he based his vote to go to war on the intelligence being promulgated by Bush and his staff. Kerry said he was truly sorry.
(Put aside the fact that there is recorded evidence that Kerry was pushing for action during President Bill Clinton's reign.)
Kerry never actually told the crowd he was a dummy, but look at the facts as he's presenting them: Senator Kerry -- the intellectual giant -- was conned by a man he called an idiot into sending 150,000 youngsters into battle. That doesn't say much for Kerry, now does it? Not too swift for a man who wanted -- and still wants -- to be President of the United States.
During the 2004 presidential campaign, Kerry tried to tell the American people that he voted for giving the President the authority to go to war, but he didn't expect Bush to actually invade Iraq. See, he admitted he was stupid even when the presidency lay in the balance. He constantly complained about Bush's "rush to war." He reads a bill that gives Bush the authority to go to war. He votes "yes" to giving Bush that authority. And then Kerry, the intellectual giant, is shocked that Bush actually does go to war.
Actually, to be fair, it seems the majority of Democrats have admitted they are easily duped stooges and numbskulls. They did it when they claimed the Republicans "stole" the 2000 election from another intellectual giant, Al Gore. Yes, indeed they won the election but they were robbed by a man whom Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) said was stupid.
And then in 2004, with all their bellyaching about voters being "disenfranchised" by the Republicans, and having poll watchers including propaganda film-meister Michael Moore posturing at voting stations throughout the nation, the Republicans still stole the election from Kerry and the Democrats.
For the sake of argument, let's say they are correct. The GOP stole the election from them not once, but twice. What's that old saying? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me?
Obviously, the Democrats are easily duped. They can't hold on to an elected position even when they win it, by their own admission. And we're supposed to entrust them with national security? We're supposed to rely on them to fight a cunning enemy in the war on terrorism? How do we know they won't lose an entire tank battalion somewhere in the Sahara? They sound pretty slow on the uptake if you ask me. Besides, as dumb as they are, they might end up winning the war and decide to surrender -- as they are doing today while out of power.
In addition, people such as Kerry and Murtha who are now against the war voted for it in the first place. What did they think they were doing? Voting for more money for Boston's "Big Dig?" Did they nonchalantly vote for our kids to attack a sovereign nation as if they were voting for some pork barrel project in their home states?
These men and women should resign. They are so stupid -- by their own admission -- they simply cannot be trusted to vote intelligently on major issues facing this nation such as immigration reform, national security and healthcare. If a man such as President Bush -- someone they themselves claim is stupid and incompetent -- can trick them into voting for a war they say was a mistake, they are too dumb to serve in the Senate, the House of Representatives or in the White House.
Now I know why the symbol of the Democrat Party is a jackass.
he title of this piece may seem a bit over-the-top, but it's true. Massachusetts' Junior Senator John F. Kerry admitted he is dumb in front of thousands of left-wing Democrats during the recent "Take Back America" jamboree.
His pal, Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), received a less than cordial reception by the crowd of antiwar, Bush-hating Dems, so perhaps Kerry felt it safer to admit his stupidity than face the heckling and boos accorded Clinton. And after all, it's not as if Kerry hasn't changed positions on issues in the past. He usually makes his rhetorical pronouncements based on his audience at the moment.
When Kerry spoke to the party base, who've repeatedly boasted that they bought and paid for the Democrat Party, he decided to apologize for his past missteps. He knows he must win over this crowd if he hopes to have a fighting chance during the 2008 primaries.
In essence, Senator Kerry apologized to the crowd for his vote for the Iraq invasion. He said he was wrong; that he was duped by President George W. Bush into believing Iraq was a threat to US national security. He told the crowd that the Bush Administration lied to him and he based his vote to go to war on the intelligence being promulgated by Bush and his staff. Kerry said he was truly sorry.
(Put aside the fact that there is recorded evidence that Kerry was pushing for action during President Bill Clinton's reign.)
Kerry never actually told the crowd he was a dummy, but look at the facts as he's presenting them: Senator Kerry -- the intellectual giant -- was conned by a man he called an idiot into sending 150,000 youngsters into battle. That doesn't say much for Kerry, now does it? Not too swift for a man who wanted -- and still wants -- to be President of the United States.
During the 2004 presidential campaign, Kerry tried to tell the American people that he voted for giving the President the authority to go to war, but he didn't expect Bush to actually invade Iraq. See, he admitted he was stupid even when the presidency lay in the balance. He constantly complained about Bush's "rush to war." He reads a bill that gives Bush the authority to go to war. He votes "yes" to giving Bush that authority. And then Kerry, the intellectual giant, is shocked that Bush actually does go to war.
Actually, to be fair, it seems the majority of Democrats have admitted they are easily duped stooges and numbskulls. They did it when they claimed the Republicans "stole" the 2000 election from another intellectual giant, Al Gore. Yes, indeed they won the election but they were robbed by a man whom Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) said was stupid.
And then in 2004, with all their bellyaching about voters being "disenfranchised" by the Republicans, and having poll watchers including propaganda film-meister Michael Moore posturing at voting stations throughout the nation, the Republicans still stole the election from Kerry and the Democrats.
For the sake of argument, let's say they are correct. The GOP stole the election from them not once, but twice. What's that old saying? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me?
Obviously, the Democrats are easily duped. They can't hold on to an elected position even when they win it, by their own admission. And we're supposed to entrust them with national security? We're supposed to rely on them to fight a cunning enemy in the war on terrorism? How do we know they won't lose an entire tank battalion somewhere in the Sahara? They sound pretty slow on the uptake if you ask me. Besides, as dumb as they are, they might end up winning the war and decide to surrender -- as they are doing today while out of power.
In addition, people such as Kerry and Murtha who are now against the war voted for it in the first place. What did they think they were doing? Voting for more money for Boston's "Big Dig?" Did they nonchalantly vote for our kids to attack a sovereign nation as if they were voting for some pork barrel project in their home states?
These men and women should resign. They are so stupid -- by their own admission -- they simply cannot be trusted to vote intelligently on major issues facing this nation such as immigration reform, national security and healthcare. If a man such as President Bush -- someone they themselves claim is stupid and incompetent -- can trick them into voting for a war they say was a mistake, they are too dumb to serve in the Senate, the House of Representatives or in the White House.
Now I know why the symbol of the Democrat Party is a jackass.