Senate Candidate wrote underage sex scenes


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Takes a sick mind to want to write this kind of pedophile pornographic crap in a novel. This is from Webb's novel, he is running against Senator George Allen (R-VA)

– Lost Soldiers: “A shirtless man walked toward them along a mud pathway. His muscles were young and hard, but his face was devastated with wrinkles. His eyes were so red that they appeared to be burned by fire. A naked boy ran happily toward him from a little plot of dirt. The man grabbed his young son in his arms, turned him upside down, and put the boy’s penis in his mouth.”

Bantam Books, NY, 1st Edition, 2001, (hard cover), page 333.
Quote is from para. 10,.Chap. 34.


More disturbing facts at
Now the question is will the Dems demand an investigation into this man's background since he obviously is exhibiting "warning signs" like Foley did and Republicans supposedly knew about and ignored.

Or our board libs going to argue that dreaming up kiddie pedophile scenes is A-OK?
What did the DNC know and when did they know it? We need an investigation.

This is exactly the bullshit we were talking about in the Foley NON Scandal Scandal. Should webb be forced to remove himself from the race like Foley? Guess we'll see.
What did the DNC know and when did they know it? We need an investigation.

This is exactly the bullshit we were talking about in the Foley NON Scandal Scandal. Should webb be forced to remove himself from the race like Foley? Guess we'll see.

I'm officially calling for PELOSI to RESIGN!!!
I think the more important question is why has the media ignored this till now. The man has several prominent books out. Yet no one bothered reading any of his books? The fact is this man shouldnt have won a primary, let alone be a candidate at this stage of the game.
And let's not forget that degenerate, Scooter Libby, whose book revolved around young girls being trained in prostitution...with cages. Talk about a sick bastard... :rolleyes:
Is Libby up for election anywhere?

The point, yet again, escapes you. Until his indictment, he was the chief of staff to Dick Cheney. Given the moral rectitude of the Republican party and this administration, should he have held that post, given his predilection for writing bad porn?

If you are to apply such a moral standard to one, you must be willing to apply it to all.

The most amusing thing about this thread is that, given the war in Iraq, stagnant wages, middle class jobs being shipped overseas to be done by slave labor, global warming, more and more people unable to afford health insurance let alone healthcare, a crumbling infrastructure, etc...Is that this is even an issue at all. It bespeaks a certain level of desperation amongst the GOP strategists and a willingness to crawl in the sewers in order to elevate their candidates to office. For them, the ends justify the means, and they will cheerfully swim in thise sewers if it secures their grasp on power. Are those REALLY, the kind of people we want running this country? Doesn't matter if they're Republican or Democrat...Liberal or Conservative. If they're willing to descend to such depths, they do not deserve to holld the office of street sweeper, let alone that of Senator, Representative or President.
If you are to apply such a moral standard to one, you must be willing to apply it to all.

One of the few statements you make that we agree on. Get ALL the sick, immoral corrupt bastards out of office....Republican AND Democrat!

The problem is, the Dems only see it one way and defend "their" perverts while at the same time trying to crucify the Republicans. More than anything else, the Dems hypocricy and arrogance is what sets me against them.
The point, yet again, escapes you. Until his indictment, he was the chief of staff to Dick Cheney. Given the moral rectitude of the Republican party and this administration, should he have held that post, given his predilection for writing bad porn?

If you are to apply such a moral standard to one, you must be willing to apply it to all.

The most amusing thing about this thread is that, given the war in Iraq, stagnant wages, middle class jobs being shipped overseas to be done by slave labor, global warming, more and more people unable to afford health insurance let alone healthcare, a crumbling infrastructure, etc...Is that this is even an issue at all. It bespeaks a certain level of desperation amongst the GOP strategists and a willingness to crawl in the sewers in order to elevate their candidates to office. For them, the ends justify the means, and they will cheerfully swim in thise sewers if it secures their grasp on power. Are those REALLY, the kind of people we want running this country? Doesn't matter if they're Republican or Democrat...Liberal or Conservative. If they're willing to descend to such depths, they do not deserve to holld the office of street sweeper, let alone that of Senator, Representative or President.

Actually, the point escapes YOU. I don't see an answer to the question, just another bully rant against the right.

CSM is right .... get rid of ALL the pervs, left AND right. Not just the side you don't happen to be on.
One of the few statements you make that we agree on. Get ALL the sick, immoral corrupt bastards out of office....Republican AND Democrat!

The problem is, the Dems only see it one way and defend "their" perverts while at the same time trying to crucify the Republicans. More than anything else, the Dems hypocricy and arrogance is what sets me against them.

Indeed, we do agree. But do you not see the hypocrisy and arrogance you ascribe to the Democrats within the highest ranks of the GOP as well?

It seems that the powerful within all parties have developed an arrogance which can only be described as hubris, forgetting that they serve at the sufferance of the people...Not their campaign contributors. I will vote for anyone willing to buck this trend, regardless of their party affiliation. And I have often done so, voting across party lines as I saw appropriate.
Actually, the point escapes YOU. I don't see an answer to the question, just another bully rant against the right.

CSM is right .... get rid of ALL the pervs, left AND right. Not just the side you don't happen to be on.

Rhetorical questions don't expect an answer...And it was poor rhetoric at that.
Indeed, we do agree. But do you not see the hypocrisy and arrogance you ascribe to the Democrats within the highest ranks of the GOP as well?

No. The person you are pointing a finger at currently holds no position in the GOP.

It seems that the powerful within all parties have developed an arrogance which can only be described as hubris, forgetting that they serve at the sufferance of the people...Not their campaign contributors. I will vote for anyone willing to buck this trend, regardless of their party affiliation. And I have often done so, voting across party lines as I saw appropriate.

Where's it gotten you? (Serious question)

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