Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
I’ve always respected our ancestors those who came before us. Our parents and grandparents gave us the greatest middle class in world history.

And now, today, with the downfall of western Christian civilization, we see the rise of materialism and narcissism.

Too many Democrats think American history is evil, and that white people are privileged. This is no good for society.

And some Republicans are narcissists, they are selfish. They are against national healthcare. They are against middle-class people getting better wages. They complain about UPS workers getting raise , they complain about auto workers getting raises with this was the norm for 75 years in this country, and it worked out greatly. We ain’t talking about fast food workers were talking about people who build our country and have to pass a mechanical aptitude test.

Also I’ve seen a few older Americans who have children and happiness ….that tell young people “it’s OK to be single and high all the time”, what’s that all about?

America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.
Victims of public school programming.
Math is racist.
Reading is overrated
Everyone gets a Ph.D!!!!
In the eyes of the elite wealthy Democrat, everything is racist, math is racist, our parents are racist. And what do they care about poor Black people? they are doing nothing to help them. And I don’t think most Democrat politicians believe their own BLM propaganda. They simply say it to get money and power.

The black family is torn apart today in this country when you look 100 years ago according to the black professor Walter Williams, the black divorce rate was for 30 years lower than that of the white divorce rate. These were men and women of honor.
Traditional Republicans and Democrats is what will save this country. its on them to make a positive difference.
You are glossing over the specific problems facing us. The biggest one is the fiscal cliff.
With $37T in Debt and a $2T deficit, and US debt being downgraded by the agencies, time is short to balance the budget.
Trump had a $4T Budget.
Biden has a $7T Budget.
Interest on the Debt is exploding.

Not to mention that Social Security will be insolvent in 2034, and Medicare will be bankrupt 2028.

I can guarantee you that neither party has a clue how to fix the fiscal mess we're in.
The GOP will never raise taxes.
The dems will never cut spending.

We're toast.
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In the eyes of the elite wealthy Democrat, everything is racist, math is racist, our parents are racist. And what do they care about poor Black people? they are doing nothing to help them. And I don’t think most Democrat politicians believe their own BLM propaganda. They simply say it to get money and power.

The black family is torn apart today in this country when you look 100 years ago according to the black professor Walter Williams, the black divorce rate was for 30 years lower than that of the white divorce rate. These were men and women of honor.
The black "family" generally boils down to a single mother doing the best she can.
Black fathers need to step up.
You are glossing over the specific problems facing us. The biggest one is the fiscal cliff.
With $37T in Debt and a $2T deficit, and US debt being downgraded by the agencies, time is short to balance the budget.
Trump had a $4T Budget.
Biden has a $7T Budget.
Interest on the Debt is exploding.

Not to mention that Social Security will be insolvent in 2034, and Medicare will be bankrupt 2028.

I can guarantee you that neither party has a clue how to fix the fiscal mess we're in.
The GOP will never raise taxes.
The dems will never cut spending.

We're toast.
I agree 100%. We need to figure something out. I’m definitely worried about older Americans and the future of Social Security. They put the work in and they have got to get that Social Security. We’re spending all this money including Giving away billions of dollars of countries that we should not be doing that for. And the billions of dollars we spend on so-called green energy might be a big time waste.

Biden is one of the worst president we’ve ever had. Mr. Trump gave us a much better economy and I’m dumbfounded at the attacks on trump that republican and democratic critics of Trump make.

Now, one thing to strongly consider is that the elite wealthy class doesn’t get affected by these economic down swings. They don’t care if inflation is high if money is worth 30% less today than it was under Trump. It doesn’t affect them. a lot of BLM politicians are responsible for this denigration of America, ie patriotism being at an all time low among the youth…and that only makes things worse it exacerbates a problem…it makes things more difficult to improve economic standards in our country.
You mean like when we killed each other over which new territories would be slave or free states?

Democrooks were pretty violent even back then in order to ensure a firm grip on federal power and total domination of non-whites.

You are glossing over the specific problems facing us. The biggest one is the fiscal cliff.
With $37T in Debt and a $2T deficit, and US debt being downgraded by the agencies, time is short to balance the budget.
Trump had a $4T Budget.
Biden has a $7T Budget.
Interest on the Debt is exploding.

Not to mention that Social Security will be insolvent in 2034, and Medicare will be bankrupt 2028.

I can guarantee you that neither party has a clue how to fix the fiscal mess we're in.
The GOP will never raise taxes.
The dems will never cut spending.

