Sen. Tom Cotton Unleashes On Merrick Garland: 'Thank God You Are Not On The Supreme Court'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Cotton did a great job of exposing Garland.
The greedy corrupt Democrat Party is creating a police state where any criticism of their crazy cult will be a federal crime.
Garland did a great job of exposing the Arkansas idiot for what he is.

Clearly ready for his close-up, Cotton worked himself up into a lather by asking absurd questions, like what kinds of letters Garland issued in the summer of 2020, during the George Floyd protests. Garland had to remind him that he wasn't AG back then, nor was Joe Biden president, and Garland's expression clearly read, "What the f*ck does that have to do with threats against teachers?"

Sen. Dick Durbin asked him if Garland wanted to finish his answer, and Garland rightly said, "I wasn't sure there was a question there. But let me be clear, the news reports I was talking about were not the news reports in that letter. They were other news reports that everybody here has heard about. ...And I wish if senators were concerned about this, they would quote my words. This memorandum is not about parents being able to object in their school boards. They are protected by the first amendment, as long as there are no threats of violence, they are completely protected."

The best the GQP has to offer......................morons.
Progs are snakes. They can not change their colors as they are pushed in front of us by other Progs who are snakes. In Obama's last year as President, Garland was pushed as a moderate Democrat. Moderate Democrat to many means from over a half century ago. That is not the truth in this age. This mutha has a hammer and sickle pinon his lapel. With him you can see a parent complaining about pedophile orgies in the schools and their kids being raped being sent to the new Amerikkan gulags.
Progs are snakes. They can not change their colors as they are pushed in front of us by other Progs who are snakes. In Obama's last year as President, Garland was pushed as a moderate Democrat. Moderate Democrat to many means from over a half century ago. That is not the truth in this age. This mutha has a hammer and sickle pinon his lapel. With him you can see a parent complaining about pedophile orgies in the schools and their kids being raped being sent to the new Amerikkan gulags.
The only commies are Trump and his cult.

Parents group: AG Garland has conflict of interest with Facebook, critical race theory​

Attorney General Merrick Garland is under scrutiny after a parents group revealed that his daughter is married to the co-founder of an education company funded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg that allegedly employs critical race theory in its work, according to a report.

The only commies are Trump and his cult.
Nobody said anything about Trump, moonbat.


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