Senate Democrats' Ethics complaint Against Cruz, Hawley Demonstrate Partisan Hatred & Ignorance


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"A group of seven Democrat senators filed an ethics complaint against Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley Thursday. They sent a letter to the incoming Senate Ethics panel Chair Chris Coons and Vice-Chair James Lankford Thursday requesting an investigation into several issues. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse took the lead in the letter."

Besides Whitehouse, Senators Tim Kaine, Ron Wyden, Tina Smith, Richard Blumenthal, Mazie Hirono, and Sherrod Brown signed the letter.

Senator Coons is one of the Democrat senators who has already called upon Cruz and Hawley to resign. Coons is a loyal Biden supporter and served as a Biden campaign surrogate.

"The senators request that the ethics panel investigate whether or not Cruz and Hawley incited violence on Jan. 6 at the Capitol. They want to know if Cruz and Hawley “coordinated with organizers of the pro-Trump rally immediately before the riot; whether they received donations from any organizations or donors that also funded the rally; and whether the senators “engaged in criminal conduct or unethical or improper behavior.”

The letter's - and thus the Democrats - main intent was to question the 2 Republicans' loyalty to President Trump over loyalty to the nation:

“The question the Senate must answer is not whether Sens. Hawley and Cruz had the right to the object to the electors, but whether the senators failed to ‘[p]ut loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department’ or engaged in ‘improper conduct reflecting on the Senate’ in connection with the violence on January 6.”

The fact that United States Senators would take such action and ask such a question exposes both their own partisan hatred and desire for revenge as well as their ignorance of their own US Senate's history.

Just before the violence broke out at the US Capitol on 6 January, Senator Ted Cruz was calling for - in an attempt to avoid further division and prevent future violence in the US - the US Senate / Congress to call for a 15-member team, comprised of 5 Democrats, 5 Republicans, and 5 USSC Justices to conduct a 10-Day official investigation into the top, major election fraud claims and report back at the end of the 10 days to Congress regarding what they found.

Cruz explained he was NOT calling for the election results to be 'voided' but merely held until the end of the 10-day investigation, This effort, Cruz explained, would demonstrate to the American people - especially Trump supporters - that the ENTIRE US government had heard their concerns and was taking them seriously by conducting an official investigation.

At the end of the 10 days, if declarations by the Democrats that some election fraud had occurred but not enough to change the outcome, the election should be certified.
- He explained that no one could question the results of a panel consisting of 5 Democrats, 5 Republicans, and 5 USSC Justices, and that if the Democrats wee so confident in their claim they should have NO REASON to object.

More importantly, Cruz's request that this be done was a Constitutional / Legal request to follow EXISTING PRECEDENCE. Cruz's request was not some off-the-wall, personal idea or treasonous attempt to throw out the results of an election. Their Ethics Claim demonstrates these Senators' ignorance of their own Chamber's history:

The same exact thing Senator Cruz was asking for had already been done by the US Senate in 1877

Senator Cruz not only demonstrated his knowledge of Congressional history but also concern for the nation in asking that this set precedence be followed again as a solution that would result in America's confidence in our election process being sustained.

"Regardless of who you want to be president,
the public must have confidence in its voting results."

Senator Cruz did not engage in or voice treason, subversion, or insurrection. He called for the use of ESTABLISHED CONGRESSIONAL PRECEDENCE to be used to build the trust of the American people and eliminate the vast majority of concern millions of Americans had ... and stiil have now ... regarding election fraud.

Only partisan extremism, fear, hatred, and the desire for political revenge - and political ignorance of politicians' own Congressional past - is preventing politicians on both sides of seeing the wisdom of Senator Cruz's proposal.

The democrat Communists intend to have veto power over elections. As James Comey said they will burn the republican party to the ground.

Admit it or not, this is definitely a civil war even if in slow motion.
Void their college degrees?!
Make them "unemployable"?

Democrats just don't get that in red states, wearing commie bullshit is a "brown" badge of courage.
That's the most ridiculous accusation I've ever seen. Good Lord. Where were these Senators when the two Sharia Law mutants were making threats against Jews??

Where was the ethics committee then??
That's the most ridiculous accusation I've ever seen. Good Lord. Where were these Senators when the two Sharia Law mutants were making threats against Jews??

Where was the ethics committee then??
How about "Stolen Valor Blumenthal" That asswipe shouldn't even be a senator, let alone criticize real veterans.
The Dem party is a wounded animal, Trump did some serious psychological damaged to these Dems. :auiqs.jpg:

A wounded, cornered 'animal' is often the most dangerous.

In the last election Democrats violated both state and federal Constitutions and laws to change election rules, laws, and processes in the middle of an election...and got away with it.

As a result the election DAY was extended to become an election WEEK, critical 'checks and balances' like signature verifications were tossed - which proved critically controversial and potentially impactful, as did opposition to checking and purging of out-dated election voter registrations.

