Secrets to longevity


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Oldest person ever (confirmed by modern science) lived to be over 122. One of her secrets was,

"Calment smoked cigarettes from the age of 21 (1896) to 117 (1992),[2][16] though according to an unspecified source, she smoked no more than two cigarettes per day towards the end of her life."

Jeanne Calment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"Calment ascribed her longevity and relatively youthful appearance for her age to a diet rich in olive oil[4] (which she also rubbed onto her skin), as well as a diet of port wine, and ate nearly one kilogram (2.2 lb) of chocolate every week. Calment reportedly remained mentally intact until her very end."

Other centurions' also cite a lot of 'junk food' like chocolate and potato chips,
Oldest people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Other smokers include the 4th place (2nd through 10th don't specify at least not on wiki)

Interesting to read the eventual cause of deaths had nothing to do with obesity or smoking-related illnesses. Googling for 'oldest smokers' I find,

"All things considered, Jose Aguinelo dos Santos is a pretty lively Brazilian man. He walks without a stick, has no known health problems, smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, and is still a childless bachelor, according to reports. Oh, and he might be 126 years old—the world’s oldest living person."
Cigarette smoking Brazilian man may be world?s oldest person at 126 years old - The Washington Post

Tend to not buy this though since all the record holders for longevity are women. But still, pack a day...:)

Of course, if smoking does add relaxation and thus lowers stress and increases longevity, if everyone smoked and lived longer we'd have more problems concerning population than we already do. So it's probably better to keep saying "don't smoke." :)
True. But supposedly smoking kills ya. Causes cancer, etc.

Actually, according to CDC less than 40% of those who develop lung cancer smoked.
Just about every serviceman deployed to Europe or the Pacific in WWII was given a carton of cigs. Most of them smoked them (as opposed to barter them for other things.) Of the ~16 million servicemembers, over 1 million are still alive. So if smoking's so bad for us, how does that make sense? Shouldn't they all have died long ago?

I think a lot of the health information we get today is complete nonsense as evidenced by all our health problems lately. Our avg life expectency has actually gone DOWN so obviously something's out of whack.
Another smoking "fact" that doesn't quite hold up to simple observation is that babies born to smoking mothers have a lower birth weight than those born to non-smokers.

At the time I was born, everyone smoked, including my parents. The doctor who delivered me probably had a lit cig hanging from his mouth or had just put one out on the floor of the delivery room. The babies born during the "era" when everyone smoked were pretty much of average to heavy weight.

Nowadays, many fewer pregnant women smoke and yet the babies are tending to a lower birth weight.

Further, back in my day, women got pregnant through closed doors. What I mean is that infertility was relatively rare. Nowadays, fertility clinics are big business because couples have so much difficulty getting pregnant.
Just about every serviceman deployed to Europe or the Pacific in WWII was given a carton of cigs. Most of them smoked them (as opposed to barter them for other things.) Of the ~16 million servicemembers, over 1 million are still alive. So if smoking's so bad for us, how does that make sense? Shouldn't they all have died long ago?

I think a lot of the health information we get today is complete nonsense as evidenced by all our health problems lately. Our avg life expectency has actually gone DOWN so obviously something's out of whack.

Check out the ads here -

Smoking | Infinite Hollywood

I can remember my mother buying a carton of cigs for her father for xmas. Oddly, I can remember the carton of Camels cost $4 and was printed with xmas ribbon, a Santa and a little to/from label.

There is nothing good about smoking. The fact that that some people live long lives while smoking does not mean that everyone will or does. I'm grateful every day that I quit.
Actually there are good things. As a pipe smoker myself (having quit ciggies af ew years ago) I was surprised to learn pipe smokers live longer than non-smokers. Not longer than ciggy smokers, but longer than NON-smokers.

It's relaxing certainly, but more than that I think smokers are part of culture that's generally less stressed than the culture trying to liv eforever by counting calories. The epicures like. We live for pleasure and conceed we're all gonna die no matter how healthy we live so why not enjoy whatever you're into while you can? And the result of less stress is longer life. Whereas the health nuts kick off in their 60s or 20s being hit by a bus while jogging. :)
Actually there are good things. As a pipe smoker myself (having quit ciggies af ew years ago) I was surprised to learn pipe smokers live longer than non-smokers. Not longer than ciggy smokers, but longer than NON-smokers.

It's relaxing certainly, but more than that I think smokers are part of culture that's generally less stressed than the culture trying to liv eforever by counting calories. The epicures like. We live for pleasure and conceed we're all gonna die no matter how healthy we live so why not enjoy whatever you're into while you can? And the result of less stress is longer life. Whereas the health nuts kick off in their 60s or 20s being hit by a bus while jogging. :)
Yes, a few years ago doctors, on the tobacco payroll, swore before Congress that smoking was not harmful. We know they were wrong, as did they.
Living's harmful. :) Everyone living dies because of it. :)

But there's pleanty of things more immediately harmful to our health than smoking tobacco. Junk food for example. Smoking-related illnesses crop up only after manyd ecades of use when people are dying off anyway. Yet obesity can result in conditions much sooner as with Diabetes. Yet no one's proposing we make sodas 18+ or don't show soda drinking on tv shows without an R-rating as had been done with smoking. It's all about advertizing money and hypocrisy. If it we banned or restricted things based on the actual risks alcohol and junk food would be nos. 1 and 2 on the ban list.
Living's harmful. :) Everyone living dies because of it. :)

But there's pleanty of things more immediately harmful to our health than smoking tobacco. Junk food for example. Smoking-related illnesses crop up only after manyd ecades of use when people are dying off anyway. Yet obesity can result in conditions much sooner as with Diabetes. Yet no one's proposing we make sodas 18+ or don't show soda drinking on tv shows without an R-rating as had been done with smoking. It's all about advertizing money and hypocrisy. If it we banned or restricted things based on the actual risks alcohol and junk food would be nos. 1 and 2 on the ban list.

Go back and read your own op again :rolleyes:

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