Scripps: Diamonds are Forever


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's one more Blood Diamond inspired fable, but this one's a loose parody about the general profundity of treasure discos! God bless,


At the illustrious Scripps Institute of Oceanography in southern California, important research was taking place regarding the fractal geometries and recurring patterns in diamonds and corals as they pertain to the new age prismatic laser designs being studied by scientists in fields ranging from seismology to microbiology. These studies pertained to the 'leviathan' of organic and silicon super and micro structures and how ninja-thinking regarding Earth layer dissection yielded insights into the nature of topology and life itself. In other words, Scripps scientists were examining the scales of sophisticated Earth glass.


One prominent member in this exciting Hawaii Five-O field was Isaac Satan, a graduate of Dartmouth with a masters in topology mathematics from UCLA. No one knew Isaac was actually the American masked super-thief known as the Pink Panther. Isaac had stolen rare gems and diamonds from all over Europe and was really the last musketeer from old lore regarding diamond treasury folklore, before the modern era of piracy and warlord driven blood diamond conflict politics emerged in this age of globalized capital and capitalism. Dr. Satan (aka, 'Pink Panther') wanted to procure a special laser-diamond for a Scripps study about the cutting of prismatic colored lights. He was a genius and a bastard!


ELKA: I've been dating Dr. Satan for three years now, and I honestly believe I'm his only thief-magic fan, and to me, he's Houdini!


ISAAC: I'm going inside the Salk Diamond Bank in La Jolla this summer, infiltrating as a radioactive stone transporter from Egypt, to perform an invaluable heist of the new laser-diamonds being held in the vault-room, secured by computer rotary-locks but simply requiring a tad of delicate ninja ingenuity!


LA TIMES: This newest heist performed by no doubt the 'Pink Panther' should shed some fun light on new Scripps diaries.


Of course, Dr. Satan (aka, 'Pink Panther') didn't just have fans and groupies and media and girlfriends and fun research regarding lasers and topology! No, sir, he also had very tough critics, such as the brilliant Jonas Stiles, daughter-relative of Jonas Salk and head of the Scripps study initiative to plot and dissect the invasion of scientific analysis by new age 'exorcists' seeking to insert rhetoric driven 'priesthood' into the genre of scalpel-science. Dr. Stiles labeled the 'Pink Panther' as a potential 'terrorist-hacker' of modern digital topologies and worried that any radical study about laser-diamond lensing at Scripps conducted by the radical Dr. Isaac Satan would only yield dark confusion!


Another critic of the 'Pink Panther' approach to diamond espionage and topology was Dr. Thelma Diaz, cousin of a famous Hollywood celebrity making movies about blood diamonds. Dr. Diaz considered Dr. Isaac Satan's platforms at Scripps regarding laser-diamond 'medicine' as mere veils to dangerous diplomacy.


DR. DIAZ: The last thing Scripps or Americans in general need right now is blood diamond intrigue frightening consumers.


ISAAC: Of course all this work is dangerous and fragile, but Pink Panther rhetoric may yield insights into natural dance.


Dr. Satan decided to write an anonymous poem and sent it to the Times. It was about the dualistic nature of Earth folklore and how it contributed to our wonder of symmetry violations. Could diamond reinventions in the 'underworld' create new niches of treasure imagery that could potentially counter all this blood diamond darkness?


LAPD: We'll hunt down the fabled 'Pink Panther' and determine if all this diamond-doctorate is appropriate for quarantine dollars.


ISAAC: Isn't it the case that modern entertainment celebrates 'folk-avatars' symbolizing the shape of civilization depression?


Could laser-diamond ninja infiltration work and underground research at Scripps by Satan (aka, 'Pink Panther') offer insights into the true nature of treasure geometry in modern America? Were diamonds still just a girl's best friend or a new diadem of capital extraction? Would this Pink Panther ninja brand of laser-diamond medicine offer antidotes to the blood diamond era of piracy induced religious depression? Would Satan prove to be more of a ninja or a farmer?


ISAAC SATAN (aka, 'Pink Panther'): The true story of modern diamonds is that they re-present Earth Scripps!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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