Searching for America's starving children

They are not hard to find. Many areas of the country have poor neighborhoods, unemployed parents, disabled parents, and very little to eat. Have you ever heard of the people that live in the Appalachian Mountains? A little research will reveal poor and depressed areas all across this nation. You may not see them with your own eyes, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Also, entire families are homeless, living in tent cities, and some even eating out of trash cans. It wasn't that long ago that many food pantries had empty shelves. Have you even seen the crowds that gather when churches hand out donated food? Have you even seen little kids panhandling outside grocery stores? Have you ever heard of community food drives that gather can goods for needy families? Have you ever heard of kids getting their only meals during the day while at school?

Believe me, the poor do exist, and their numbers are growing as we speak. A little research may open your eyes to the poverty in this country.
Sonny "Fuckin'" Clark, most poverty is the result of poor personal choices, like drugs, dropping out of school, getting pregnant, and so on.

Today's poor suffer from obesity, not starvation.
The ones that put out the report would probably appreciate it if you would contact them and correct them on their mistake. I'm sure they would listen to you and edit their findings to reflect your knowledge of the situation..... just saying ....
Why would they? It's just like global warming. What advocacy group do you know that hates money? And I posted an article that exposed how they came up with that bullshit 1 in 5 figure which you didn't seem to care about so why would anyone care about your sources?
FYI - I haven't posted any sources on the subject.
Sorry. Got you mixed up with rdean
No problem.
If you won't learn when given the information above as you requested, saintmike, you will continue sound the fool like shitty and kg and rambunctious. :)
Your "information" has been debunked. It was based on a phone survey asking people if their kids were hungry. Hell even I might have said yes with my 4 half-breed eating machines.
If you won't learn when given the information above as you requested, saintmike, you will continue sound the fool like shitty and kg and rambunctious. :)
Your "information" has been debunked. It was based on a phone survey asking people if their kids were hungry. Hell even I might have said yes with my 4 half-breed eating machines.
Most surveys are on the phone, and it was far more than your silly comment.

Your submission is duly noted and accepted.
No child is starving in America.....Period!

Yup I agree. No kids are starving in this country. To many ways for we taxpayers to feed them. Loads of church's do the same thing. Charities all over this country as well.

Lots of kids are just plain fat.

When I was a kid we got home from school grabbed the mitts, the bats and the ball and went to the sand lot to play baseball till Mom's all over the neighborhood started screaming for us to come home for supper.

Today they sit in front of the TV with an X-Box or on a computer.

Oh and the PB&J is an American Staple. LOL
But the good sources say one out of five go hungry, and no one has debunked that.
Well you can believe your eyes. When you see a starving child let us know.

Source my ass.
Nah. I've never gone hungry because I had great parents growing up.

I also have a job and am a responsible adult.

Still waiting to see that starving kid.

We average about ten per million, so about 3,200 a year starve to death in America. Fifty countries have lower rates.
If there are any children starving it is because they have demented parents.
And there's even a solution for that. Eventually the state intervenes if a parent is neglecting their child. And then they're fed.

No starving children in America. Not one.

I agree and if they aren't being taken care of them assign the blame where it belongs. ON THE PARENT OR PARENTS. Good God.

We average about ten per million, so about 3,200 a year starve to death in America. Fifty countries have lower rates.
Then you should have no problem citing an example with all these people starving to death.
I have cited the stats. Tell us why they are not good enough. And I notice you have all given up on hunger and malnutrition as real factors in American society.
Somehow you think that your "stats" are a substitute for the embarrassing fact that there are no starving children. It's like you cultists with your global warming, citing your computer models in contravention of the fact that the globe is not warming. You cling to your fantasies so tightly that you can't open your eyes and see the world doesn't line up with your fanciful claims.

Where are the starving children, JakeStarkey? With 16 million starving children, I should be tripping over them.
You are substituting "starving" for malnutrition and hunger that affect 20% of America's children?

You call yourself a Roman Catholic?

I gave you the stats on starving children, as well.

saintmike, you have been bent over the barrel and punked.
You are substituting "starving" for malnutrition and hunger that affect 20% of America's children?

You call yourself a Roman Catholic?

I gave you the stats on starving children, as well.

saintmike, you have been bent over the barrel and punked.

What if I gave you stats showing that purple aliens were roaming in our midst by the millions, would you believe those stats even though you never see them?

Where are they, JakeStarkey?
What if I gave you stats showing that purple aliens were roaming in our midst by the millions, would you believe those stats even though you never see them?

Where are they, JakeStarkey?
What a silly fallacy of false assertion to compare with an actual, verifiable, recognized source, mike. You sound like that crazy man, keys, thinking his word is authoritative. Neither is yours.

As a recap and for those new to this thread: mike wanted facts and stats on hunger, malnutrition, and starvation among American children. He was given qualified, quantified evidence that is indisputable. He refuses to accept it, so he has been punked yet once again.

And he claims to be a faithful RC. He is our Board's Mel Gibson. Heavens help us.
People like fakey doesn't use common sense. The studies of poor households show that almost half own their own home, three quarter own a car and almost all have colored TV's. Seems poor Americans have enough money for everything but food for their kids, if you believe the likes of fakey.

If the fakey's stats are right, the public food stamps and school free lunch programs must be colossal failures. Despite their wide reach into poor communities, they apparently leave more than thirty percent of school children “struggling with hunger.”

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