Searching for America's starving children

The rules say I can't reveal the contents of your PM without your permission. I sure as hell can say something about you sending PMs instead of discussing things out in the open like a real man. Keep your pussy ass PMs to yourself or you're going to get yourself banned. You've been notified.
:lol: Such a hissy. You are on record discussing the nature of the PMs. You have been warned. Enough.
Exactly. Enough. No more PM's or you'll be reported for abusing the PM system. Keep it out here or STFU because I don't want to hear from you in pussy mode.
Stop abusing the rules, for which you have been reported. There is not a thing you can do. Enough. You got spanked. Live with it.
No more comments except about starving children. Your only warning.

Nothing by anyone has refuted that the 1 in 5 American children may be hungry and some have actually starved.
So, who started with the fallacy that children were starving in the US?
Tell us. I gave the evidence above.
You are discussing, in violation of the rules, the material of PMs. That is now on record and reported. You will not be allowed to troll without incident, bub.

The rules say I can't reveal the contents of your PM without your permission. I sure as hell can say something about you sending PMs instead of discussing things out in the open like a real man. Keep your pussy ass PMs to yourself or you're going to get yourself banned. You've been notified.
:lol: Such a hissy. You are on record discussing the nature of the PMs. You have been warned. Enough.
Exactly. Enough. No more PM's or you'll be reported for abusing the PM system. Keep it out here or STFU because I don't want to hear from you in pussy mode.
Stop abusing the rules, for which you have been reported. There is not a thing you can do. Enough. You got spanked. Live with it.
No more comments except about starving children. Your only warning.

Nothing by anyone has refuted that the 1 in 5 American children may be hungry and some have actually starved.

I'm hungry right now. Am I starving? Do I suffer from malnutrition?

Show us these "starved" American children!!!

Show us the many American children that look like this:

Like I said, common sense is needed. It's obvious you lack any.
I have the stats and evidence, and you have the malarkey.

Stats can be manipulated. Fact is, children are not starving to death at the rate you suggested. There is a difference between malnutrition and starvation. Children are being fed in this country, period.
Your comments are merely assertions and worth nothing.

As are yours.
I gave facts and sources above. No one on the far right has done anything of the sort.

Phone surveys not backed up by any real hard data is not a source. Please provide actual proof that children are starving in America. Just show me one starving kid and I'll shut up forever.
Deflection from the OP, lonestar, and it fails. Do you contribute to help the starving people of the world? Many on this board that I know do so. Do you?

Yup, the surverys are real and tangible, and because saintmike I can't rebut them, he has to accept them. I congratulate him for taking the high road.
:lol: Such a hissy. You are on record discussing the nature of the PMs. You have been warned. Enough.
Exactly. Enough. No more PM's or you'll be reported for abusing the PM system. Keep it out here or STFU because I don't want to hear from you in pussy mode.
Stop abusing the rules, for which you have been reported. There is not a thing you can do. Enough. You got spanked. Live with it.
No more comments except about starving children. Your only warning.

Nothing by anyone has refuted that the 1 in 5 American children may be hungry and some have actually starved.
So, who started with the fallacy that children were starving in the US?
Tell us. I gave the evidence above.

The truth of the matter is Americans are fat and getting fatter. As late as 1990, not a single U.S. state had an obesity rate above 15%*. In 2010, merely 20 years later, a dozen states have an obesity rate over 30%. And most shockingly, 69.2% of Americans age 20 or over are obese or overweight.

So that leads to a rather obvious contradiction: How can Americans be both obese and on the verge of starvation?

The answer is simple: Very few, if any, Americans are literally starving. Instead, a considerable number of Americans live in "food insecure households." And progressive activists like Mr. Berg dishonestly use the word "starvation" to refer to what would happen to these people if there were no food stamps.

How Can Americans Be Both Obese and Starving RealClearScience

I worked in an inner city where the vast majority of kids were on free lunch. They also came with a dollar for ice cream.
Deflection from the OP, lonestar, and it fails. Do you contribute to help the starving people of the world? Many on this board that I know do so. Do you?

