Sebelius: ‘Hold Me Accountable For The Debacle’

Why do you care? You will not give the next one a fucking moment of honest evaluation anyway. You guys are transparent. You think if Obama has to let her go it will be embarrassing for you want him to let her go.

She needs to be let go because that's how failures of this magnitude are dealt with in THE REAL WORLD. Has nothing to do with Obama so put your damn emotions back in your pocket idiot.

Cost-Free Accountability « Commentary Magazine

A post-script to yesterday’s congressional testimony by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: In response to a question, she said, “Hold me accountable for the [federal health-care exchange] debacle. I’m responsible.”

This is among the oldest tricks in the book–to say you’re the responsible party as a way to avoid being held accountable. The words are meaningless. What exactly does holding her accountable mean? That she resign? Not a chance. That she be reprimanded by the president? No way. She has his “full confidence.” Nothing is different after her testimony than before it.

This is cost-free accountability.

What Secretary Sebelius is doing is making our society less, not more, accountable. How? By creating an Orwellian world in which asking to be held responsible for a massive error is the best and easiest way to duck responsibility for overseeing a massive error. And perhaps getting some credit in the process.

Cost-Free Accountability « Commentary Magazine
Why do you care? You will not give the next one a fucking moment of honest evaluation anyway. You guys are transparent. You think if Obama has to let her go it will be embarrassing for you want him to let her go.

She needs to be let go because that's how failures of this magnitude are dealt with in THE REAL WORLD. Has nothing to do with Obama so put your damn emotions back in your pocket idiot.

Cost-Free Accountability « Commentary Magazine

A post-script to yesterday’s congressional testimony by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: In response to a question, she said, “Hold me accountable for the [federal health-care exchange] debacle. I’m responsible.”

This is among the oldest tricks in the book–to say you’re the responsible party as a way to avoid being held accountable. The words are meaningless. What exactly does holding her accountable mean? That she resign? Not a chance. That she be reprimanded by the president? No way. She has his “full confidence.” Nothing is different after her testimony than before it.

This is cost-free accountability.

What Secretary Sebelius is doing is making our society less, not more, accountable. How? By creating an Orwellian world in which asking to be held responsible for a massive error is the best and easiest way to duck responsibility for overseeing a massive error. And perhaps getting some credit in the process.

Cost-Free Accountability « Commentary Magazine

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John MacAfee says Obamacare website a hacker's dream...
Why am I not surprised...
John McAfee on Cavuto: "Obamacare Is A Hacker's Wet Dream" (VIDEO) | Peace . Gold . Liberty

Figures John McAfee would be your hero.

That creepy, drunk, druggie kind of suits you.

Hey stupid....Quoting a person does not translate to worship...
Once again, a lib seeing their losing position in a debate has to go to the playbook.
"when the message does not fit our template and cannot be refuted, attack the messenger"...
Liberalism is for the simple minded and easily led.
I have no idea why you post here. You've not to my knowledge ever started the thread.
You lurk around here looking for things with which to bother yourself.
And you make meaningless drive by posts in lockstep of democrats and liberals. None of which are substantive or even mildly well thought out.
You should really consider another hobby. You're not very good at this.
That's not contribution.

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