Boston's Bank Heroics


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A Mass.-media culture 'fable' about Robin Hood oriented modern/dystopian intrigue, inspired (loosely) by the 'cool' Boston-town culture heist film The Town (Ben Affleck), which I think you'll enjoy,



Amlan Satan and Marcus Raki plotted a special blood-diamond raid of a baron's Boston bank-box in the autumn of 2023 when underground 'street' chat on social-media surfaced that conflict-zone gems (Sierra Leone) were sullying the North American gem market and creating a special diamond-investment insurance corruption. Amlan 'recruited' Marcus while he'd been working at the Mass. police-station earlier that summer (wow). Follow along.


AMLAN: We'll make good friends on social-media with this examination of street-vigilance for gem-insurance exposures/integrity (hmm).
MARCUS: I wonder who's the bigger 'police' minded soul between us (for posts on social-media), you or me (ha).


BANK MANAGER: Two fellows walked in with masks/costumes out of a parked taxi (stolen/repainted?) and claimed they'd been sent by a rival of Baron Goldfinger (with Interpol-relation!) and sought a bank-box media-photo examination for a theater presentation (prepaid/insured) about gem-insurance journals in Boston and revealed their acid-tools for a box-swap with glass beads (wow).


According to the Boston taxi-company, an employee was held hostage the night-before and paid to stay silent while Amlan/Marcus used his cab to perform the 'street-media' claim of gem-insurance exposure for a cleansing of the Boston/Mass. gem-market value after this blood-diamond street-rumor surfaced in the Homeland, creating post-9/11 era 'paranoia' about New England suffering from a 'terrorism-financing' globe-traffic/activity affecting diamond-consumerism as the Red-Sox prepared to face the Yankees in the World Series (hmm).


AMLAN: I wonder what Halloweentime revelers in Mass. will consider us to be --- perhaps Sacco and Vanzetti (themselves)!


MARCUS: This 'examination' about street-vigilance should remind folks why Catholic-Mass. street culture/social-media reflects an 'ageless' American lore concerning treasure-insurance (wow).


BANK MANAGER: The fellows used some homemade hot-acid in their water-guns for their 'street-theater' vigilance deed for Goldfinger's rivals claiming to offer a Bostonian-spirit 'antidote' to blood-diamond/insurance paranoia hysteria (ha).


Was this a time of great New England worry concerning autumn-gem consumerism and creating this local (Bostonian) youth-culture 'response' to treasure-insurance fears (with Interpol-relevant journals)? Amlan Satan and Marcus Raki would believe this was a hallmark of all that had become simply an American form of modern dystopian storytelling, with a touch of 'darkness' more 'troubling' than those of the times/memoirs of even Bonnie and Clyde (hmm).


AMLAN: We're restored a natural street-interest in water-guns, no?
MARCUS: No doubts there; however, this Goldfinger-stunt was insurance-chess and not a chemicals-factory journal examination (ha).


WAITRESS: You fellows look 'oddly' familiar.
AMLAN/MARCUS: We're the modern Sacco/Vanzetti, those two 'fellows' you read on social-media concerning that Goldfinger-company, pretty lady.
WAITRESS: Wow; I doubt I believe you, but ha.
AMLAN: You're simply a gorgeous Irish-Catholic girl, miss.
WAITRESS: Why, thanks; Boston rules.


AMLAN: Dear Mr. Raki, Shelbye/I settled into that awesome property I'd eyed while we'd been studying that Goldfinger-job, in New England (Mass).
MARCUS: So happy to hear it, Amlan; maybe you're the bigger 'police' soul-minded dude; I knew you'd marry Shelbye.


INTERPOL: Blood-diamond corruption today threatens the world-gem exchange and makes 'rogue' terrorism-finances woe!


SHELBYE: I'm so happy, here with you (now), Mr. Satan.
AMLAN: Ditto (good to know).
SHELBYE: What's this (for V-day)?
AMLAN: Valentine's for a company in Boston-memory.


MARCUS: I wondered who'd Amlan settle down with, since he struck me as a lonely sort, sifting through Boston-magazines at Harvard-Square, in search of highness.


"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone" (John Maynard Keynes).


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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