Secret Service Permits Marajuana Usage To Attempt to Recruit Members


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Secret Service relaxes marijuana policy to help recruiting -

"Thirty-eight days into the job, the new director of the US Secret Service, Randolph Alles, is getting to know his agency.

Alles told reporters Thursday that he's working to grow the Secret Service, including by relaxing the agency's drug policy on marijuana.

Instead of a policy that would disqualify an applicant who has used the drug more than a certain number of times, the agency will now use a "whole-person concept" to measure marijuana use, potentially allowing candidates who admit to marijuana use based on the last age at which they used the drug and the amount of time between then and their application to the agency.

The Secret Service has two primary missions: To investigate and prevent financial crimes, and to protect the US President as well as former US leaders and their families.

The new director acknowledged that around-the-clock shifts and last-minute assignments have affected morale among the force..."

So allowing drug use is a 'recruiting tool' now?

Trump is a moron for hiring this guy and an even bigger moron if he allows him to keep his job!

Hmmm...let's look back at how the Secret Service declined under 'He Who Shall Not Be Named' (to avoid offending snowflakes):

June-August 2011: Agents in a unit responsible for patrolling the White House perimeter are yanked from their posts and assigned to protect the home of a personal friend of then-Director Mark Sullivan.

November 11, 2011: A gunman parks near the White House and fires at least seven bullets at the building. While Barack and Michelle Obama are not at home, their daughter Sasha and the first lady's mother are. The gunman, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, is arrested, but as The Post reported in September 2014, the Secret Service badly botched the incident. Agents decided that shots had been crossfire from a gang fight and not aimed at the White House, and conducted only a cursory investigation. As a result, they only realized bullets had hit the building four days later, when a housekeeper noticed glass and cement inside that had been damaged.

April 23, 2012: The Post reports that about a dozen agents have been sent home from a presidential trip to Colombia for misconduct including hiring prostitutes—a semi-legal activity where it occurred, but one that is nevertheless banned for Secret Service agents.

*** Maybe another 'recruiting tool' could be offering Agents prostitutes and drugs while on trips abroad protecting the President?! :p

May 2013: A supervisor in an elite Secret Service detail is caught trying to re-enter a woman's room at the Hay-Adams, a fancy Washington hotel, after mistakenly leaving a bullet there. During the course of an investigation, it emerges that he and another officer also both sent inappropriate messages to a female subordinate.

March 23, 2014: Three Secret Service agents are sent home from a presidential trip to the Netherlands after being found passed out drunk in a hotel hallway in Amsterdam.

September 16, 2014: Secret Service agents allow an armed security guard to be on an elevator with President Obama during a visit to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta—a violation of protocol. Agents became upset because the man was filming Obama on his cellphone; it was only later that they realized he was also carrying a gun.

September 19, 2014: Omar Gonzalez, a knife-wielding Iraq War veteran, leaps over the White House fence, runs through the front door of the executive mansion (which was unlocked, counter to protocol), and moves through must of the bottom floor—passing a staircase with access to the presidential living quarters—before finally being apprehended by Secret Service agents.

September 30, 2014: Secret Service Director Julia Pierson appears before a House committee to testify about security lapses. It's a disaster. Members of Congress hammer Pierson, who seems to have few answers and loses any remaining confidence from members of Congress in both parties.

October 1, 2014: Pierson resigns from her post. Joseph Clancy, a retired former senior officer, is appointed interim director.

October 22, 2014: A man jumps the White House fence, but he is stopped by Secret Service dogs.

October 29, 2014: The investigator charged with researching the 2012 prostitution scandal in Colombia is himself forced to resign after being arrested during an investigation into prostitution in Florida.

December 18, 2014: A panel of outside experts delivers a report to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, offering recommendations for how to solve the challenges facing the agency. The one that gets the most attention is a suggestion that the fence around the White House be made taller, following breaches of the security cordon. "But the problems exposed by recent events go deeper than a new fence can fix," the report's executive summary stated. "The Panel found an organization starved for leadership that rewards innovation and excellence and demands accountability."