Yup, the surverys are real and tangible, and because saintmike I can't rebut them, he has to accept them. I congratulate him for taking the high road.

Reality isn't a deflection.
Deflection from the OP, lonestar, and it fails. Do you contribute to help the starving people of the world? Many on this board that I know do so. Do you?

Yup, the surverys are real and tangible, and because saintmike I can't rebut them, he has to accept them. I congratulate him for taking the high road.

Reality isn't a deflection.
Your reality is not very real.
Deflection from the OP, lonestar, and it fails. Do you contribute to help the starving people of the world? Many on this board that I know do so. Do you?

Yup, the surverys are real and tangible, and because saintmike I can't rebut them, he has to accept them. I congratulate him for taking the high road.

Reality isn't a deflection.
Your reality is not very real.

Then show us your reality with the many pictures of starving American children.
Immaterial, Lonestar. You cannot rebut the evidence, thus your failure of deflection is noted for what it is. You cannot rebut the evidence factually or logically. Tis what its.
Immaterial, Lonestar. You cannot rebut the evidence, thus your failure of deflection is noted for what it is. You cannot rebut the evidence factually or logically. Tis what its.

What evidence? You haven't provided any evidence that children are starving to death in the US or that there are children suffering from starvation.

A kid saying their hungry, isn't starvation you stupid fuck.
Thread has been cleaned. Discuss the topic or take it to the Flame Zone please.
You take a starving kid, give him food so he isn't starving any more, and then some dipshit comes along and says, "I see no starving kid here!" and attempts to eliminate poverty programs.
You take a starving kid, give him food, and then some dipshit comes along and says, "I see no starving kid here!" and attempts to cut poverty programs.

Show us these starving children. jakethefake couldn't!
Lonestar, you are trolling (you really do not want to do that), because, your argument was knocked rolling on the floor.

You were given irrefutable evidence that some children starve in American and 1/5th are at risk of hunger and malnutrition.
Lonestar, you are trolling (you really do not want to do that), because, your argument was knocked rolling on the floor.

You were given irrefutable evidence that some children starve in American and 1/5th are at risk of hunger and malnutrition.

Dude, learn what the meaning of the word is before you start using it. You won't look like such a retard.

And thanks for finally admitting that American children are not dying of starvation.
Lonestar, you are trolling (you really do not want to do that), because, your argument was knocked rolling on the floor.

You were given irrefutable evidence that some children starve in American and 1/5th are at risk of hunger and malnutrition.

Dude, learn what the meaning of the word is before you start using it. You won't look like such a retard.

And thanks for finally admitting that American children are not dying of starvation.
Now you are both lying and trolling. The evidence above does say some children starve in America and 1/5th can suffer from hunger and malnutrition.

You have already been warned once.
Lonestar, you are trolling (you really do not want to do that), because, your argument was knocked rolling on the floor.

You were given irrefutable evidence that some children starve in American and 1/5th are at risk of hunger and malnutrition.

Dude, learn what the meaning of the word is before you start using it. You won't look like such a retard.

And thanks for finally admitting that American children are not dying of starvation.
Now you are both lying and trolling. The evidence above does say some children starve in America and 1/5th can suffer from hunger and malnutrition.

You have already been warned once.

No where have I seen where it states children are dying from starvation. You are the liar.

I'm starving as we speak, but I'm not gonna die, you dimwitted fuck!

Still misusing the word "trolling" huh? Damn you are stupid!
Lonestar, you are trolling (you really do not want to do that), because, your argument was knocked rolling on the floor.

You were given irrefutable evidence that some children starve in American and 1/5th are at risk of hunger and malnutrition.

Dude, learn what the meaning of the word is before you start using it. You won't look like such a retard.

And thanks for finally admitting that American children are not dying of starvation.
Now you are both lying and trolling. The evidence above does say some children starve in America and 1/5th can suffer from hunger and malnutrition.

