Sean Hannity's "Freedom Concerts" are a Scam

Again, thank you for your service and drop fucking dead and not necessarily in that order.

You don't give a shit about the Soldiers you lying skankwad. You're just jealous Hannity + company has found a way to exploit our troops to make some money and maintain a rockstar status while the best you can do is use them for cheap shots on the internet.

You keep running to the defense of other fucking retards you're bound to get hurt.

Mind your own fucking business and stay stupid

I'm not defending anyone you cuntweed. Just showing once again you don't give a fuk about anything but trying to look cool and get nationalistic pats on the back. As for staying're one of the great leaders which is why you constantly ignore facts you don't like.
Again, thank you for your service and drop fucking dead and not necessarily in that order.

You don't give a shit about the Soldiers you lying skankwad. You're just jealous Hannity + company has found a way to exploit our troops to make some money and maintain a rockstar status while the best you can do is use them for cheap shots on the internet.

You keep running to the defense of other fucking retards you're bound to get hurt.

Mind your own fucking business and stay stupid

I'm not defending anyone you cuntweed. Just showing once again you don't give a fuk about anything but trying to look cool and get nationalistic pats on the back. As for staying're one of the great leaders which is why you constantly ignore facts you don't like.
You don't give a shit about the Soldiers you lying skankwad. You're just jealous Hannity + company has found a way to exploit our troops to make some money and maintain a rockstar status while the best you can do is use them for cheap shots on the internet.

You keep running to the defense of other fucking retards you're bound to get hurt.

Mind your own fucking business and stay stupid

I'm not defending anyone you cuntweed. Just showing once again you don't give a fuk about anything but trying to look cool and get nationalistic pats on the back. As for staying're one of the great leaders which is why you constantly ignore facts you don't like.

To sum up my posts on this topic:

1. It's a scholarship fund for a population of people with a young average age; you don't expect the fund to disburse $350,000 to each of the few people who qualify today, that's fucking retarded.

2. All of the Libs who posted here are financial illiterates (this stems from being fucking retards). I looked at the tax returns for 3 minutes and told you fucking retards you were wrong out in the tens of million column and I tired to get you to understand, I thought you might be decent but misguided and finally

3. You're neither misguided nor decent; you are loathsome, despicable, evil scumbags running around frothing at the mouth with the least provocation. The Freedom Alliance does more for the troops and their kids than Libruls ever did.
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You keep running to the defense of other fucking retards you're bound to get hurt.

Mind your own fucking business and stay stupid

I'm not defending anyone you cuntweed. Just showing once again you don't give a fuk about anything but trying to look cool and get nationalistic pats on the back. As for staying're one of the great leaders which is why you constantly ignore facts you don't like.

To sum up my posts on this topic:

1. It's a scholarship fund for a population of people with a young average age; you don't expect the fund to disburse $350,000 to each of the few people who qualify today, that's fucking retarded.

2. All of the Libs who posted here are financially illiterates (this stems from being fucking retards). I looked at the tax returns for 3 minutes and told you fucking retards you were wrong out in the tens of million column and I tired to get you to understand, I thought you might be decent but misguided and finally

3. You're neither misguided nor decent; you are loathsome, despicable, evil scumbags running around frothing at the mouth with the least provocation. The Freedom Alliance does more for the troops and their kids then Libruls ever did.

And ever will do. You have to ask yourself why these creeps loathe the very mechanism that ensures their liberties?
Freedom Alliance? My's a bunch of rich people trying to cover their asses and dressing themselves up in the flag and the bodies of dead military from this country.

Why would Hannity possibly mess up his career? Simple........he's thinking he's gonna get away with it, I mean........isn't Jean Wycliff still able to raise money for Haiti? He's doing the same thing with the American troops.

Same reason Madoff thought he could get away with it. Greed makes you stupid.
Freedom Alliance? My's a bunch of rich people trying to cover their asses and dressing themselves up in the flag and the bodies of dead military from this country.

Why would Hannity possibly mess up his career? Simple........he's thinking he's gonna get away with it, I mean........isn't Jean Wycliff still able to raise money for Haiti? He's doing the same thing with the American troops.

Same reason Madoff thought he could get away with it. Greed makes you stupid.

Stupid makes you stupid
Wrong. Just look at the example of Madoff a well as anyone else who has been caught in a scandal.

Step 1: They become good at something or are placed in a position of power.

Step 2: They then think that because they have a perceived amount of power, they can do anything they want and they start pushing the envelope.

Step 3: They then think because they can operate outside the rules on occasion, they can do it all the time and they start wanting more.

Step 4: Selfishness grows into greed and the person starts taking more than what is possible or due to them.