IF reports are true, Democrats impeded Republican election monitors from doing their jobs while counting illegal ballots, counting ballots multiple times, etc... Criminal vote harvesting occurred.

Democrats were allowed to personally attack Whistle Blowers and eye-witnesses testifying under oath before legislatures and allowed to dismiss claims with no evidence to do so.

Republican governors were presented with evidence of flaws and weaknesses that supposedly had been used to commit election fraud and could be used in up-coming run-off elections , and these governors either failed or refused to do anything about it.

Even the USSC Chief Justice acknowledged the Constitutional and legal violations perpetrated in the midst of the election in Pa but completely refused to do their job of hearing and doing something about what was possibly the biggest case they should / could have had in decades, if not ever. USSC CJ Roberts acknowledged what was done in Pa but made it clear he wanted no part of attempting to fix the mess, as it would have included at some point having to disenfranchise some amount of US voters in an election to some degree. making this USSC probably the 1st ever to potentially 'decide an election' for the American people.

If something ins not done about all of this the Republican Party will NEVER win another Federal election again, and that's without Biden making 20+ million illegals US citizens, Democrats killing the filibuster, and the Democrats adding DC as a state.


But I have gotten off track - the Ethics complaint against Cruz, however, is based on ignorance and partisan hatred.
The Dem party is a wounded animal, Trump did some serious psychological damaged to these Dems. :auiqs.jpg:

A wounded, cornered 'animal' is often the most dangerous.

In the last election Democrats violated both state and federal Constitutions and laws to change election rules, laws, and processes in the middle of an election...and got away with it.

As a result the election DAY was extended to become an election WEEK, critical 'checks and balances' like signature verifications were tossed - which proved critically controversial and potentially impactful, as did opposition to checking and purging of out-dated election voter registrations.

IF reports are true, Democrats impeded Republican election monitors from doing their jobs while counting illegal ballots, counting ballots multiple times, etc... Criminal vote harvesting occurred.

Democrats were allowed to personally attack Whistle Blowers and eye-witnesses testifying under oath before legislatures and allowed to dismiss claims with no evidence to do so.

Republican governors were presented with evidence of flaws and weaknesses that supposedly had been used to commit election fraud and could be used in up-coming run-off elections , and these governors either failed or refused to do anything about it.

Even the USSC Chief Justice acknowledged the Constitutional and legal violations perpetrated in the midst of the election in Pa but completely refused to do their job of hearing and doing something about what was possibly the biggest case they should / could have had in decades, if not ever. USSC CJ Roberts acknowledged what was done in Pa but made it clear he wanted no part of attempting to fix the mess, as it would have included at some point having to disenfranchise some amount of US voters in an election to some degree. making this USSC probably the 1st ever to potentially 'decide an election' for the American people.

If something ins not done about all of this the Republican Party will NEVER win another Federal election again, and that's without Biden making 20+ million illegals US citizens, Democrats killing the filibuster, and the Democrats adding DC as a state.


But I have gotten off track - the Ethics complaint against Cruz, however, is based on ignorance and partisan hatred.

The 2020 election was extremely RIGGED, Biden is illegitimate.
That's the most ridiculous accusation I've ever seen. Good Lord. Where were these Senators when the two Sharia Law mutants were making threats against Jews?? Where was the ethics committee then??
How about "Stolen Valor Blumenthal" That asswipe shouldn't even be a senator, let alone criticize real veterans.

Both of your posts bring us back to the reality that the Democrats, Deep State, Washington Establishment Status-Qu0, and weak-ass GOP have allowed the creation of the '2 Sets of Rules' reality, the evidence of which we see every single day.
Cruz was right - no matter what, the nation's continued trust in our election system is a 'MUST'. The only way to maintain that trust and avoid further division in this country was to follow precedence set in 1877, not to tell 78 million Americans to STFU and start their campaign of 'revenge' and persecution.
The 2020 election was extremely RIGGED, Biden is illegitimate.

I was asked if President Biden is our new President. My answer was / is 'YES'.... I just did not say the word 'Illegitimate'.

"A group of seven Democrat senators filed an ethics complaint against Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley Thursday. They sent a letter to the incoming Senate Ethics panel Chair Chris Coons and Vice-Chair James Lankford Thursday requesting an investigation into several issues. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse took the lead in the letter."

Besides Whitehouse, Senators Tim Kaine, Ron Wyden, Tina Smith, Richard Blumenthal, Mazie Hirono, and Sherrod Brown signed the letter.

Senator Coons is one of the Democrat senators who has already called upon Cruz and Hawley to resign. Coons is a loyal Biden supporter and served as a Biden campaign surrogate.

"The senators request that the ethics panel investigate whether or not Cruz and Hawley incited violence on Jan. 6 at the Capitol. They want to know if Cruz and Hawley “coordinated with organizers of the pro-Trump rally immediately before the riot; whether they received donations from any organizations or donors that also funded the rally; and whether the senators “engaged in criminal conduct or unethical or improper behavior.”

