Screw the Republicans, do what they want and the screw us.

We need to vote. We need to vote the ins out. I don't want to vote for a Democrat but I just might have to.

Just vote for the plutocrat that YOU think will least harm you and your family. That's about the best we can do now that the plutocrats COMPLETELY rule the country. And all plutocrats are alike. It is THEIR best interests that they have in mind. Not yours.
We need to vote. We need to vote the ins out. I don't want to vote for a Democrat but I just might have to.

Just vote for the plutocrat that YOU think will least harm you and your family. That's about the best we can do now that the plutocrats COMPLETELY rule the country. And all plutocrats are alike. It is THEIR best interests that they have in mind. Not yours.

Almost full agreement! The only difference is that I'm done voting for good (unless we can develop a pro-Constitution, third-Party).
Almost full agreement! The only difference is that I'm done voting for good (unless we can develop a pro-Constitution, third-Party).

Remember Howard Dean? I know you didn't like him but neither did either major political party. You know why they didn't like Howard? He figured out how to combat the big money plutocrats by soliciting 100 dollar contributions from the Internet. And he was raking in enough money to compete.

And the powers that be were scared. I have read that BOTH parties collaborated to make sure Howard lost the early primaries.

My point being that a third party could emerge but the money will have to come from small donors over the "Net.
And I would be a contributor because I am not willing to give up yet.

We could still see a true populist come forth. I like Lizzy Warren.
Almost full agreement! The only difference is that I'm done voting for good (unless we can develop a pro-Constitution, third-Party).

Remember Howard Dean? I know you didn't like him but neither did either major political party. You know why they didn't like Howard? He figured out how to combat the big money plutocrats by soliciting 100 dollar contributions from the Internet. And he was raking in enough money to compete.

And the powers that be were scared. I have read that BOTH parties collaborated to make sure Howard lost the early primaries.

My point being that a third party could emerge but the money will have to come from small donors over the "Net.
And I would be a contributor because I am not willing to give up yet.

We could still see a true populist come forth. I like Lizzy Warren.

Warren? Really? If we had any sense we would elect Romney, Donald Trump or anyone else who has been successful in business. Not someone who says what the majority wants to hear. Someone who will put America back to meaningful work, not extend America slavery.

I am sure Warren is a very nice grandma and proably a very nice person. But putting her up against Putin or Arab leaders, no, no way.
Almost full agreement! The only difference is that I'm done voting for good (unless we can develop a pro-Constitution, third-Party).

Remember Howard Dean? I know you didn't like him but neither did either major political party. You know why they didn't like Howard? He figured out how to combat the big money plutocrats by soliciting 100 dollar contributions from the Internet. And he was raking in enough money to compete.

And the powers that be were scared. I have read that BOTH parties collaborated to make sure Howard lost the early primaries.

My point being that a third party could emerge but the money will have to come from small donors over the "Net.
And I would be a contributor because I am not willing to give up yet.

We could still see a true populist come forth. I like Lizzy Warren.

How did they get Dean to do this?

I think he might have been OK had he not be a bit on the crazy side.
Almost full agreement! The only difference is that I'm done voting for good (unless we can develop a pro-Constitution, third-Party).

Remember Howard Dean? I know you didn't like him but neither did either major political party. You know why they didn't like Howard? He figured out how to combat the big money plutocrats by soliciting 100 dollar contributions from the Internet. And he was raking in enough money to compete.

And the powers that be were scared. I have read that BOTH parties collaborated to make sure Howard lost the early primaries.

My point being that a third party could emerge but the money will have to come from small donors over the "Net.
And I would be a contributor because I am not willing to give up yet.

We could still see a true populist come forth. I like Lizzy Warren.

I was pretty much with ya until you mentioned Warren. Warren fits in perfectly with the status quo Democrats. I'm more interested in a third Party that aligns itself with the Thomas Jefferson mentality.

Screw all of them. They no longer have us in mind when they vote. I'm staying home in 2016. Good riddance.

We need to vote. We need to vote the ins out. I don't want to vote for a Democrat but I just might have to.
It really doesn't matter though...eventually, when the newbies want to be reelected, they take the free flowing money from the elite, to get reelected, then they too become beholden to them.

