Screw those who are essential and work?? The Trump shut-down.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Screw those who are essential and work?? The Trump shut-down.

If the link provided at the end of this post is correct:
Those furloughed federal employees considered as not essential and are not currently working for the federal government, can tide themselves over by gainfully working full-time if they can find such opportunities. They can also work part-time and/or qualify for unemployment benefits.

Those federal employees considered essential and required to continue working without pay, are entitled to work part-time if they can find work that doesn't conflict with their federal work schedule, but they are not entitled to receive unemployment benefits.

In most if not all cases when federal employees MAY receive back-pay, the state will legally recover any unemployment benefits they paid out for the back-paid period.

In summary, there's no financial remedy for federal employees that actually do work for our federal government during Trump's shut-down.
Does this seem logical to anyone except President Donald Trump?

Refer to:

Many furloughed federal employees can receive unemployment while on temporary leave of absence, but not all. Federal employees who are expected to report to work, even without pay, do not qualify for unemployment benefits. Federal workers should be wary. In most states, as well as D.C., if these workers collect unemployment benefits and then receive retroactive pay, they’ll be required to repay the government.

Respectfully, Supposn
When I assumed ownership of EAC I worked part time because I did not pay myself. I made sure my employees got paid first and nothing was left over for me so I got a night and weekend job at a chicken feed plant to put food on my table. The horror of responsibility.
When I assumed ownership of EAC I worked part time because I did not pay myself. I made sure my employees got paid first and nothing was left over for me so I got a night and weekend job at a chicken feed plant to put food on my table. The horror of responsibility.

I'm retired and my children are now run their enterprises. But most people have to make sacrifices.
What's EAC?
Respectfully, Supposn
when 14,000 air traffic controllers walk off there wont be any need for TSA security checks or any other air port employees.

think of all the people working at LAX - KENNEDY - DFW - MIAMI INTL. and exactly what it takes to make an airport run like a watch ...


when 14,000 air traffic controllers walk off there wont be any need for TSA security checks or any other air port employees.

think of all the people working at LAX - KENNEDY - DFW - MIAMI INTL. and exactly what it takes to make an airport run like a watch ...


View attachment 239265

Fuck the TSA....fuck the federal "gubermint". This parasitic corporate entity could stay shut down for good and I wouldn't give a shit. Hell, I would celebrate.
In summary, there's no financial remedy for federal employees that actually do work for our federal government during Trump's shut-down.
Sure there is, quit and go find employment in the productive sector of the economy, there are plenty of open jobs in private enterprise.

If they choose not to quit then they are doing so, not out of any concern for the people who pay their compensation (the general disregard for the people that pay their salaries has been all too evident for a while now) but out of SELF INTEREST.

I have NO sympathy for these workers at all because they certainly have demonstrated that they have absolutely zero sympathy for anyone that has to make their living in the private sector.
when 14,000 air traffic controllers walk off there wont be any need for TSA security checks or any other air port employees.

think of all the people working at LAX - KENNEDY - DFW - MIAMI INTL. and exactly what it takes to make an airport run like a watch ...


View attachment 239265

Fuck the TSA....fuck the federal "gubermint". This parasitic corporate entity could stay shut down for good and I wouldn't give a shit. Hell, I would celebrate.
Fuck the TSA....fuck the federal "gubermint". This parasitic corporate entity could stay shut down for good and I wouldn't give a shit. Hell, I would


The WH talking points center around terrorists and drugs.
So who do they furlough?
The very workers who actually screened out the 4000 terrorists at airports as well as those who interdict tons of drug shipments bound for the US annually.

So to recap. Trump sends 5k troops to the southern border where 6 people who are on a watch list were identified,( 41 at the northern border BTW), while at the same time TSA workers are calling in sick due to no pay where we have thousands of potential terrorists wandering our airports.

And you applaud.

Utter lunacy.
when 14,000 air traffic controllers walk off there wont be any need for TSA security checks or any other air port employees.

think of all the people working at LAX - KENNEDY - DFW - MIAMI INTL. and exactly what it takes to make an airport run like a watch ...


View attachment 239265

Fuck the TSA....fuck the federal "gubermint". This parasitic corporate entity could stay shut down for good and I wouldn't give a shit. Hell, I would celebrate.
Fuck the TSA....fuck the federal "gubermint". This parasitic corporate entity could stay shut down for good and I wouldn't give a shit. Hell, I would


The WH talking points center around terrorists and drugs.
So who do they furlough?
The very workers who actually screened out the 4000 terrorists at airports as well as those who interdict tons of drug shipments bound for the US annually.

So to recap. Trump sends 5k troops to the southern border where 6 people who are on a watch list were identified,( 41 at the northern border BTW), while at the same time TSA workers are calling in sick due to no pay where we have thousands of potential terrorists wandering our airports.

And you applaud.

Utter lunacy.
What if the layoffs are designed that way to sway the people by the massive endless legislation that included these tidbits over the decades.? The new world order is the reality and the power and cover their bases. Their agendas are passed and exist. If its not a matter of now, it is when.
Screw those who are essential and work?? The Trump shut-down.

If the link provided at the end of this post is correct:
Those furloughed federal employees considered as not essential and are not currently working for the federal government, can tide themselves over by gainfully working full-time if they can find such opportunities. They can also work part-time and/or qualify for unemployment benefits.

Those federal employees considered essential and required to continue working without pay, are entitled to work part-time if they can find work that doesn't conflict with their federal work schedule, but they are not entitled to receive unemployment benefits.

In most if not all cases when federal employees MAY receive back-pay, the state will legally recover any unemployment benefits they paid out for the back-paid period.

In summary, there's no financial remedy for federal employees that actually do work for our federal government during Trump's shut-down.
Does this seem logical to anyone except President Donald Trump?

Refer to:

Many furloughed federal employees can receive unemployment while on temporary leave of absence, but not all. Federal employees who are expected to report to work, even without pay, do not qualify for unemployment benefits. Federal workers should be wary. In most states, as well as D.C., if these workers collect unemployment benefits and then receive retroactive pay, they’ll be required to repay the government.

Respectfully, Supposn
how do you get the lives back that were lost at the hands of illegals. You are more worried about a pay check that will eventually received and say fk off to the victims families. how white of you.
What really seems illogical to me is the leftists who allocate money everywhere and anywhere, but now that there is a 5 billion blip that can actually help Americans, they won't do it.
What really seems illogical to me is the leftists who allocate money everywhere and anywhere, but now that there is a 5 billion blip that can actually help Americans, they won't do it.
Norman, meet the leftists in this country.
In summary, there's no financial remedy for federal employees that actually do work for our federal government during Trump's shut-down.
Sure there is, quit and go find employment in the productive sector of the economy, there are plenty of open jobs in private enterprise.

If they choose not to quit then they are doing so, not out of any concern for the people who pay their compensation (the general disregard for the people that pay their salaries has been all too evident for a while now) but out of SELF INTEREST.

I have NO sympathy for these workers at all because they certainly have demonstrated that they have absolutely zero sympathy for anyone that has to make their living in the private sector.
go to a local DVM and see how you get treated. enough said.

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