March 4, 2015: Two senior agents run into a White House security barrier after drinking at a party for the agency's retiring spokesman. One of the men was second-in-command of President Obama's detail. The men drove through security tape and into the midst of an active bomb investigation, The Postreported Thursday. In fact, they may have run over the suspicious package.

(A Timeline of Secret Service Scandals)

January 24, 2017: A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn't want to "take a bullet" for him.

(Senior Secret Service agent suggests she wouldn't take 'a bullet' for Trump)

So I don't think allowing / encouraging pot smokers to join the Secret Service is the answer to correcting / reversing the disintegration of the Secret Service that has been going on...

Secret Service relaxes marijuana policy to help recruiting -

"Thirty-eight days into the job, the new director of the US Secret Service, Randolph Alles, is getting to know his agency.

Alles told reporters Thursday that he's working to grow the Secret Service, including by relaxing the agency's drug policy on marijuana.

Instead of a policy that would disqualify an applicant who has used the drug more than a certain number of times, the agency will now use a "whole-person concept" to measure marijuana use, potentially allowing candidates who admit to marijuana use based on the last age at which they used the drug and the amount of time between then and their application to the agency.

The Secret Service has two primary missions: To investigate and prevent financial crimes, and to protect the US President as well as former US leaders and their families.

The new director acknowledged that around-the-clock shifts and last-minute assignments have affected morale among the force..."

So allowing drug use is a 'recruiting tool' now?

Trump is a moron for hiring this guy and an even bigger moron if he allows him to keep his job!

Hmmm...let's look back at how the Secret Service declined under 'He Who Shall Not Be Named' (to avoid offending snowflakes):

June-August 2011: Agents in a unit responsible for patrolling the White House perimeter are yanked from their posts and assigned to protect the home of a personal friend of then-Director Mark Sullivan.

November 11, 2011: A gunman parks near the White House and fires at least seven bullets at the building. While Barack and Michelle Obama are not at home, their daughter Sasha and the first lady's mother are. The gunman, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, is arrested, but as The Post reported in September 2014, the Secret Service badly botched the incident. Agents decided that shots had been crossfire from a gang fight and not aimed at the White House, and conducted only a cursory investigation. As a result, they only realized bullets had hit the building four days later, when a housekeeper noticed glass and cement inside that had been damaged.

April 23, 2012: The Post reports that about a dozen agents have been sent home from a presidential trip to Colombia for misconduct including hiring prostitutes—a semi-legal activity where it occurred, but one that is nevertheless banned for Secret Service agents.

*** Maybe another 'recruiting tool' could be offering Agents prostitutes and drugs while on trips abroad protecting the President?! :p

May 2013: A supervisor in an elite Secret Service detail is caught trying to re-enter a woman's room at the Hay-Adams, a fancy Washington hotel, after mistakenly leaving a bullet there. During the course of an investigation, it emerges that he and another officer also both sent inappropriate messages to a female subordinate.

March 23, 2014: Three Secret Service agents are sent home from a presidential trip to the Netherlands after being found passed out drunk in a hotel hallway in Amsterdam.

September 16, 2014: Secret Service agents allow an armed security guard to be on an elevator with President Obama during a visit to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta—a violation of protocol. Agents became upset because the man was filming Obama on his cellphone; it was only later that they realized he was also carrying a gun.

September 19, 2014: Omar Gonzalez, a knife-wielding Iraq War veteran, leaps over the White House fence, runs through the front door of the executive mansion (which was unlocked, counter to protocol), and moves through must of the bottom floor—passing a staircase with access to the presidential living quarters—before finally being apprehended by Secret Service agents.

September 30, 2014: Secret Service Director Julia Pierson appears before a House committee to testify about security lapses. It's a disaster. Members of Congress hammer Pierson, who seems to have few answers and loses any remaining confidence from members of Congress in both parties.

October 1, 2014: Pierson resigns from her post. Joseph Clancy, a retired former senior officer, is appointed interim director.

October 22, 2014: A man jumps the White House fence, but he is stopped by Secret Service dogs.

October 29, 2014: The investigator charged with researching the 2012 prostitution scandal in Colombia is himself forced to resign after being arrested during an investigation into prostitution in Florida.