I don't want to see what Obama has done rescinded, so we differ on that....but I do not want what Obama has done to stand on it's own without any action from Congress....

congress has to do something with immigration or we will once again, be faced with the same situation that the 1986 Immigration reform faced, and millions of more illegals entering afterwards because Congress never funded the border security in the Reagan bill, and because congress at the last minute in 1986, watered down the penalties for employers at the BeQuest of the Small Business Association and other Business support groups that bought them....

So, because I support putting the parents of American citizens, last on the list to deport and perhaps given amnesty by congress permanently....I DON'T want to see this happen without penalties so heavy that no employer will chance hiring illegals, and strengthening the border, and other immigration reforms...

If Obama's actions are left alone, and the next president does not renege them, and most importantly, congress does not do anything about employers who hire illegals that has some teeth to it, then we will be in the same boat 30 years from now, with double the amount of illegals wanting amnesty again.

So congress has to do something on immigration, they just have to....imo.

the Businesses bought congress off again, and you guys did believe Republicans would be different, and follow what they said they would do, but YOU don't have the money, and Businesses who want cheap labor, do....

Hey, us liberals were sold Universal Health care and got O-care/Romney care we too were sold a bill of goods by our representatives, or our UNrepresentatives....

the worse thing in the house bill to me is the measure to Insure derivatives, and the next bust from their risky actions to fall at the tax payer's expense while they walk scott free....AND the loosening up of campaign funds so the wealthy can give them even more money....

Sounds fair enough.

We have had immigration reform and as you say it isn't being enforced. Why would we think that if given permanent amnesty that isn't going to just open the flood gates? It will the only real question is, is that a problem? More low paid workers means more low priced stuff for me, is that a problem? More low paid workers means less work for the low skilled America born poor, is that a problem for me? So far on the whole letting in these folks isn't a real problem for ME.

Is there a infinite amount of work for the kind of people that will be flooding the border? Or are we just creating the largest welfare group in the world, which ain't good for any of us?

Obamacare? All democrat as you know till now. The republcians voted to fund the damn thing and are as guilty as those who voted to fund the wars. I realize that those who are keeping their company sponsored health care insurance see little problem with Obamacare. But those of us who lost that care on the excuse of Obamacare can be really out of luck. Not buy insurance and you may have to pay 2 percent of your wages to the government to pay for the millions flooding the border. It is a mad world we are creating.

Yup. We're officially under the thumb of a single-Party system. It's them against the working class, taxpayer. Both Parties approve another trillion dollar spending bill (at taxpayer expense) so we can legalize and coddle millions of illegal criminals. John "Boner" just boned all of us.

Worse of all, in my opinion, is that the lying POS tell us one thing then do another. They tell us how bad is the immigration policy and we should vote for them. They tell us that Obamacare is bad and vote for them. We do and they screw us. I don't give a crap how politically smart it was to me they betrayed us.

Almost full agreement! The only difference is that I'm done voting for good (unless we can develop a pro-Constitution, third-Party).

Remember Howard Dean? I know you didn't like him but neither did either major political party. You know why they didn't like Howard? He figured out how to combat the big money plutocrats by soliciting 100 dollar contributions from the Internet. And he was raking in enough money to compete.

And the powers that be were scared. I have read that BOTH parties collaborated to make sure Howard lost the early primaries.

My point being that a third party could emerge but the money will have to come from small donors over the "Net.
And I would be a contributor because I am not willing to give up yet.

We could still see a true populist come forth. I like Lizzy Warren.

Warren? Really? If we had any sense we would elect Romney, Donald Trump or anyone else who has been successful in business. Not someone who says what the majority wants to hear. Someone who will put America back to meaningful work, not extend America slavery.

I am sure Warren is a very nice grandma and proably a very nice person. But putting her up against Putin or Arab leaders, no, no way.

You are mixed up. You are bitching about an oligarchy in one breath....and in the next....suggesting a corporate raider become POTUS.

The included....are STILL in favor of allowing the richest few thousand Americans to run the show. You support that you sit here bitching. You are confused.

Yup. We're officially under the thumb of a single-Party system. It's them against the working class, taxpayer. Both Parties approve another trillion dollar spending bill (at taxpayer expense) so we can legalize and coddle millions of illegal criminals. John "Boner" just boned all of us.

