Senate Votes Against Gitmo Detainee Transfer to U.S.


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
The vote was 90 to 6 against Obama and his Gitmo plans....the media sure isn't pouncing much on this news piece....

U.S. President Barack Obama’s plan to close the Guantanamo Bay detention centre in Cuba has hit a major setback.

The Senate has voted 90-6 to keep detainees held at the centre from being transferred to the United States.

Their vote comes just a day before Obama’s planned speech outlining his plan for closing the facility.

An Obama administration official says members of Congress need to rethink their stance on the issue.

580 CFRA News Talk Radio
Wanna bet even if Congress remains opposed He orders them moved anyway? And the left says NOTHING about it?

I have to disagree with you Sarge, the President does not have the power to act on his own.

The executive branch carries out the laws made by Congress. The president is the leader of this branch of our government. To get the job done, the president needs help. This help comes from the three parts of the executive branch — the Executive Office of the President, the cabinet, and the independent agencies.

Congress has power over the Executive Branch. Congress also exercises "oversight," or supervision over the Executive branch and its activities. It has the power to investigate the programs and actions of the President and his administration.

I usually agree with most of what you say, but I think you got it wrong on this issue.
Wanna bet even if Congress remains opposed He orders them moved anyway? And the left says NOTHING about it?

I have to disagree with you Sarge, the President does not have the power to act on his own.

The executive branch carries out the laws made by Congress. The president is the leader of this branch of our government. To get the job done, the president needs help. This help comes from the three parts of the executive branch — the Executive Office of the President, the cabinet, and the independent agencies.

Congress has power over the Executive Branch. Congress also exercises "oversight," or supervision over the Executive branch and its activities. It has the power to investigate the programs and actions of the President and his administration.

I usually agree with most of what you say, but I think you got it wrong on this issue.

you're wrong, as CIC obama can order them moved
Wanna bet even if Congress remains opposed He orders them moved anyway? And the left says NOTHING about it?

I have to disagree with you Sarge, the President does not have the power to act on his own.

The executive branch carries out the laws made by Congress. The president is the leader of this branch of our government. To get the job done, the president needs help. This help comes from the three parts of the executive branch — the Executive Office of the President, the cabinet, and the independent agencies.

Congress has power over the Executive Branch. Congress also exercises "oversight," or supervision over the Executive branch and its activities. It has the power to investigate the programs and actions of the President and his administration.

I usually agree with most of what you say, but I think you got it wrong on this issue.

you're wrong, as CIC obama can order them moved

Obama can't do shit on his own. Your ignorance of govt. is showing.

It's one thing just saying I'm wrong, how about proving it?

Senate blocks transfer of Gitmo detainees - Capitol Hill-
If not from Congress, where will Obama get the money to close it?
Wanna bet even if Congress remains opposed He orders them moved anyway? And the left says NOTHING about it?

He's sure trying.....with another one of his oratorical wonders teleprompter speeches this morning....but I think his jive talk can only get him so far.....besides Cheney is making great headway....(and he only used his notes)

....besides.... the NIMBY principle is alive and well....
I have to disagree with you Sarge, the President does not have the power to act on his own.

The executive branch carries out the laws made by Congress. The president is the leader of this branch of our government. To get the job done, the president needs help. This help comes from the three parts of the executive branch — the Executive Office of the President, the cabinet, and the independent agencies.

Congress has power over the Executive Branch. Congress also exercises "oversight," or supervision over the Executive branch and its activities. It has the power to investigate the programs and actions of the President and his administration.

I usually agree with most of what you say, but I think you got it wrong on this issue.

you're wrong, as CIC obama can order them moved

Obama can't do shit on his own. Your ignorance of govt. is showing.

It's one thing just saying I'm wrong, how about proving it?

Senate blocks transfer of Gitmo detainees - Capitol Hill-

Hmmm.... Perhaps you've conveniently forgotten Executive Orders. You know.... Those things that were bitched about when Bush issued them, but, suddenly, when Obama issues them, they're all good....
I don't see why we can't just drop them off exactly where they were picked up... seems fair to me. Let the locals deal with them. There's no reason to let them into the US. We've got enough unwanted immigrants.
I don't see why we can't just drop them off exactly where they were picked up... seems fair to me. Let the locals deal with them. There's no reason to let them into the US. We've got enough unwanted immigrants.

Did no one explain that they're still prisoners? That it's the facility that's being argued about?
Hi Scream:

This Gitmo Case explains MUCH about what is wrong with America today. The concept of keeping people in prison without being charged, and without due process, and without seeing a judge, is un-American and a direct violation of basic human rights. The Bushie/Obama Administrations need to bring charges against these men in a court of law OR set them free by returning them to the place of their arrest. Period.

The vote was 90 to 6 against Obama and his Gitmo plans....the media sure isn't pouncing much on this news piece....