Nope........greed makes you stupid. Why are you defending this Cruising Skank? Are you in the terminal stages of greed yourself?
Wrong. Just look at the example of Madoff a well as anyone else who has been caught in a scandal.

Step 1: They become good at something or are placed in a position of power.

Step 2: They then think that because they have a perceived amount of power, they can do anything they want and they start pushing the envelope.

Step 3: They then think because they can operate outside the rules on occasion, they can do it all the time and they start wanting more.

Step 4: Selfishness grows into greed and the person starts taking more than what is possible or due to them.

Nope........greed makes you stupid. Why are you defending this Cruising Skank? Are you in the terminal stages of greed yourself?

See what a fucking retard you are? Sean makes no money from this, he's not paid for his services and he pays his own way.

Also, he makes at least $25 million a year just from the radio show why he's scamming people in a scam that makes him no money? You have to be a fucking retard to think that

You've yet to show how Sean benefits from this (because you're a fucking retard).
Over 80 percent operating expenses as well as some of those large payments for "consulting"?

Yeah.....keep telling yourself that. Most charities that operate under the same guidelines as Hannity's would be investigated for fraud.

Why would he imperil his career? Simple......he thinks that he can hide by spouting jingoistic bullshit about support for the troops. Same way that the fear mongers of the GOP keep using theatrics to tell us that the health care bill is gonna be bad for the whole country, and that it's too big.

But........these same people told us that certain banks were "too big to fail".

Try again Cowardly Skank.
Over 80 percent operating expenses as well as some of those large payments for "consulting"?

Yeah.....keep telling yourself that. Most charities that operate under the same guidelines as Hannity's would be investigated for fraud.

Why would he imperil his career? Simple......he thinks that he can hide by spouting jingoistic bullshit about support for the troops. Same way that the fear mongers of the GOP keep using theatrics to tell us that the health care bill is gonna be bad for the whole country, and that it's too big.

But........these same people told us that certain banks were "too big to fail".

Try again Cowardly Skank.

Give it up. You're wrong out in the tens of million column on an enterprise that operates out in the tens of millions column. Not good, not good at all.. Direct your hatred and venom toward something more constructive.

If all else fails, I can send you a Sarah Palin calendar.
Over 80 percent operating expenses as well as some of those large payments for "consulting"?

Yeah.....keep telling yourself that. Most charities that operate under the same guidelines as Hannity's would be investigated for fraud.

Why would he imperil his career? Simple......he thinks that he can hide by spouting jingoistic bullshit about support for the troops. Same way that the fear mongers of the GOP keep using theatrics to tell us that the health care bill is gonna be bad for the whole country, and that it's too big.

But........these same people told us that certain banks were "too big to fail".

Try again Cowardly Skank.

Give it up. You're wrong out in the tens of million column on an enterprise that operates out in the tens of millions column. Not good, not good at all.. Direct your hatred and venom toward something more constructive.

If all else fails, I can send you a Sarah Palin calendar.

Hannity loves the rock star status and if you think he makes no money from this you're even more beyond stoopid than anyone thinks.
Over 80 percent operating expenses as well as some of those large payments for "consulting"?

Yeah.....keep telling yourself that. Most charities that operate under the same guidelines as Hannity's would be investigated for fraud.

Why would he imperil his career? Simple......he thinks that he can hide by spouting jingoistic bullshit about support for the troops. Same way that the fear mongers of the GOP keep using theatrics to tell us that the health care bill is gonna be bad for the whole country, and that it's too big.

But........these same people told us that certain banks were "too big to fail".

Try again Cowardly Skank.

Give it up. You're wrong out in the tens of million column on an enterprise that operates out in the tens of millions column. Not good, not good at all.. Direct your hatred and venom toward something more constructive.

If all else fails, I can send you a Sarah Palin calendar.

Hannity loves the rock star status and if you think he makes no money from this you're even more beyond stoopid than anyone thinks.

You, bent tight, have absolutely ZERO ability to demonstrate even a rational basis to believe that Hannity personally makes ANY money off of the programs put on for charity by the Freedom Alliance.

And now, let's PROVE how totally bogus your claim is, bent tight.

Go ahead and show us ANY factual basis for your contention that Hannity makes any money from anything done by the Freedom Alliance.

And you are so full of shit, bent tight, being a dishonest piece of crap such as you are, that I can pretty well guarantee that you will not rise to the challenge in any meaningful way.
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Over 80 percent operating expenses as well as some of those large payments for "consulting"?

Yeah.....keep telling yourself that. Most charities that operate under the same guidelines as Hannity's would be investigated for fraud.