Worse of all, in my opinion, is that the lying POS tell us one thing then do another. They tell us how bad is the immigration policy and we should vote for them. They tell us that Obamacare is bad and vote for them. We do and they screw us. I don't give a crap how politically smart it was to me they betrayed us.


I am the worst at using the words worse and worst, I think it is a mental handicap which is getting worse.

Yup. We're officially under the thumb of a single-Party system. It's them against the working class, taxpayer. Both Parties approve another trillion dollar spending bill (at taxpayer expense) so we can legalize and coddle millions of illegal criminals. John "Boner" just boned all of us.

Worse of all, in my opinion, is that the lying POS tell us one thing then do another. They tell us how bad is the immigration policy and we should vote for them. They tell us that Obamacare is bad and vote for them. We do and they screw us. I don't give a crap how politically smart it was to me they betrayed us.


I am the worst at using the words worse and worst, I think it is a mental handicap which is getting worse.

Well played.
Quit your whinging, Freewill.

I told you that the far right wing of the would be punished for their fiascoes of the last year.
Almost full agreement! The only difference is that I'm done voting for good (unless we can develop a pro-Constitution, third-Party).

Remember Howard Dean? I know you didn't like him but neither did either major political party. You know why they didn't like Howard? He figured out how to combat the big money plutocrats by soliciting 100 dollar contributions from the Internet. And he was raking in enough money to compete.

And the powers that be were scared. I have read that BOTH parties collaborated to make sure Howard lost the early primaries.

My point being that a third party could emerge but the money will have to come from small donors over the "Net.
And I would be a contributor because I am not willing to give up yet.

We could still see a true populist come forth. I like Lizzy Warren.

Warren? Really? If we had any sense we would elect Romney, Donald Trump or anyone else who has been successful in business. Not someone who says what the majority wants to hear. Someone who will put America back to meaningful work, not extend America slavery.

I am sure Warren is a very nice grandma and proably a very nice person. But putting her up against Putin or Arab leaders, no, no way.

You are mixed up. You are bitching about an oligarchy in one breath....and in the next....suggesting a corporate raider become POTUS.

The included....are STILL in favor of allowing the richest few thousand Americans to run the show. You support that you sit here bitching. You are a confused nutter idiot.

Look, I am not sure how you think that electing someone who is barely accomplished in anything other then spewing ideology is going to fix anything. We have had 6 years of democrat control and the poor are not doing any better then they were before the take over. SIX years isn't that enough to make a problem better? But no, the problems are no better then they were they are worse.

Like it or not the only way the poor will do better is through trickle down economics. The idea that trickle up poverty is going to raise anyone is fantasy.

You can't trust accomplished people as leaders, I can't trust unaccomplished people. Who sounds more foolish?
The Demopublicans also put us all on the hook for 303 trillion in derivatives thanks to the swaps push-out provision of the crony-bus.

Nice work, Merica.
Quit your whinging, Freewill.

I told you that the far right wing of the would be punished for their fiascoes of the last year.

So after a six pack you admit that those you say you associate lied to we true Republicans, or were true Republicans.
You are mixed up. You are bitching about an oligarchy in one breath....and in the next....suggesting a corporate raider become POTUS.

No shit. Bitching about the plutocrats that we have had for many years, then wanting to elect another one as POTUS.

And then denigrating the one and only populist (cept for Bernie Sanders) that we have seen for quite some time.
When did the political majority in the house of representatives become the kings of the world? Democrats still control 2/3 of the government. All this alleged anger by alleged republicans over the alleged cave in by alleged republicans is just bull shit over the dam. Hold your outrage until Jan 20 when elected republicans are sworn in and republicans control 2/3 of the government.
The new Congress starts weeks before Jan 20th on Jan 6. That's the date republicans can be judged. HSD is only funded through February, so republicans can revisit Obama's unlawful Amnesty order in a position of power.

All I know is they had better do something.
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Plutocrats?Do you even know what that word means? Jumpin' jeebus you folks have been drown in a tub of memes and soundbites.

What populist? You mean the current Corporatist n Chief?

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