December 18, 2014: A panel of outside experts delivers a report to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, offering recommendations for how to solve the challenges facing the agency. The one that gets the most attention is a suggestion that the fence around the White House be made taller, following breaches of the security cordon. "But the problems exposed by recent events go deeper than a new fence can fix," the report's executive summary stated. "The Panel found an organization starved for leadership that rewards innovation and excellence and demands accountability."

March 4, 2015: Two senior agents run into a White House security barrier after drinking at a party for the agency's retiring spokesman. One of the men was second-in-command of President Obama's detail. The men drove through security tape and into the midst of an active bomb investigation, The Postreported Thursday. In fact, they may have run over the suspicious package.

(A Timeline of Secret Service Scandals)

January 24, 2017: A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn't want to "take a bullet" for him.

(Senior Secret Service agent suggests she wouldn't take 'a bullet' for Trump)

So I don't think allowing / encouraging pot smokers to join the Secret Service is the answer to correcting / reversing the disintegration of the Secret Service that has been going on...
So you list a couple of incidents involving ALCOHOL, and conclude that pot is unacceptable....

And why does the fact that some crazy decides to jump a fence become a "scandal"?

The politicization of the Secret Service scandal

Eaze - Useful Idiot Nonpareil

Secret Service relaxes marijuana policy to help recruiting -

"Thirty-eight days into the job, the new director of the US Secret Service, Randolph Alles, is getting to know his agency.

Alles told reporters Thursday that he's working to grow the Secret Service, including by relaxing the agency's drug policy on marijuana.

Instead of a policy that would disqualify an applicant who has used the drug more than a certain number of times, the agency will now use a "whole-person concept" to measure marijuana use, potentially allowing candidates who admit to marijuana use based on the last age at which they used the drug and the amount of time between then and their application to the agency.

The Secret Service has two primary missions: To investigate and prevent financial crimes, and to protect the US President as well as former US leaders and their families.

The new director acknowledged that around-the-clock shifts and last-minute assignments have affected morale among the force..."

So allowing drug use is a 'recruiting tool' now?

Trump is a moron for hiring this guy and an even bigger moron if he allows him to keep his job!

Hmmm...let's look back at how the Secret Service declined under 'He Who Shall Not Be Named' (to avoid offending snowflakes):

June-August 2011: Agents in a unit responsible for patrolling the White House perimeter are yanked from their posts and assigned to protect the home of a personal friend of then-Director Mark Sullivan.

November 11, 2011: A gunman parks near the White House and fires at least seven bullets at the building. While Barack and Michelle Obama are not at home, their daughter Sasha and the first lady's mother are. The gunman, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, is arrested, but as The Post reported in September 2014, the Secret Service badly botched the incident. Agents decided that shots had been crossfire from a gang fight and not aimed at the White House, and conducted only a cursory investigation. As a result, they only realized bullets had hit the building four days later, when a housekeeper noticed glass and cement inside that had been damaged.

April 23, 2012: The Post reports that about a dozen agents have been sent home from a presidential trip to Colombia for misconduct including hiring prostitutes—a semi-legal activity where it occurred, but one that is nevertheless banned for Secret Service agents.

*** Maybe another 'recruiting tool' could be offering Agents prostitutes and drugs while on trips abroad protecting the President?! :p

May 2013: A supervisor in an elite Secret Service detail is caught trying to re-enter a woman's room at the Hay-Adams, a fancy Washington hotel, after mistakenly leaving a bullet there. During the course of an investigation, it emerges that he and another officer also both sent inappropriate messages to a female subordinate.

March 23, 2014: Three Secret Service agents are sent home from a presidential trip to the Netherlands after being found passed out drunk in a hotel hallway in Amsterdam.

September 16, 2014: Secret Service agents allow an armed security guard to be on an elevator with President Obama during a visit to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta—a violation of protocol. Agents became upset because the man was filming Obama on his cellphone; it was only later that they realized he was also carrying a gun.

September 19, 2014: Omar Gonzalez, a knife-wielding Iraq War veteran, leaps over the White House fence, runs through the front door of the executive mansion (which was unlocked, counter to protocol), and moves through must of the bottom floor—passing a staircase with access to the presidential living quarters—before finally being apprehended by Secret Service agents.