We're toast.
People just blame every one else for their problems.
People are not able to be tough enough or smart enough to get through the tougher time,
We have massive credit card debt, That proves my point about being smart or tough.
The total ignorance of some how thinking that one political party is responsible for everything, when both party's have had control about equal times.
Hate is the preferred method, unity tossed aside.
I agree 100%. We need to figure something out. I’m definitely worried about older Americans and the future of Social Security. They put the work in and they have got to get that Social Security. We’re spending all this money including Giving away billions of dollars of countries that we should not be doing that for. And the billions of dollars we spend on so-called green energy might be a big time waste.

Biden is one of the worst president we’ve ever had. Mr. Trump gave us a much better economy and I’m dumbfounded at the attacks on trump that republican and democratic critics of Trump make.

Now, one thing to strongly consider is that the elite wealthy class doesn’t get affected by these economic down swings. They don’t care if inflation is high if money is worth 30% less today than it was under Trump. It doesn’t affect them. a lot of BLM politicians are responsible for this denigration of America, ie patriotism being at an all time low among the youth…and that only makes things worse it exacerbates a problem…it makes things more difficult to improve economic standards in our country.
Saying we need to figure something out, and putting up a workable solution are two different things.
The problem is that the DC morons borrowed $100,000 for every American. That stupidity is coming due.

Here is my solution: (Ron Desantis likes the new Remittance Tax to pay for the wall)

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
2. Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 150b/yr, see link below)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$6b/yr, see link below)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages 1-year from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare, and a co-pay for Medicaid
6. Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the Budget Deficit would be reduced by $650b a year. To get a surplus to start paying down the $33T Debt spending would need to be reduced to 2021 levels, $4T a year, not $7T a year.

People just blame every one else for their problems.
People are not able to be tough enough or smart enough to get through the tougher time,
We have massive credit card debt, That proves my point about being smart or tough.
The total ignorance of some how thinking that one political party is responsible for everything, when both party's have had control about equal times.
Hate is the preferred method, unity tossed aside.
The DC clowns generally just "kicked the can down the road" and kept borrowing, with moronic statements like "deficits don't matter".

I'm thinking that January will be Armageddon with the Budget fight.
Republicans will want to cut spending, and democrats will fight that tooth and nail in an election year.
The black "family" generally boils down to a single mother doing the best she can.
Black fathers need to step up.

We can thank LBJ for destroying family unity both Black and White.
Saying we need to figure something out, and putting up a workable solution are two different things.
The problem is that the DC morons borrowed $100,000 for every American. That stupidity is coming due.

Here is my solution: (Ron Desantis likes the new Remittance Tax to pay for the wall)

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
2. Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 150b/yr, see link below)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$6b/yr, see link below)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages 1-year from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare, and a co-pay for Medicaid
6. Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the Budget Deficit would be reduced by $650b a year. To get a surplus to start paying down the $33T Debt spending would need to be reduced to 2021 levels, $4T a year, not $7T a year.

That was a really good point. Tho about a 4% added federal sales tax on all sales. That could be very difficult for poor people. Of which now we have many of them in this country, because of Biden’s terrible economy. And certainly even under Trump and Obama, we had more of them in struggle in America compared to the 1950s. That said, simply, according to the statistics and price of homes, Trump was way better compared to biden , and we were probably on the right track with Mr. Trump until the fake coronavirus came along with the brutal lockdowns.

I put country before politics, and I will celebrate any democrat or republican of history that helped contribute to a better America. Not only for our economy , but socially speaking. Much of the West, including America has turned to degeneracy, high rates of abortion, divorce, child, born out of wedlock. It’s not good for society.

But what about this 4% added federal tax on all sales? Maybe that should somehow be for people who make $100,000 a year but I don’t know if something like that is possible.

To tell which person makes $100,000 a year or not could be difficult, so maybe they should be only implemented for purchases of homes or automobiles?. Because if you’re talking about another 4% on every Sale including groceries, that’s gonna make a huge negative difference for poor people…. Maybe the number should be one percent for a federal sales tax on all sales for Americans making under 50,000 a year?

I’d like everything else u say tho. A small tax on gains from bitcoin and cryptocurrency seems like a fine idea.

Also, I agree with Thomas Massie the Republican we need to stop sending billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel.

Now something else could be figured out here and I think any American making over $50 million a year could have their income taxes increased by say 2-4% ? That might make a difference.
Saying we need to figure something out, and putting up a workable solution are two different things.
The problem is that the DC morons borrowed $100,000 for every American. That stupidity is coming due.

Here is my solution: (Ron Desantis likes the new Remittance Tax to pay for the wall)

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
2. Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 150b/yr, see link below)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$6b/yr, see link below)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages 1-year from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare, and a co-pay for Medicaid
6. Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the Budget Deficit would be reduced by $650b a year. To get a surplus to start paying down the $33T Debt spending would need to be reduced to 2021 levels, $4T a year, not $7T a year.

In addition to the informative points you bring up above. We must address the denigration of American society. What can we do to get the abortion rates, divorce rates, children born out of wedlock rates, depression rates, and drug use among young people down?

