Sen. Lindsey Graham Mercilessly Mocked After Trump Turns On Him

"I don't want to send any signal that it was okay to defile the Capitol," Graham said. "There are other groups with causes that may want to go down the violent path if these people get pardoned."

"Lindsey Graham doesn't know what the hell he's talking about," said trump.

"Lindsey Graham's wrong. Lindsey's a RINO," trump told Newsmax

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said the Jan 6th Riot "defiled the Capitol," and that the rioters should be punished to the full extent of the law.

trump said "he doesn't know what he's talking about," and "Lindsey is a RINO," among other things.

Do you think Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is a RINO?
Better yet, what do you think? Would you vote for him?
Do you think Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is a RINO?
Does it really matter?

Both are equally wrong on the issues; the GOP’s agenda is likewise comprehensively wrong; and with the exception of a tiny minority, Republicans have demonstrated nothing but contempt for the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.
Graham is a twin of McCain with a better sense of the republican voter base...but he is not and has never been a friend of fact I'd bet my life that he voted for Biden...
Give poor Lindsey a break, willya? He may be suffering from oxygen deprivation causing delerium from having his head shoved up Trump's ass.

Don't worry. He'll come around & change his tune so you MAGA tards should relax with the mass hysteria over his remark.
"I don't want to send any signal that it was okay to defile the Capitol," Graham said. "There are other groups with causes that may want to go down the violent path if these people get pardoned."

"Lindsey Graham doesn't know what the hell he's talking about," said trump.

"Lindsey Graham's wrong. Lindsey's a RINO," trump told Newsmax

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said the Jan 6th Riot "defiled the Capitol," and that the rioters should be punished to the full extent of the law.

trump said "he doesn't know what he's talking about," and "Lindsey is a RINO," among other things.

Do you think Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is a RINO?

I think Trump lives rent free in your head
Other than the Republicans that turned on him then resigned, knowing they have no hope of re-election? 2024 will be a tell as well.

And why as me? Ask them. Convince them they don't have to lick Trump's ass to get elected. Clearly they think they do.
Because you made the statement, and made a claim, I asked you to back it up and you can't, no big deal.
We will see. Sooner or later some of these people will of had enough. I know if I were Graham or turtle man I would be quitely hooking Trump up to the highest branch of the highest tree I could find. Graham, turtle boy, and Pence have to be at least close bro fed up with the situation.
Trump was elected because the voters soured to a degree on people like Graham and Turtle man. They let the progs get away with too much. They will treat the new supreme court candidate with kids gloves and she will go on her cookie cutter black woman with an attitude hate whitey crusade as there is a track record.
Sorry bout that,

1. Graham was part of the steal.
2. Anyone but Trump is his mantra.
3. Even to support a stolen election.
4. He is one of the worst people in DC.
5. Doesn't matter what state he hails from, lots of good folks there, they keep electing this clod, cause no one worth a good healthy shit will run against this NAZI.

Not to worry... good old Lindsay will be back on his knees polishing Trump's knob again before you know it and Trump will be loving every second of it... it'd be nice if they both crawled back under their respective rocks.
Sorry bout that,

1. Graham was part of the steal.
2. Anyone but Trump is his mantra.
3. Even to support a stolen election.
4. He is one of the worst people in DC.
5. Doesn't matter what state he hails from, lots of good folks there, they keep electing this clod, cause no one worth a good healthy shit will run against this NAZI.

Does Trump know that Lindsey was part of the steal? Can't be because Graham is at Mar A Loco playing golf with your guy & playing grabass with him every chance he gets.
Normally the group sees this and band together to rid themselves of the threat but not in this case.

Poster 'Evenflow' offers an interesting view. A historial view.

A revolt by the nobles.
How many tales of monarchies have we heard of that?

It would seem to some folks that a trashing of Graham emphasizes the perilousness of being Trump's ally. One would think (my speculation) that all Senators who have supported some or part of Trump's actions will see that their loyalty is unidirectional.

Meaning they give....but they don't get back.
And that kinda thing can become corrosive to support.

Americans, in my experience, don't live happily under such circumstance. Sooner or later, the knives come out.

So, color me unsurprised if or when Trump stumbles badly, or a sense develops that his popularity among MAGAs is noticeably declining.....THEN.....those knives will come out.
Some GOP legislators may begin to feel safer to leak, to snitch, to work against Trump. To escape the threat that he will stab you first.

I ain't predicting such. But I am saying it wouldn't be a new thing, historically. Would anyone here be surprised?


Poster 'Evenflow' offers an interesting view. A historial view.

A revolt by the nobles.
How many tales of monarchies have we heard of that?

It would seem to some folks that a trashing of Graham emphasizes the perilousness of being Trump's ally. One would think (my speculation) that all Senators who have supported some or part of Trump's actions will see that their loyalty is unidirectional.

Meaning they give....but they don't get back.
And that kinda thing can become corrosive to support.

Americans, in my experience, don't live happily under such circumstance. Sooner or later, the knives come out.

So, color me unsurprised if or when Trump stumbles badly, or a sense develops that his popularity among MAGAs is noticeably declining.....THEN.....those knives will come out.
Some GOP legislators may begin to feel safer to leak, to snitch, to work against Trump. To escape the threat that he will stab you first.

I ain't predicting such. But I am saying it wouldn't be a new thing, historically. Would anyone here be surprised?
Oh , Pence is spending some time with the Jan 6 th commity. I am sure the Georgia Sec. Of State and Georgia Governor are just waiting to plunge that knife. I know I would be.
Graham deserves everything coming his way. He tries to play both ends pro Trump and Trump is an ass.
All you do there is alienate 1/2 the population and nobody knows what you really stand for.
Oh , Pence is spending some time with the Jan 6 th commity. I am sure the Georgia Sec. Of State and Georgia Governor are just waiting to plunge that knife. I know I would be.
I believe I've read accounts of Raffisberger (sp?) has already met with the Select Committee. Don't know about th Governor.....but, I would expect him to have a knife nearby.

Have not heard about Pence with the committee. It would be BIG news if or when that happens.

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