September 30, 2014: Secret Service Director Julia Pierson appears before a House committee to testify about security lapses. It's a disaster. Members of Congress hammer Pierson, who seems to have few answers and loses any remaining confidence from members of Congress in both parties.

October 1, 2014: Pierson resigns from her post. Joseph Clancy, a retired former senior officer, is appointed interim director.

October 22, 2014: A man jumps the White House fence, but he is stopped by Secret Service dogs.

October 29, 2014: The investigator charged with researching the 2012 prostitution scandal in Colombia is himself forced to resign after being arrested during an investigation into prostitution in Florida.

December 18, 2014: A panel of outside experts delivers a report to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, offering recommendations for how to solve the challenges facing the agency. The one that gets the most attention is a suggestion that the fence around the White House be made taller, following breaches of the security cordon. "But the problems exposed by recent events go deeper than a new fence can fix," the report's executive summary stated. "The Panel found an organization starved for leadership that rewards innovation and excellence and demands accountability."

March 4, 2015: Two senior agents run into a White House security barrier after drinking at a party for the agency's retiring spokesman. One of the men was second-in-command of President Obama's detail. The men drove through security tape and into the midst of an active bomb investigation, The Postreported Thursday. In fact, they may have run over the suspicious package.

(A Timeline of Secret Service Scandals)

January 24, 2017: A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn't want to "take a bullet" for him.

(Senior Secret Service agent suggests she wouldn't take 'a bullet' for Trump)

So I don't think allowing / encouraging pot smokers to join the Secret Service is the answer to correcting / reversing the disintegration of the Secret Service that has been going on...
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

Secret Service relaxes marijuana policy to help recruiting -

"Thirty-eight days into the job, the new director of the US Secret Service, Randolph Alles, is getting to know his agency.

Alles told reporters Thursday that he's working to grow the Secret Service, including by relaxing the agency's drug policy on marijuana.

Instead of a policy that would disqualify an applicant who has used the drug more than a certain number of times, the agency will now use a "whole-person concept" to measure marijuana use, potentially allowing candidates who admit to marijuana use based on the last age at which they used the drug and the amount of time between then and their application to the agency.

The Secret Service has two primary missions: To investigate and prevent financial crimes, and to protect the US President as well as former US leaders and their families.

The new director acknowledged that around-the-clock shifts and last-minute assignments have affected morale among the force..."

So allowing drug use is a 'recruiting tool' now?

Trump is a moron for hiring this guy and an even bigger moron if he allows him to keep his job!

Hmmm...let's look back at how the Secret Service declined under 'He Who Shall Not Be Named' (to avoid offending snowflakes):

June-August 2011: Agents in a unit responsible for patrolling the White House perimeter are yanked from their posts and assigned to protect the home of a personal friend of then-Director Mark Sullivan.

November 11, 2011: A gunman parks near the White House and fires at least seven bullets at the building. While Barack and Michelle Obama are not at home, their daughter Sasha and the first lady's mother are. The gunman, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, is arrested, but as The Post reported in September 2014, the Secret Service badly botched the incident. Agents decided that shots had been crossfire from a gang fight and not aimed at the White House, and conducted only a cursory investigation. As a result, they only realized bullets had hit the building four days later, when a housekeeper noticed glass and cement inside that had been damaged.

April 23, 2012: The Post reports that about a dozen agents have been sent home from a presidential trip to Colombia for misconduct including hiring prostitutes—a semi-legal activity where it occurred, but one that is nevertheless banned for Secret Service agents.

*** Maybe another 'recruiting tool' could be offering Agents prostitutes and drugs while on trips abroad protecting the President?! :p

May 2013: A supervisor in an elite Secret Service detail is caught trying to re-enter a woman's room at the Hay-Adams, a fancy Washington hotel, after mistakenly leaving a bullet there. During the course of an investigation, it emerges that he and another officer also both sent inappropriate messages to a female subordinate.

March 23, 2014: Three Secret Service agents are sent home from a presidential trip to the Netherlands after being found passed out drunk in a hotel hallway in Amsterdam.

September 16, 2014: Secret Service agents allow an armed security guard to be on an elevator with President Obama during a visit to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta—a violation of protocol. Agents became upset because the man was filming Obama on his cellphone; it was only later that they realized he was also carrying a gun.