You have already been warned once.

No where have I seen where it states children are dying from starvation. You are the liar.

I'm starving as we speak, but I'm not gonna die, you dimwitted fuck!

Still misusing the word "trolling" huh? Damn you are stupid!
The material was posted. If you won't read or look at the graphs, that is your problem.

You are willfully trolling the thread. Noted.
Lonestar, you are trolling (you really do not want to do that), because, your argument was knocked rolling on the floor.

You were given irrefutable evidence that some children starve in American and 1/5th are at risk of hunger and malnutrition.

Dude, learn what the meaning of the word is before you start using it. You won't look like such a retard.

And thanks for finally admitting that American children are not dying of starvation.
Now you are both lying and trolling. The evidence above does say some children starve in America and 1/5th can suffer from hunger and malnutrition.

You have already been warned once.

No where have I seen where it states children are dying from starvation. You are the liar.

I'm starving as we speak, but I'm not gonna die, you dimwitted fuck!

Still misusing the word "trolling" huh? Damn you are stupid!
The material was posted. If you won't read or look at the graphs, that is your problem.

You are willfully trolling the thread. Noted.

Dude, the material never said any one DIED!!!!!

Look at this article from one of your left leaning sources.

10 cities where an appalling number of Americans are starving -

Appalling number of Americans are starving. Yet, when you read the article . NO ONE DIED!!!

My entire point, which you're too stupid to understand is that children are not dying from starvation. I'll concede the rare occurrences of child neglect and/or abuse, but that rarely happens. It definitely doesn't happen at the rate you suggest.
Now, now folks, you have to be politically correct in today's times.

When caught in out right lies, new terms of the moment and catch phrases must be coined.

Such as the fallacy of global warming bit them in their ignorant ass and caused a stir when they have been caught manipulating the data(lying) to support their stance.

Thus the change to climate change ..................

The phrase you will be looking for in this thread is "food insecure homes" ..................

Same lies, different phrase.

Child Hunger Poverty Fact Sheet Feeding America

Child Hunger Fact Sheet
Good nutrition, particularly in the first three years of life, is important for establishing a good foundation that has implications for a child’s future physical and mental health, academic achievement, and economic productivity. Unfortunately, food insecurity is an obstacle that threatens that critical foundation. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 15.8 million children under 18 in the United States live in households where they are unable to consistently access enough nutritious food necessary for a healthy life. Although food insecurity is harmful to any individual, it can be particularly devastating among children due to their increased vulnerability and the potential for long-term consequences.

Feeding America addresses child hunger through two national programs, both supplementing hunger in school-aged children:
Kids Cafe
Back Pack Program

Food Insecurity

  • 15.8 million children lived in food-insecure households in 2013.
    [*]Twenty percent or more of the child population in 38 states and D.C. lived in food-insecure households in 2013, according to the most recent data available. The District of Columbia (31%) and Mississippi (29%) had the highest rates of children in households without consistent access to food.[ii]
    [*]In 2013, the top five states with the highest rate of food-insecure children under 18 were D.C., Mississippi, Arkansas, New Mexico, and Georgia.[iii]
    [*]In 2013, the top five states with the lowest rate of food-insecure children under 18 were North Dakota, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Virginia.[iv]

Charitable Food Assistance

  • Twelve million children are estimated to be served by Feeding America, over 3.5 million of which are ages 5 and under.[v]
  • Proper nutrition is vital to the growth and development of children. While almost all (94%) of client households with school-aged children (ages 5-18) report participating in the National School Lunch Program, only 46 percent report participating in the School Breakfast Program.[vi]
  • Nearly one in four (24%) client households with children report participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).[vii]
  • Half of client households that reported doubling up (housing more than one family in the same living space) in the past 12 months have one or more children that are five years old or younger.
  • The majority (53%) of client households that are unstably housed (such as a shelter) have one or more children that are five years old or younger.[viii]

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