Sebelius: ‘Hold Me Accountable For The Debacle’


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Sebelius: ‘Hold Me Accountable For The Debacle’

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told a House committee Wednesday that the blame lies with her for the glitches plaguing the website.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee held its second hearing related to the health care exchange website problems – and there were still glitches with the site during the hearing. Committee chairman and Michigan Congressman Fred Upton said he found an error message on the website’s registration page on the morning of the meeting.

The registration page stayed down throughout the 3 1/2 hour hearing.
Upton warned the committee and Sebelius that Americans are losing trust, and “soon they may worry about being on the wrong side of their government facing penalties,” if they cannot sign up through the glitch-prone websites.

Sebelius told the committee that the blame should be put on her for the problems the website has been experiencing since its Oct. 1 launch.
“Hold me accountable for the debacle. I am responsible,” Sebelius said.
Despite the glitches, Sebelius says the website “has never crashed.”
ObamaCare Site Crashes Minutes Before Sebelius Testimony

ObamaCare Site Crashes Minutes Before Sebelius Testimony

Sebelius: ?Hold Me Accountable For The Debacle? « CBS DC
“Hold me accountable for the debacle. I am responsible,” Sebelius said.

Where is Donald Trump when you actually need him?

Why do you care? You will not give the next one a fucking moment of honest evaluation anyway. You guys are transparent. You think if Obama has to let her go it will be embarrassing for you want him to let her go.
Little prediction here...Sebelius will resign by the end of next week..latest.
Only reason it could be longer than that is if Obama's arrogance outlasts obvious calls from Democrats to bury the hatchet.
Obama cannot stomach being wrong, he is undoubtedly the most egotistical President since Nixon, and like Nixon - he will stick with the wrong path instead of admit defeat on any issue large or small.
Sebelius is a national embarrassment. Even Obama supporters can't defend her - and the longer she stays the more discomfiting it gets.
Sebelius is playing the "shrewd" political game. By claiming responsibility, she pretty much forces Obama to not fire her. If he does, she'll go public with the things that pin the blame on him.
She's not being let go. None of these things you wingnuts want to happen will.




Romneycare is working great, so will Obamacare.
If Sebelius was not a good enough manager to over see a successful launch of Healthcare. gov.,she isn't good enough to oversee the fix.

Fire her ass President Obama. Do us all a favor.
Why do you care? You will not give the next one a fucking moment of honest evaluation anyway. You guys are transparent. You think if Obama has to let her go it will be embarrassing for you want him to let her go.

She needs to be let go because that's how failures of this magnitude are dealt with in THE REAL WORLD. Has nothing to do with Obama so put your damn emotions back in your pocket idiot.
Let's take a look at history here. People in the know asked for Holder's head after he refused to give whites the same rights when it came to hate crimes and voting rights as blacks and nothing happened. And after the "MY People" comment, he's still here. Loyalty to his friends counted more.

Hillary took the blame for Benghazi and yelled for all that was done wrong, "What difference does it make now?" Well, Obama can simply do this :disbelief: and all will be well with nothing being done.

Obama: "If I ignore it, the LSM will, and so will the people..."
Why do you care? You will not give the next one a fucking moment of honest evaluation anyway. You guys are transparent. You think if Obama has to let her go it will be embarrassing for you want him to let her go.

She needs to be let go because that's how failures of this magnitude are dealt with in THE REAL WORLD. Has nothing to do with Obama so put your damn emotions back in your pocket idiot.

It is absolutely about Obama for you losers.

Would Obama's replacement nominee get confirmed?
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