September 19, 2014: Omar Gonzalez, a knife-wielding Iraq War veteran, leaps over the White House fence, runs through the front door of the executive mansion (which was unlocked, counter to protocol), and moves through must of the bottom floor—passing a staircase with access to the presidential living quarters—before finally being apprehended by Secret Service agents.

September 30, 2014: Secret Service Director Julia Pierson appears before a House committee to testify about security lapses. It's a disaster. Members of Congress hammer Pierson, who seems to have few answers and loses any remaining confidence from members of Congress in both parties.

October 1, 2014: Pierson resigns from her post. Joseph Clancy, a retired former senior officer, is appointed interim director.

October 22, 2014: A man jumps the White House fence, but he is stopped by Secret Service dogs.

October 29, 2014: The investigator charged with researching the 2012 prostitution scandal in Colombia is himself forced to resign after being arrested during an investigation into prostitution in Florida.

December 18, 2014: A panel of outside experts delivers a report to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, offering recommendations for how to solve the challenges facing the agency. The one that gets the most attention is a suggestion that the fence around the White House be made taller, following breaches of the security cordon. "But the problems exposed by recent events go deeper than a new fence can fix," the report's executive summary stated. "The Panel found an organization starved for leadership that rewards innovation and excellence and demands accountability."

March 4, 2015: Two senior agents run into a White House security barrier after drinking at a party for the agency's retiring spokesman. One of the men was second-in-command of President Obama's detail. The men drove through security tape and into the midst of an active bomb investigation, The Postreported Thursday. In fact, they may have run over the suspicious package.

(A Timeline of Secret Service Scandals)

January 24, 2017: A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn't want to "take a bullet" for him.

(Senior Secret Service agent suggests she wouldn't take 'a bullet' for Trump)

So I don't think allowing / encouraging pot smokers to join the Secret Service is the answer to correcting / reversing the disintegration of the Secret Service that has been going on...
They're relaxing criteria about past use, NOT current use, shortbus.
So you list a couple of incidents involving ALCOHOL, and conclude that pot is unacceptable....

And why does the fact that some crazy decides to jump a fence become a "scandal"?

The politicization of the Secret Service scandal

Eaze - Useful Idiot Nonpareil

Poor snowflakes, always making excuses for and defending the incompetent / those who fail to do their jobs. (I guess they have to since that's all the type of people the DNC offers up to them. :p )

Secret Service relaxes marijuana policy to help recruiting -

"Thirty-eight days into the job, the new director of the US Secret Service, Randolph Alles, is getting to know his agency.

Alles told reporters Thursday that he's working to grow the Secret Service, including by relaxing the agency's drug policy on marijuana.

Instead of a policy that would disqualify an applicant who has used the drug more than a certain number of times, the agency will now use a "whole-person concept" to measure marijuana use, potentially allowing candidates who admit to marijuana use based on the last age at which they used the drug and the amount of time between then and their application to the agency.

The Secret Service has two primary missions: To investigate and prevent financial crimes, and to protect the US President as well as former US leaders and their families.

The new director acknowledged that around-the-clock shifts and last-minute assignments have affected morale among the force..."

So allowing drug use is a 'recruiting tool' now?

Trump is a moron for hiring this guy and an even bigger moron if he allows him to keep his job!

Hmmm...let's look back at how the Secret Service declined under 'He Who Shall Not Be Named' (to avoid offending snowflakes):

June-August 2011: Agents in a unit responsible for patrolling the White House perimeter are yanked from their posts and assigned to protect the home of a personal friend of then-Director Mark Sullivan.

November 11, 2011: A gunman parks near the White House and fires at least seven bullets at the building. While Barack and Michelle Obama are not at home, their daughter Sasha and the first lady's mother are. The gunman, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, is arrested, but as The Post reported in September 2014, the Secret Service badly botched the incident. Agents decided that shots had been crossfire from a gang fight and not aimed at the White House, and conducted only a cursory investigation. As a result, they only realized bullets had hit the building four days later, when a housekeeper noticed glass and cement inside that had been damaged.