U.S. President Barack Obama’s plan to close the Guantanamo Bay detention centre in Cuba has hit a major setback.

The Senate has voted 90-6 to keep detainees held at the centre from being transferred to the United States.

Congress is just as guilty as the Bushie/Obama Administrations for violating the basic human rights of these so-called ‘detainees’ who are guilty of nothing more than being ‘accused’ of terrorism. Just who told the Bushie Administration that these men are terrorists????????? Again, our U.S. Constitution treats every American as ‘innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.’ The Bushie Administration has rounded up ‘suspects’ for one reason or another ‘and’ has taken it upon themselves to ‘detain’ these men in perpetuity without charges and without the presentation of any evidence to prove any crime has been committed. These ‘suspects’ and We The People have every right “to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses” against these suspects (6th Amendment). The Govt MUST provide for the “compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense,” as these are “God-given” rights granted to ALL MEN by their Creator; as ALL MEN are indeed ‘created equal.’

Their vote comes just a day before Obama’s planned speech outlining his plan for closing the facility.

This ‘song and dance’ by the Obama Administration is nothing more than a dog and pony show orchestrated to divert attention away from the absolute fact that the basic human rights of these ‘suspects’ are being violated. 9/11 Was An Inside Job (my blog) and the ‘real’ Inside-Job Terrorists are among those refusing to charge these Middle Eastern ‘Suspects’ with any crime at all. Closing Gitmo is a very simple process: Charge these ‘suspects’ or send them home. The fact that some of these suspects have suffered under “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques” (Torture) is another testament to the violation of their basic human rights. Provisions of the Geneva Convention (Wiki) say that prisoners are ‘obligated to give name, rank and serial number, but nothing else.’ The lawlessness taking place at Gitmo is telegraphing the message to our enemies abroad that U.S. soldiers are also targets to be detained and tortured, because the out-of-control U.S. Govt says so. The fact is that the Bushie/Obama Administrations want to sweep everything under the rug, because 9/11 was an inside job ‘and’ these Gitmo detainees are at the very least connected to third parties who can testify against the real inside-job terrorists working inside our Federal Govt.

An Obama administration official says members of Congress need to rethink their stance on the issue.

580 CFRA News Talk Radio

This is poppycock! The lawlessness perpetuated by the Bushie Administration is being continued by the out-of-control Obama Administration to conceal the absolute fact that 9/11 was DEFINITELY an Inside Job. The illegal

[ame=""]“War On Terror Is A LIE” . . .[/ame]

. . . but Americans are being DUPED into financing even more lawlessness, mayhem and murder taking place in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Pakistan. Aaron Russo explains the 9-11/War On Terror Fraud connected to the New World Order Agenda.

[ame=""]Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 Fraud[/ame]

These Gitmo suspects are pawns in the “War On Terror” FRAUD/HOAX to delude the American People into believing Bearded Jihadist Radicals planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks. The Govt must parade these Gitmo suspects before the News cameras in order to divert attention away from the fact that 9/11 Was An Inside Job. The New World Order bad guys are using these Gitmo suspects to forward the notion that ‘some’ people can be detained in perpetuity without bringing charges, and without recognizing their basic human rights, without any judge and without any jury, because this same treatment is what they have in store for you. Ask yourself the question:

[ame=""]Are You A Domestic Terrorst?[/ame]

The US Military is being trained for Urban Warfare in the Middle East in preparation for instituting “Martial Law” here in the USA where ‘Constitutional Freedom Fighters’ will become the ‘enemy of the state’ through a proclamation of the out-of-control Obama Administration. Those among you standing with the Obama Administration and Congress in support of detaining ‘suspects,’ without even filing charges, are worthy of the same fate . . .

[ame=]Wake Up Already!!![/ame]


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Obama detention plan tests legal tradition
NYT: Determining the constitutionality of his proposal for "prolonged detention" of terror suspects without trial is likely to require a national look in the mirror. Full story
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Obama detention plan tests legal tradition
NYT: Determining the constitutionality of his proposal for "prolonged detention" of terror suspects without trial is likely to require a national look in the mirror. Full story

NYT: Obama detention plan tests U.S. law - The New York Times-

These "people" are not American citizens. These "people" are not soldiers of an official government's army. These "people" are, by the standards set forth in the Geneva Convention, are illegal combatants and do not have any protection or rights whatsoever.

We will detain them indefinitely because we have no evidence that they were bad guys other than what was given to us in torture and/or the method used to capture these people was "illegal" and thus the entire foundation of our case against them would be inadmissable in a court of law - thus these "people" would go scott free. Obama's only choice is to detain these "people" indefinitely until they die. It is the morally right choice, it is the ONLY choice lest we wish to have more terrorists on our hands.

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