Second Amendment


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
I have always been a one issue voter and that issue is the Second Amendment. After all that is the amendment that allows no tyrant to abuse the rest of them. One of the worst offender of abusing my Second Amendment right is Old Joe and he has been doing it for 36 years. 36 years of disobeying his oath to the Constitution. So who came up with putting the tital of The Honorable at the start of his name or any piece of shit democRat's name. He work hard at getting the Brady Bill passed according to Sarah Brady but we all know she never told the truth but that is another story. Like all gun laws did nothing but take a bite out of the Second. He lead the 0bama administration assault on the Second. He voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce Act to halting anti-gun fucks from suing firearms manufacturers bankrupt.

Over the years there has never been a bill against the Second he hasn't voted for. Semi automatic bans, hand gun bans, licensing, and confiscation. Since his brain has gone South he has gotten worse giving the bullet magnet Beto a green light on a frontal assault on our right of self protection. Tyrants know they can never rule with an iron fist an armed population. This should explain why they go after semi auto rifles that killed 296 people in 2018 while they put hand guns on the back burner for now that killed over 6,000 in 2018.

To believe these baby murdering scum care if you live or die to begin with you would have to have the mentality of a democRat. Why do you think the 0bamanation sent over 2,000 guns to those murderers in Mexico behind the back of their government. He gave the reason 2 weeks later when he gave his speech in Mexico City. There he put all the violent crime in Mexico on American gun owners? I have heard Holder speak of using any means including lying to disarm us. I have dealt with four of those gun shops for over 25 years and all told the same story. When those weapons went out their front door they were gone with no way of tracing them. None of those shops would have sold cases of weapons to those yahoos. without being forced to. The 0bamanation used carnage and mass death of mostly Mexico's law enforcement and military to get a gun ban on semi auto rifles. The deaths from those weapons is over 600 and still goes higher every day. If the enabler Congress had done their job and hung them both at the time look at all the treason and aiding the enemy we could of avoided.

0bama, Holder, Biden, and Clinton should of been hung. Clinton's crime bill ban all large capacity magazines made after the date of it's signing. While Clinton waited a month to sign it for his good buddies from Poly Tet and Norinco, China's arms builders

to dock their last ship with ban weapons on them so many large capacity magazines were made they still set in warehouses today.

In 2004 and 2005 Old Joe teamed up with democRat mayors and lawless lawyers to turn tort laws on their heads trying to hold gun dealers responsible for crimes committed by criminals. This dirty democRat with the help of the Feinstein monster got the 1994 Crime bill passed. You know the one the Justice Department in 1997 and again in 2004 found ineffective as all the rest.

November 2019 biden was in Seattle at a fund raiser where he talked of 9 MM hand guns holding more than 10 rounds. There are more 9 MM hand guns than any other caliber. He wants to ban the ammunition for these guns. You democRats deserve this ass hole but the rest of us don't. I'm glad this brainless tyrant don't stand a chance of winning. It will delay when the shooting starts in the civil war these terrorist started 4 years ago trying to unseat a legally elected president with lies, false evidence, and criminal acts. When it does start and it will no matter how you look at it democRats lose. We are not Brits or from down under. We are Americans and we will not disarm. You will not take guns from our cold dead hands because we won't be dead. Since LBJ helped murder JFK you democRats give genocide a good name. A bunch of clueless government dependence. ASK NOT WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY BUT WHAT YOU CAN DO YOUR COUNTRY FOR. Now you dumb shits go vote for your anti-American with a serious case of brain rot.
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The Democrats are going to take away your guns.

Just like the last time.

And the time before that.
If they had the power back then they would have and if they gain the white house and control of the congress they will have that power. Not even to mention they are much more socialist now and becoming more so to the point of becoming communists who run around quoting Mao.

Who thought the people in Australia would have their guns taken away. Yet it happened there and it will happen here if the socialists get the power.
I have always been a one issue voter and that issue is the Second Amendment. After all that is the amendment that allows no tyrant to abuse the rest of them. One of the worst offender of abusing my Second Amendment right is Old Joe and he has been doing it for 36 years. 36 years of disobeying his oath to the Constitution. So who came up with putting the tital of The Honorable at the start of his name or any piece of shit democRat's name. He work hard at getting the Brady Bill passed according to Sarah Brady but we all know she never told the truth but that is another story. Like all gun laws did nothing but take a bite out of the Second. He lead the 0bama administration assault on the Second. He voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce Act to halting anti-gun fucks from suing firearms manufacturers bankrupt.

