Senate quietly passes the countering disinformation and propaganda act


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Senate Quietly Passes The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act”
Another, perhaps even more dangerous and limiting to civil rights and freedom of speech bill passed on December 8

While we wait to see if and when the Senate will pass (and president will sign) Bill “H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017″, which was passed by the House at the end of November with an overwhelming majority and which seeks to crack down on websites suspected of conducting Russian propaganda and calling for the US government to “counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence … carried out in coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly,” another, perhaps even more dangerous and limiting to civil rights and freedom of speech bill passed on December 8.

Let the life of Hitler begin. If people thought they did not have free speech before get ready to feel the burning of it now.
The dumbed down trendy's won't say a word because they are to thick in the head to realize sooner or later this will come after them too.
What's that saying , First they cam for the Jews and I said nothing because I wasn't Jewish , then they came for.................................... so on and so on at the end it says " Then they came for me , but there wasn't anybody left to speak for me.
Keep up trendy's your screwing yourselves supporting this bs.

Censorship in Nazi Germany - History Learning Site

Censorship was rampant throughout Nazi Germany. Censorship ensured that Germans could only see what the Nazi hierarchy wanted people to see, hear what they wanted them to hear and read only what the Nazis deemed acceptable. The Nazi police dealt with anyone who went outside of these boundaries. Censorship dominated the lives of the ordinary citizen in Nazi Germany.
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Disinformation and propaganda--doesn't sound like something to be defending, to me.
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Disinformation and propaganda--doesn't sound like something to be defending, to me.
if more people even knew their history , we might not have such a clueless nation of idiots either. Also most who lack intelligence can't seem to understand how this effects them too, it effects these lovely little web sites people like to VOICE THEIR OPINIONS on, it effects FRE SPEECH and FEE THOUGHT......................I suppose that any of those are PROPAGANDA too. How lame it is when people get off on accepting being told what to think, what htey can think, what they believe, what they can't believe...

Censorship was rampant throughout Nazi Germany. Censorship ensured that Germans could only see what the Nazi hierarchy wanted people to see, hear what they wanted them to hear and read only what the Nazis deemed acceptable. The Nazi police dealt with anyone who went outside of these boundaries. Censorship dominated the lives of the ordinary citizen in Nazi Germany.

Censorship in Nazi Germany - History Learning Site
It's ironic considering the .gov is a big pusher of mis/dis info. Go research project mocking bird.

They lost their ability to control the message and it's fun to watch.
Aug 8, 2016 - Freedom fighters inflict a severe defeat to the illuminati, breaking up the siege of east Aleppo.
In other words: how does this influence the alternative scripts for the third consecutive "inauguration of a counterfeit president", Jan 21, 2017?

Who will strip Youtube from TRUTH: Obama or Trump? ISIS holds the answer
Both Obama and Trump will be stripped of all their titles, after completing their classic bombing missions, alias after fully detonating as illuminati suicide bombers.
On the other hand it's another gang of illuminati suicide bombers that holds the answer to this question: the mercenaries dressed as "ISIS, the sunni beheaders".

Youtube has a KEY role in End Times.
The Age when Youtube became the only possibility for songs out of the matrix to become a hit. In other words: for hit songs not created or sponsored by the illuminati.
But it's the next statement that has all it takes to get youtube's KEY role:
the Illuminati are about to terminate TRUTH in the only mass media outlet worldwide where it's still possible to watch it: youtube.
Note: this will happen immediately after Trump's inauguration (or the alternative plan: "ISIS attack on Washington D.C., martial law, Obama's presidency extended to a third term").
All paving the way to crown Hitlery Clinton, proclaimed Miss Universe without ever being inaugurated.
A script exposed worldwide only by Last Prophet.

Apr 20, 2016 - Last Prophet's words the day of Hillary's father anniversary
Computing votes: Contrast Hillary 2016 with McCain 2008 and Romney 2012
McCain 2009 and Romney 2012 had their votes multiplied each time by more or less 10 times.
For Hitlery 2016 the script is reversed. No, I don't mean "Hillary wins".
The original script ALSO had Romney and McCain as winners but, unlike Hillary, only to be stripped of their titles after completing the mission of disarming the citizens.
The script was modified to have "president Obama" first time in October 2008 and again November 2012, at the very last minute, in fact "as votes were being counted".
What I do mean: this time Hitlery''s official votes won't be computed by applying a multiplier to the real votes. They are already in script: 66.6 million votes.
Illuminati Milestones: Rigged elections Hillary Clinton multiplier 100 in New York primaries

All in Blog
Information Highway Parallel Lanes - Traffic Jam in the Lane to Hell...: Who will strip Youtube of TRUTH Obama or Trump? ISIS holds the answer
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It's ironic considering the .gov is a big pusher of mis/dis info. Go research project mocking bird.

They lost their ability to control the message and it's fun to watch.
Oh trust me I know all about it. It's other who can't seem to figure it out these issues are basically documented facts. As the Government has these dumbasses believing whatever they tell them in today's world. Never mind history, never mind the Government has documented what you mention and dozens more.
It really makes you wonder how people can be so stupid and out of it today. Do they not know history, or are they so closed minded the history of documents that stare down their throats are all false information, when before these idiots become so heavily indoctrinated they were true then omfg...
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It's ironic considering the .gov is a big pusher of mis/dis info. Go research project mocking bird.

They lost their ability to control the message and it's fun to watch.
take notice of my " PROFILE QUOTE" =)
It's ironic considering the .gov is a big pusher of mis/dis info. Go research project mocking bird.

They lost their ability to control the message and it's fun to watch.
Oh trust me I know all about it. It's other who can't seem to figure it out these issues are basically documented facts. As the Government has these dumbasses believing whatever they tell them in today's world. Never mind history, never mind the Government has documented what you mention and dozens more.
It really makes you wonder how people can be so stupid and out of it today. Do they not know history, or are they so closed minded the history of documents that stare down their throats are all false information, when before these idiots become so heavily indoctrinated they were true then omfg...
Mostly only the critical thinkers are concerned with this stuff, of which there aren't many.

Most don't care unless they feel pain in some form...
It's ironic considering the .gov is a big pusher of mis/dis info. Go research project mocking bird.

They lost their ability to control the message and it's fun to watch.
They don't want anyone else muscling in on their racket.
Hand over control of the internet to foreign entities and now this...
Nothing to see here folks,move along....
All around us conspiracy theories are becoming conspiracy facts.

Hello 1984....
Are the tptb going to over play their hand, or will the pengelum swing back toward normalcy?

Interesting to watch...from a good safe distance.

The influence of the NWO crowd makes this situation a little different.
In the past it was a natural swing of voters that changed things,now we have a powerful outside force influencing things,and not for the good of America and the western world.
Disinformation and propaganda--doesn't sound like something to be defending, to me.

Like the mainstream media?
Gee we're going to get our very own Pravda where the only news is state sponsored news.
The "number" has already been done on you, if you think MSM can't be relied upon to report facts. Your argument (I don't mean you personally, just the basic argument I hear) that the MSM favors one party over the other is true. There is a difference from sorting through bias and being told disinformation and propaganda. Those things are NOT based in fact and have no place in our "news" service. If you folks aren't telling down and out fictionalized stories, there is nothing to worry about. If the MSM's slant was so dangerously untrue, how in hell did over 80% of the population decide it's not trustworthy?'s not because of folks who wrote Pizzagate, that's for sure.
Why do idiots always compare stuff to NS Germany? They banned Jewish filth and Anti Germany propaganda. Now Communist Russia is more to the liking of this bill.

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