Sen. Franken: No Democrat will vote for Betsy DeVos as education secretary-


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) told Rachel Maddow on her MSNBC show Thursday night that no Democrat will vote to confirm Betsy DeVos, the Michigan billionaire tapped by President Trump to be his education secretary. He also said Democrats were actively looking for Republicans to vote against her.

Her supporters praise her for being a longtime advocate of school choice, but her critics say her education advocacy is aimed at privatizing the country’s public education system.

DeVos appeared before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions last week and fumbled badly, displaying a lack of understanding of key education issues under tough questioning from Democrats.
Sen. Franken: No Democrat will vote for Betsy DeVos as education secretary — and we’re seeking Republicans to oppose her

First, I don't like DeVos. But, it is fantastic that the Democrats, who have been actively involved in privatizing the education system and advocating for charter schools are having a knipshit now. Sorry, Dems. You lose here too.

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