Over the years there has never been a bill against the Second he hasn't voted for. Semi automatic bans, hand gun bans, licensing, and confiscation. Since his brain has gone South he has gotten worse giving the bullet magnet Beto a green light on a frontal assault on our right of self protection. Tyrants know they can never rule with an iron fist an armed population. This should explain why they go after semi auto rifles that killed 296 people in 2018 while they put hand guns on the back burner for now that killed over 6,000 in 2018.

To believe these baby murdering scum care if you live or die to begin with you would have to have the mentality of a democRat. Why do you think the 0bamanation sent over 2,000 guns to those murderers in Mexico behind the back of their government. He gave the reason 2 weeks later when he gave his speech in Mexico City. There he put all the violent crime in Mexico on American gun owners? I have heard Holder speak of using any means including lying to disarm us. I have dealt with four of those gun shops for over 25 years and all told the same story. When those weapons went out their front door they were gone with no way of tracing them. None of those shops would have sold cases of weapons to those yahoos. without being forced to. The 0bamanation used carnage and mass death of mostly Mexico's law enforcement and military to get a gun ban on semi auto rifles. The deaths from those weapons is over 600 and still goes higher every day. If the enabler Congress had done their job and hung them both at the time look at all the treason and aiding the enemy we could of avoided.

0bama, Holder, Biden, and Clinton should of been hung. Clinton's crime bill ban all large capacity magazines made after the date of it's signing. While Clinton waited a month to sign it for his good buddies from Poly Tet and Norinco, China's arms builders View attachment 372252
to dock their last ship with ban weapons on them so many large capacity magazines were made they still set in warehouses today.

In 2004 and 2005 Old Joe teamed up with democRat mayors and lawless lawyers to turn tort laws on their heads trying to hold gun dealers responsible for crimes committed by criminals. This dirty democRat with the help of the Feinstein monster got the 1994 Crime bill passed. You know the one the Justice Department in 1997 and again in 2004 found ineffective as all the rest.

November 2019 biden was in Seattle at a fund raiser where he talked of 9 MM hand guns holding more than 10 rounds. There are more 9 MM hand guns than any other caliber. He wants to ban the ammunition for these guns. You democRats deserve this ass hole but the rest of us don't. I'm glad this brainless tyrant don't stand a chance of winning. It will delay when the shooting starts in the civil war these terrorist started 4 years ago trying to unseat a legally elected president with lies, false evidence, and criminal acts. When it does start and it will no matter how you look at it democRats lose. We are not Brits or from down under. We are Americans and we will not disarm. You will not take guns from our cold dead hands because we won't be dead. Since LBJ helped murder JFK you democRats give genocide a good name. A bunch of clueless government dependence. ASK NOT WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY BUT WHAT YOU CAN DO YOUR COUNTRY FOR. Now you dumb shits go vote for your anti-American with a serious case of brain rot.

American gun rights are, as they stand today—08/07/20—just barely north of worthless and meaningless. In many states across our nation private citizens can own guns, albeit own them with a growing list of restrictions that all but strangles our ability use, transport, display, gift and/or put them into battery for effective and timely self-defense. The other day I checked into the hoops I'd have to leap through in order to gift my father a certain single action revolver he's always dreamed of owning. While it is possible to gift a gun in my state, the sea of red tape we'd have to wade through to pull it off is just too deep—we're talking bureaucratic hell.

From target practicing (discharging a firearm) on one's own land to transporting a loaded long gun, the rights of the average American to keep and bear have been all but cancelled. And then there's the NFA. Don't get me started. So I want to legally own a certain type of firearm or a "can" for said gun. Not only do I have to wait seemingly forever for the government's stamp of approval, I have to proceed with the utmost of care and patience or face federal prison time. Hell, even ordering certain completely legal items for my firearms from overseas could land me in deep, hot water even though mega outlets like Walmart sell them.

So while yes . . . we do still have the right to keep and bear here in America, we can really only do so as long as we agree to be forever listed in federal government databases, and with countless restrictions which cut the legs off our Second Amendment protections.
Reagan & Bush supported & signed the bills into law that took away Full Automatics & Imposed waiting periods! And you love those guy & would vote for them again if they were still alive, willing & able to run.

We gained more armed freedom under Obama/Biden
The Democrats are going to take away your guns.

Just like the last time.

And the time before that.
Should we not believe Joe's own words to Anderson Cooper?

The only way to stop this bullshit is to repeal all federal gun laws and let us all carry belt-fed machine guns in public.