Why would he imperil his career? Simple......he thinks that he can hide by spouting jingoistic bullshit about support for the troops. Same way that the fear mongers of the GOP keep using theatrics to tell us that the health care bill is gonna be bad for the whole country, and that it's too big.

But........these same people told us that certain banks were "too big to fail".

Try again Cowardly Skank.

Give it up. You're wrong out in the tens of million column on an enterprise that operates out in the tens of millions column. Not good, not good at all.. Direct your hatred and venom toward something more constructive.

If all else fails, I can send you a Sarah Palin calendar.

Hannity loves the rock star status and if you think he makes no money from this you're even more beyond stoopid than anyone thinks.

Yeah, sure, Sean is jeopardizing his $50MM annual franchise for a free ride in a Gulfstream.

You have him confused with a Democrat Congressman.

And you're still a fucking retard
I'm not defending anyone you cuntweed. Just showing once again you don't give a fuk about anything but trying to look cool and get nationalistic pats on the back. As for staying're one of the great leaders which is why you constantly ignore facts you don't like.

To sum up my posts on this topic:

1. It's a scholarship fund for a population of people with a young average age; you don't expect the fund to disburse $350,000 to each of the few people who qualify today, that's fucking retarded.

2. All of the Libs who posted here are financially illiterates (this stems from being fucking retards). I looked at the tax returns for 3 minutes and told you fucking retards you were wrong out in the tens of million column and I tired to get you to understand, I thought you might be decent but misguided and finally

3. You're neither misguided nor decent; you are loathsome, despicable, evil scumbags running around frothing at the mouth with the least provocation. The Freedom Alliance does more for the troops and their kids then Libruls ever did.

And ever will do. You have to ask yourself why these creeps loathe the very mechanism that ensures their liberties?

What mechanism is that you whiny ****? You so desperate you have to equate a bullshit psyop like FA to our military to try and make a statement? Stoopid bitch.
Nothing will come of this and I bet no one on Fox even mentions this fraud. Hannity is a hypocrite who would cream his pants if this was Olbermann who did it.

Seriously, fox fans...would Hannity exploit this story if it were Olbermann? Be honest now.
Nothing will come of this and I bet no one on Fox even mentions this fraud. Hannity is a hypocrite who would cream his pants if this was Olbermann who did it.

Seriously, fox fans...would Hannity exploit this story if it were Olbermann? Be honest now.

Olbermann? Do something positive for the USA military? Is this part of your new stand up routine?
You keep running to the defense of other fucking retards you're bound to get hurt.

Mind your own fucking business and stay stupid

I'm not defending anyone you cuntweed. Just showing once again you don't give a fuk about anything but trying to look cool and get nationalistic pats on the back. As for staying're one of the great leaders which is why you constantly ignore facts you don't like.

To sum up my posts on this topic:

1. It's a scholarship fund for a population of people with a young average age; you don't expect the fund to disburse $350,000 to each of the few people who qualify today, that's fucking retarded.

2. All of the Libs who posted here are financial illiterates (this stems from being fucking retards). I looked at the tax returns for 3 minutes and told you fucking retards you were wrong out in the tens of million column and I tired to get you to understand, I thought you might be decent but misguided and finally

3. You're neither misguided nor decent; you are loathsome, despicable, evil scumbags running around frothing at the mouth with the least provocation. The Freedom Alliance does more for the troops and their kids than Libruls ever did.

Basically you hope if you scream loud enough you can give the appearance of being honest.
Totally UN-surprised to see that the cowardly bent tight is unable and unwilling to meet the challenge.

Not one stinkin' lib attacker of the Freedom Alliance appears able to address the point that a LOT of the money the group has raised so far and continues to raise MUST be set aside so that the young kids who are the FUTURE beneficiaries of scholarships will have that money available -- when ?? IN THE FUTURE when they reach the age where they start going to college!

CrusaderFrank patiently pointed this out a while ago. But so far, no concessions that what he said makes sense and has obvious merit.

I wonder why the detractors of the Freedom Alliance (who use it to attack Hannity) are so unable and unwilling to make such an obviously valid concession?

More Much Ado About Nothing from Doggie, The Bubble Boy.

Live Nation, one of the biggest live concert production companies in the U.S., has been operating at a loss recently.

It costs a great deal of money to produce a live event - promotion, facilities, security, transporatation, etc.

LYV: Income Statement for Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. - Yahoo! Finance

And here's a little clue: nobody forces anyone to purchase a ticket. If you don't like it, don't support it.
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Why is the right trying to make excuses for Hannity when it's clearly obvious there are children of college age of both Afghanistan and Iraq War veterans now? :eusa_eh:

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