April 23, 2012: The Post reports that about a dozen agents have been sent home from a presidential trip to Colombia for misconduct including hiring prostitutes—a semi-legal activity where it occurred, but one that is nevertheless banned for Secret Service agents.

*** Maybe another 'recruiting tool' could be offering Agents prostitutes and drugs while on trips abroad protecting the President?! :p

May 2013: A supervisor in an elite Secret Service detail is caught trying to re-enter a woman's room at the Hay-Adams, a fancy Washington hotel, after mistakenly leaving a bullet there. During the course of an investigation, it emerges that he and another officer also both sent inappropriate messages to a female subordinate.

March 23, 2014: Three Secret Service agents are sent home from a presidential trip to the Netherlands after being found passed out drunk in a hotel hallway in Amsterdam.

September 16, 2014: Secret Service agents allow an armed security guard to be on an elevator with President Obama during a visit to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta—a violation of protocol. Agents became upset because the man was filming Obama on his cellphone; it was only later that they realized he was also carrying a gun.

September 19, 2014: Omar Gonzalez, a knife-wielding Iraq War veteran, leaps over the White House fence, runs through the front door of the executive mansion (which was unlocked, counter to protocol), and moves through must of the bottom floor—passing a staircase with access to the presidential living quarters—before finally being apprehended by Secret Service agents.

September 30, 2014: Secret Service Director Julia Pierson appears before a House committee to testify about security lapses. It's a disaster. Members of Congress hammer Pierson, who seems to have few answers and loses any remaining confidence from members of Congress in both parties.

October 1, 2014: Pierson resigns from her post. Joseph Clancy, a retired former senior officer, is appointed interim director.

October 22, 2014: A man jumps the White House fence, but he is stopped by Secret Service dogs.

October 29, 2014: The investigator charged with researching the 2012 prostitution scandal in Colombia is himself forced to resign after being arrested during an investigation into prostitution in Florida.

December 18, 2014: A panel of outside experts delivers a report to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, offering recommendations for how to solve the challenges facing the agency. The one that gets the most attention is a suggestion that the fence around the White House be made taller, following breaches of the security cordon. "But the problems exposed by recent events go deeper than a new fence can fix," the report's executive summary stated. "The Panel found an organization starved for leadership that rewards innovation and excellence and demands accountability."

March 4, 2015: Two senior agents run into a White House security barrier after drinking at a party for the agency's retiring spokesman. One of the men was second-in-command of President Obama's detail. The men drove through security tape and into the midst of an active bomb investigation, The Postreported Thursday. In fact, they may have run over the suspicious package.

(A Timeline of Secret Service Scandals)

January 24, 2017: A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn't want to "take a bullet" for him.

(Senior Secret Service agent suggests she wouldn't take 'a bullet' for Trump)

So I don't think allowing / encouraging pot smokers to join the Secret Service is the answer to correcting / reversing the disintegration of the Secret Service that has been going on...
They're relaxing criteria about past use, NOT current use, shortbus.

'Not current'?! Guess you failed to read the latest incident, huh?! Nice try, but still FAIL!

Why don't we just let cops, Navy SEALS, etc do drugs as well, huh? If it will mean more, better Secret Service it must mean it is good for everyone else, too, right?!
They're relaxing criteria about past use, NOT current use, shortbus.
'Not current'?! Guess you failed to read the latest incident, huh?! Nice try, but still FAIL! Why don't we just let cops, Navy SEALS, etc do drugs as well, huh? If it will mean more, better Secret Service it must mean it is good for everyone else, too, right?!
What current incident? How about providing a cite? Nice try. Once again you're talking about LETTING people do drugs, when the relaxation policy is for PAST use. Do you really think we can't see right through your lies? :cuckoo:

Secret Service relaxes marijuana policy to help recruiting -

"Thirty-eight days into the job, the new director of the US Secret Service, Randolph Alles, is getting to know his agency.

Alles told reporters Thursday that he's working to grow the Secret Service, including by relaxing the agency's drug policy on marijuana.

Instead of a policy that would disqualify an applicant who has used the drug more than a certain number of times, the agency will now use a "whole-person concept" to measure marijuana use, potentially allowing candidates who admit to marijuana use based on the last age at which they used the drug and the amount of time between then and their application to the agency.