Reagan & Bush supported & signed the bills into law that took away Full Automatics & Imposed waiting periods! And you love those guy & would vote for them again if they were still alive, willing & able to run.
This is why I hate the GOP establishment and the NRA.

I want the NRA to die and the GOA and NAGR to take its place. I want people fighting for ZERO RESTRICTIONS.

Machine guns or Valhalla!!!
I have always been a one issue voter and that issue is the Second Amendment. After all that is the amendment that allows no tyrant to abuse the rest of them. One of the worst offender of abusing my Second Amendment right is Old Joe and he has been doing it for 36 years. 36 years of disobeying his oath to the Constitution. So who came up with putting the tital of The Honorable at the start of his name or any piece of shit democRat's name. He work hard at getting the Brady Bill passed according to Sarah Brady but we all know she never told the truth but that is another story. Like all gun laws did nothing but take a bite out of the Second. He lead the 0bama administration assault on the Second. He voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce Act to halting anti-gun fucks from suing firearms manufacturers bankrupt.

Over the years there has never been a bill against the Second he hasn't voted for. Semi automatic bans, hand gun bans, licensing, and confiscation. Since his brain has gone South he has gotten worse giving the bullet magnet Beto a green light on a frontal assault on our right of self protection. Tyrants know they can never rule with an iron fist an armed population. This should explain why they go after semi auto rifles that killed 296 people in 2018 while they put hand guns on the back burner for now that killed over 6,000 in 2018.

To believe these baby murdering scum care if you live or die to begin with you would have to have the mentality of a democRat. Why do you think the 0bamanation sent over 2,000 guns to those murderers in Mexico behind the back of their government. He gave the reason 2 weeks later when he gave his speech in Mexico City. There he put all the violent crime in Mexico on American gun owners? I have heard Holder speak of using any means including lying to disarm us. I have dealt with four of those gun shops for over 25 years and all told the same story. When those weapons went out their front door they were gone with no way of tracing them. None of those shops would have sold cases of weapons to those yahoos. without being forced to. The 0bamanation used carnage and mass death of mostly Mexico's law enforcement and military to get a gun ban on semi auto rifles. The deaths from those weapons is over 600 and still goes higher every day. If the enabler Congress had done their job and hung them both at the time look at all the treason and aiding the enemy we could of avoided.

0bama, Holder, Biden, and Clinton should of been hung. Clinton's crime bill ban all large capacity magazines made after the date of it's signing. While Clinton waited a month to sign it for his good buddies from Poly Tet and Norinco, China's arms builders View attachment 372252
to dock their last ship with ban weapons on them so many large capacity magazines were made they still set in warehouses today.

In 2004 and 2005 Old Joe teamed up with democRat mayors and lawless lawyers to turn tort laws on their heads trying to hold gun dealers responsible for crimes committed by criminals. This dirty democRat with the help of the Feinstein monster got the 1994 Crime bill passed. You know the one the Justice Department in 1997 and again in 2004 found ineffective as all the rest.

November 2019 biden was in Seattle at a fund raiser where he talked of 9 MM hand guns holding more than 10 rounds. There are more 9 MM hand guns than any other caliber. He wants to ban the ammunition for these guns. You democRats deserve this ass hole but the rest of us don't. I'm glad this brainless tyrant don't stand a chance of winning. It will delay when the shooting starts in the civil war these terrorist started 4 years ago trying to unseat a legally elected president with lies, false evidence, and criminal acts. When it does start and it will no matter how you look at it democRats lose. We are not Brits or from down under. We are Americans and we will not disarm. You will not take guns from our cold dead hands because we won't be dead. Since LBJ helped murder JFK you democRats give genocide a good name. A bunch of clueless government dependence. ASK NOT WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY BUT WHAT YOU CAN DO YOUR COUNTRY FOR. Now you dumb shits go vote for your anti-American with a serious case of brain rot.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!
The Democrats are going to take away your guns.

Just like the last time.

And the time before that.

This time it's for real. We're a gun culture and Dimm's are on a cancel culture crusade.
I guess you haven't been paying attention.
So this time it’s for real then?

I’ll believe it when I see it.
Do you think an AR-15 is an assault rifle? Yes or No.

There's only been one "assault" rifle produced in history and unless you're practically God, you ain't getting one. The AR-15 is the modern incarnation of the family musket and the family lever action 30-30. The AR family is just as effective at putting food on the table as it is for home defense. Anyone who says differently is committing psychological warfare.

Say hello to the only "assault" rifle ever produced . . . ever:

Full auto waste ammo faster so mass shooters would hit far fewer victims. Dumb-ass Republicans banned them.
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