What can we do to get those numbers down and what can we do to get the numbers of single young men who have not had sex in a year …higher.
60% of young men are single, 30% of young women are single. 30% of young men have not had sex in over a year or are virgins. That is terrible for society and it helps lead to mass school shootings. We did not have my school shootings in America history. It was a non-problem. In fact mass shootings in general were almost nonexistent until the late 1990s was Columbine starting at all really. Before then you had like one, two or no mass shootings Isa year iWe did not have my school shootings in America history. It was a non-problem. In fact mass shootings in general were almost nonexistent until the late 1990s …Columbine starting at all really. Before then you had like one, two or no mass shootings each year in America.

The majority of mass school shooters are single, lonely marijuana addicted young white men. So something has to be done to reverse those trends. Not to mention the many young black men who turn to the gangs.

Having a better social dynamic is just as if not more important than our economy being improved. In order to get more Americans working better jobs they need to be off drugs. We have 100,000 Americans each year dying from fentanyl abuse. Millions of Americans addicted to hard-core drugs and using marijuana all the time so I don’t have a solution necessarily right away but maybe you do.
That was a really good point. Tho about a 4% added federal sales tax on all sales. That could be very difficult for poor people. Of which now we have many of them in this country, because of Biden’s terrible economy. And certainly even under Trump and Obama, we had more of them in struggle in America compared to the 1950s. That said, simply, according to the statistics and price of homes, Trump was way better compared to biden , and we were probably on the right track with Mr. Trump until the fake coronavirus came along with the brutal lockdowns.

I put country before politics, and I will celebrate any democrat or republican of history that helped contribute to a better America. Not only for our economy , but socially speaking. Much of the West, including America has turned to degeneracy, high rates of abortion, divorce, child, born out of wedlock. It’s not good for society.

But what about this 4% added federal tax on all sales? Maybe that should somehow be for people who make $100,000 a year but I don’t know if something like that is possible.

To tell which person makes $100,000 a year or not could be difficult, so maybe they should be only implemented for purchases of homes or automobiles?. Because if you’re talking about another 4% on every Sale including groceries, that’s gonna make a huge negative difference for poor people…. Maybe the number should be one percent for a federal sales tax on all sales for Americans making under 50,000 a year?

I’d like everything else u say tho. A small tax on gains from bitcoin and cryptocurrency seems like a fine idea.

Also, I agree with Thomas Massie the Republican we need to stop sending billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel.

Now something else could be figured out here and I think any American making over $50 million a year could have their income taxes increased by say 2-4% ? That might make a difference.
The 4% sales tax is a "flat tax" or a "Fair Tax". It hits everyone equally. The rich spend more, so they would pay more tax.
If we don't cut spending and raise taxes to start paying down the Debt we're toast.

The 4% sales tax is a "flat tax" or a "Fair Tax". It hits everyone equally. The rich spend more, so they would pay more tax.
If we don't cut spending and raise taxes to start paying down the Debt we're toast.

That is interesting. In addition, what about this hatred of white people in America and the idea that America has a racist evil history. What can we do to reverse that false idea in this country?? it’s really important because patriotism among young Americans is at an all time low according to the Wall Street Journal. I don’t have a solution right away.

Non-patriotic people are not motivated to support American ideals or get a job, they’re more likely to use drugs, and live alone.
The 4% sales tax is a "flat tax" or a "Fair Tax". It hits everyone equally. The rich spend more, so they would pay more tax.
If we don't cut spending and raise taxes to start paying down the Debt we're toast.

The 4% sales tax is a "flat tax" or a "Fair Tax". It hits everyone equally. The rich spend more, so they would pay more tax.
If we don't cut spending and raise taxes to start paying down the Debt we're toast.

That is interesting but to your point it’s not going to hit rich people as hard. It doesn’t really affect much if they have say $100 million sure they’re paying more taxes but it affects of poor person much more in the sense that a poor person might not even be able to afford it…whereas a rich person can afford it, and they just lose some money but they’re still super rich.
That is interesting. In addition, what about this hatred of white people in America and the idea that America has a racist evil history. What can we do to reverse that false idea in this country?? it’s really important because patriotism among young Americans is at an all time low according to the Wall Street Journal. I don’t have a solution right away.
Non-patriotic people are not motivated to support American ideals or get a job, they’re more likely to use drugs, and live alone.
1. Big blue cities are puss cases. The public schools and the teacher's unions are programming hatred with bullshit like CRT and the "1619 Project". When the Budget gets slashed and Welfare and medicaid get cut then they will see what their false teaching has wrought.
Ron Desantis solved this in FL.

2. We don't have a lack of patriotism problem here out in the country.


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