Seems the Trump campaign really embracing the Alt Right. Symbols and everything.



See this picture? This is the picture Trump's son was sending out to GOP supporters:


Trump adviser, son post image featuring white nationalist symbol

It contains some of the racist of the GOP. See the guys on the end on the right? Who do you think those guys are?

See the green Frog? That's Pepe, symbol of the Alt Right:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol


Donald Trump Jr. cites 'gas chamber' in criticizing media -

More secret messages.

Every time you turn around, the Trump campaign is sending out racist messages and then claiming ignorance. If he is that ignorant, do we want him as president? After all, he doesn't know what the nuclear triad is and didn't know Putin's Russia had invaded the Ukraine and attacked Georgia.

But if he knows those racist symbols and is sending them out as a "message" to his racist base, then do we want him as president?

It's this type of stuff that should motivate the Democrats.
Gosh I'm learning so much about Racism from the Liberals! You guys sure know your Racism stuff. Alt-Right, Pepe the Frog? Dog Whistles? Wow! I guess when you accuse everyone and everything of being Racist you have to be experts on the subject.
See this picture? This is the picture Trump's son was sending out to GOP supporters:


Trump adviser, son post image featuring white nationalist symbol

It contains some of the racist of the GOP. See the guys on the end on the right? Who do you think those guys are?

See the green Frog? That's Pepe, symbol of the Alt Right:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol


Donald Trump Jr. cites 'gas chamber' in criticizing media -

More secret messages.

Every time you turn around, the Trump campaign is sending out racist messages and then claiming ignorance. If he is that ignorant, do we want him as president? After all, he doesn't know what the nuclear triad is and didn't know Putin's Russia had invaded the Ukraine and attacked Georgia.

But if he knows those racist symbols and is sending them out as a "message" to his racist base, then do we want him as president?

It's this type of stuff that should motivate the Democrats.

The Dean Team has a saying......

All the people Trump hates, he never mentions radical black and gay and Muslim hating racist right wingers. Why should he? They are his people. When Trump's son says "warm up the gas chambers", I take him at his word.

"I mean, if Republicans were doing that, they'd be warming up the gas chamber right now. It's a very different system -- there's nothing fair about it," Trump Jr. added.

Obviously he sees gas chambers as a "solution".
All the people Trump hates, he never mentions radical black and gay and Muslim hating racist right wingers. Why should he? They are his people. When Trump's son says "warm up the gas chambers", I take him at his word.

"I mean, if Republicans were doing that, they'd be warming up the gas chamber right now. It's a very different system -- there's nothing fair about it," Trump Jr. added.

Obviously he sees gas chambers as a "solution".

He is going to intern and execute every Dem once he gets into office.

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