The Secret Service has two primary missions: To investigate and prevent financial crimes, and to protect the US President as well as former US leaders and their families.

The new director acknowledged that around-the-clock shifts and last-minute assignments have affected morale among the force..."

So allowing drug use is a 'recruiting tool' now?

Trump is a moron for hiring this guy and an even bigger moron if he allows him to keep his job!

Hmmm...let's look back at how the Secret Service declined under 'He Who Shall Not Be Named' (to avoid offending snowflakes):

June-August 2011: Agents in a unit responsible for patrolling the White House perimeter are yanked from their posts and assigned to protect the home of a personal friend of then-Director Mark Sullivan.

November 11, 2011: A gunman parks near the White House and fires at least seven bullets at the building. While Barack and Michelle Obama are not at home, their daughter Sasha and the first lady's mother are. The gunman, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, is arrested, but as The Post reported in September 2014, the Secret Service badly botched the incident. Agents decided that shots had been crossfire from a gang fight and not aimed at the White House, and conducted only a cursory investigation. As a result, they only realized bullets had hit the building four days later, when a housekeeper noticed glass and cement inside that had been damaged.

April 23, 2012: The Post reports that about a dozen agents have been sent home from a presidential trip to Colombia for misconduct including hiring prostitutes—a semi-legal activity where it occurred, but one that is nevertheless banned for Secret Service agents.

*** Maybe another 'recruiting tool' could be offering Agents prostitutes and drugs while on trips abroad protecting the President?! :p

May 2013: A supervisor in an elite Secret Service detail is caught trying to re-enter a woman's room at the Hay-Adams, a fancy Washington hotel, after mistakenly leaving a bullet there. During the course of an investigation, it emerges that he and another officer also both sent inappropriate messages to a female subordinate.

March 23, 2014: Three Secret Service agents are sent home from a presidential trip to the Netherlands after being found passed out drunk in a hotel hallway in Amsterdam.

September 16, 2014: Secret Service agents allow an armed security guard to be on an elevator with President Obama during a visit to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta—a violation of protocol. Agents became upset because the man was filming Obama on his cellphone; it was only later that they realized he was also carrying a gun.

September 19, 2014: Omar Gonzalez, a knife-wielding Iraq War veteran, leaps over the White House fence, runs through the front door of the executive mansion (which was unlocked, counter to protocol), and moves through must of the bottom floor—passing a staircase with access to the presidential living quarters—before finally being apprehended by Secret Service agents.

September 30, 2014: Secret Service Director Julia Pierson appears before a House committee to testify about security lapses. It's a disaster. Members of Congress hammer Pierson, who seems to have few answers and loses any remaining confidence from members of Congress in both parties.

October 1, 2014: Pierson resigns from her post. Joseph Clancy, a retired former senior officer, is appointed interim director.

October 22, 2014: A man jumps the White House fence, but he is stopped by Secret Service dogs.

October 29, 2014: The investigator charged with researching the 2012 prostitution scandal in Colombia is himself forced to resign after being arrested during an investigation into prostitution in Florida.

December 18, 2014: A panel of outside experts delivers a report to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, offering recommendations for how to solve the challenges facing the agency. The one that gets the most attention is a suggestion that the fence around the White House be made taller, following breaches of the security cordon. "But the problems exposed by recent events go deeper than a new fence can fix," the report's executive summary stated. "The Panel found an organization starved for leadership that rewards innovation and excellence and demands accountability."

March 4, 2015: Two senior agents run into a White House security barrier after drinking at a party for the agency's retiring spokesman. One of the men was second-in-command of President Obama's detail. The men drove through security tape and into the midst of an active bomb investigation, The Postreported Thursday. In fact, they may have run over the suspicious package.

(A Timeline of Secret Service Scandals)

January 24, 2017: A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn't want to "take a bullet" for him.

(Senior Secret Service agent suggests she wouldn't take 'a bullet' for Trump)

So I don't think allowing / encouraging pot smokers to join the Secret Service is the answer to correcting / reversing the disintegration of the Secret Service that has been going on...

Marajuana ????????


ez been in the Kronic this am already ...

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