The letter's - and thus the Democrats - main intent was to question the 2 Republicans' loyalty to President Trump over loyalty to the nation:

“The question the Senate must answer is not whether Sens. Hawley and Cruz had the right to the object to the electors, but whether the senators failed to ‘[p]ut loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department’ or engaged in ‘improper conduct reflecting on the Senate’ in connection with the violence on January 6.”

The fact that United States Senators would take such action and ask such a question exposes both their own partisan hatred and desire for revenge as well as their ignorance of their own US Senate's history.

Just before the violence broke out at the US Capitol on 6 January, Senator Ted Cruz was calling for - in an attempt to avoid further division and prevent future violence in the US - the US Senate / Congress to call for a 15-member team, comprised of 5 Democrats, 5 Republicans, and 5 USSC Justices to conduct a 10-Day official investigation into the top, major election fraud claims and report back at the end of the 10 days to Congress regarding what they found.

Cruz explained he was NOT calling for the election results to be 'voided' but merely held until the end of the 10-day investigation, This effort, Cruz explained, would demonstrate to the American people - especially Trump supporters - that the ENTIRE US government had heard their concerns and was taking them seriously by conducting an official investigation.

At the end of the 10 days, if declarations by the Democrats that some election fraud had occurred but not enough to change the outcome, the election should be certified.
- He explained that no one could question the results of a panel consisting of 5 Democrats, 5 Republicans, and 5 USSC Justices, and that if the Democrats wee so confident in their claim they should have NO REASON to object.

More importantly, Cruz's request that this be done was a Constitutional / Legal request to follow EXISTING PRECEDENCE. Cruz's request was not some off-the-wall, personal idea or treasonous attempt to throw out the results of an election. Their Ethics Claim demonstrates these Senators' ignorance of their own Chamber's history:

The same exact thing Senator Cruz was asking for had already been done by the US Senate in 1877

Senator Cruz not only demonstrated his knowledge of Congressional history but also concern for the nation in asking that this set precedence be followed again as a solution that would result in America's confidence in our election process being sustained.

"Regardless of who you want to be president,
the public must have confidence in its voting results."

Senator Cruz did not engage in or voice treason, subversion, or insurrection. He called for the use of ESTABLISHED CONGRESSIONAL PRECEDENCE to be used to build the trust of the American people and eliminate the vast majority of concern millions of Americans had ... and stiil have now ... regarding election fraud.

Only partisan extremism, fear, hatred, and the desire for political revenge - and political ignorance of politicians' own Congressional past - is preventing politicians on both sides of seeing the wisdom of Senator Cruz's proposal.

Are you saying accountability is now the rage again...(chuckle)
The Dem party is a wounded animal, Trump did some serious psychological damaged to these Dems. :auiqs.jpg:

A wounded, cornered 'animal' is often the most dangerous.

In the last election Democrats violated both state and federal Constitutions and laws to change election rules, laws, and processes in the middle of an election...and got away with it.

As a result the election DAY was extended to become an election WEEK, critical 'checks and balances' like signature verifications were tossed - which proved critically controversial and potentially impactful, as did opposition to checking and purging of out-dated election voter registrations.

IF reports are true, Democrats impeded Republican election monitors from doing their jobs while counting illegal ballots, counting ballots multiple times, etc... Criminal vote harvesting occurred.

Democrats were allowed to personally attack Whistle Blowers and eye-witnesses testifying under oath before legislatures and allowed to dismiss claims with no evidence to do so.

Republican governors were presented with evidence of flaws and weaknesses that supposedly had been used to commit election fraud and could be used in up-coming run-off elections , and these governors either failed or refused to do anything about it.

Even the USSC Chief Justice acknowledged the Constitutional and legal violations perpetrated in the midst of the election in Pa but completely refused to do their job of hearing and doing something about what was possibly the biggest case they should / could have had in decades, if not ever. USSC CJ Roberts acknowledged what was done in Pa but made it clear he wanted no part of attempting to fix the mess, as it would have included at some point having to disenfranchise some amount of US voters in an election to some degree. making this USSC probably the 1st ever to potentially 'decide an election' for the American people.

If something ins not done about all of this the Republican Party will NEVER win another Federal election again, and that's without Biden making 20+ million illegals US citizens, Democrats killing the filibuster, and the Democrats adding DC as a state.


But I have gotten off track - the Ethics complaint against Cruz, however, is based on ignorance and partisan hatred.

The 2020 election was extremely RIGGED, Biden is illegitimate.
No it wasn't...yes he is.
Liberal faggotry knows no bounds.


Good fucking God. Do any of these jackasses ever ever ever look at historical events?

The last three times a Republican has been elected president -- Trump in 2016 and George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004 -- Democrats in the House have brought objections to the electoral votes in states the GOP nominee won. In early 2005 specifically, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., along with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs, D-Ohio, objected to Bush's 2004 electoral votes in Ohio.



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