Screw the Republicans, do what they want and the screw us.

You might want to consider the fact that no one is 'screwing' you, where your ridiculous, naïve, childish, extreme rightwing agenda has nothing whatsoever to do with responsible governance, and in no way comports with the wishes of a majority of the American people.

Your way of thinking got its ass handed to it last election. They lied and now they pay the price. You have become irrelevant.
He always was irrelevant.
Oh you got screwed by a republican? Welcome to America.
Dimwits are better at screwing America, you idiots just love it.

I do not love some of what Obama's doing, but Even Reagan invested in science, education, r&d and infrastructure! Every president over the past 120 years has done the same.

Cutting our throats will just make us china's bitch in a shorter amount of time.
When did the political majority in the house of representatives become the kings of the world? Democrats still control 2/3 of the government. All this alleged anger by alleged republicans over the alleged cave in by alleged republicans is just bull shit over the dam. Hold your outrage until Jan 20 when elected republicans are sworn in and republicans control 2/3 of the government.

No way, they told a story then voted against that story. I am tired of the two faced Republicans and I can't stand the self righteous democrats, they have left me no choice.
The alleged outrage by alleged republicans don't match the reality of the situation. My guess is that the alleged outrage is just another left wing dirty trick. Republicans would have been the "grinch" if the government shut down and the bad guys if the government didn't shut down. The outrage is a desperate attempt to try to divide support for the GOP before they become the real majority in January.

No, it is you that is pushing the left wing BS. THEY say that the conservatives are bad for shutting down the government. But the last election should have shown them that the people thought other wise. It is two years to the next election a long time for voters to remember. No, the Republcans told us vote for them because Obamacare is bad. Vote for them because Obama's amnesty is bad, we did and they shoved it up our collective asses. You can hold your nose if you wish I choose not to. I just wish my state had open primaries.
When did the political majority in the house of representatives become the kings of the world? Democrats still control 2/3 of the government. All this alleged anger by alleged republicans over the alleged cave in by alleged republicans is just bull shit over the dam. Hold your outrage until Jan 20 when elected republicans are sworn in and republicans control 2/3 of the government.

The 3 branches of gvt is not the presidency, the house and the senate

the 3 branches of gvt is the presidency/executive branch, the Congress, both the house of reps and the Senate TOGETHER, is the second branch, and the Supreme Court/judicial is the third branch...

So right now, we have a democratic president, a republican majority Supreme court, and a SPLIT Congress with the house republican and the senate democratic.
When did the political majority in the house of representatives become the kings of the world? Democrats still control 2/3 of the government. All this alleged anger by alleged republicans over the alleged cave in by alleged republicans is just bull shit over the dam. Hold your outrage until Jan 20 when elected republicans are sworn in and republicans control 2/3 of the government.

The 3 branches of gvt is not the presidency, the house and the senate

the 3 branches of gvt is the presidency/executive branch, the Congress, both the house of reps and the Senate TOGETHER, is the second branch, and the Supreme Court/judicial is the third branch...

So right now, we have a democratic president, a republican majority Supreme court, and a SPLIT Congress with the house republican and the senate democratic.

After their ruling on Obamacare I seriously doubt we have a Republican SCOTUS. But then again Republicans are apparently good at saying one thing and doing another.

Screw all of them. They no longer have us in mind when they vote. I'm staying home in 2016. Good riddance.
When did the political majority in the house of representatives become the kings of the world? Democrats still control 2/3 of the government. All this alleged anger by alleged republicans over the alleged cave in by alleged republicans is just bull shit over the dam. Hold your outrage until Jan 20 when elected republicans are sworn in and republicans control 2/3 of the government.

The 3 branches of gvt is not the presidency, the house and the senate

Obama might as well be all three.

Screw all of them. They no longer have us in mind when they vote. I'm staying home in 2016. Good riddance.

We need to vote. We need to vote the ins out. I don't want to vote for a Democrat but I just might have to.

"They tell us all what we want to hear to get the vote then go to the "good old boy club" and shoot the shit with each other over cocktails that same night. We may as well face this simple fact: We've been completely taken over by an Oligarchy that doesn't give two hoots about the Constitution or the will of the American taxpayers."


Unfounded, baseless, ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense. Nothing Congress has done is 'un-Constitutional.' And Congress' actions are consistent with the will of the majority of American taxpayers.
I wouldn't go that far. They work for their biggest contributors first THEN for the little people that voted for them IF they can work it in.

We don't owe you losertrians shit. You want a tiny little government that allows corporations to shit on our country like mexico? Well, we're not going to roll over for you.

We will keep on investing in
and education

The larger the middle class the better.

I thank god we have some sane people willing to throw a bone towards the stability of our nation...Eventhrough they do a lot of stupid shit too.


Screw all of them. They no longer have us in mind when they vote. I'm staying home in 2016. Good riddance.

We need to vote. We need to vote the ins out. I don't want to vote for a Democrat but I just might have to.
It really doesn't matter though...eventually, when the newbies want to be reelected, they take the free flowing money from the elite, to get reelected, then they too become beholden to them.

I don't want to see what Obama has done rescinded, so we differ on that....but I do not want what Obama has done to stand on it's own without any action from Congress....

congress has to do something with immigration or we will once again, be faced with the same situation that the 1986 Immigration reform faced, and millions of more illegals entering afterwards because Congress never funded the border security in the Reagan bill, and because congress at the last minute in 1986, watered down the penalties for employers at the BeQuest of the Small Business Association and other Business support groups that bought them....

So, because I support putting the parents of American citizens, last on the list to deport and perhaps given amnesty by congress permanently....I DON'T want to see this happen without penalties so heavy that no employer will chance hiring illegals, and strengthening the border, and other immigration reforms...

If Obama's actions are left alone, and the next president does not renege them, and most importantly, congress does not do anything about employers who hire illegals that has some teeth to it, then we will be in the same boat 30 years from now, with double the amount of illegals wanting amnesty again.

So congress has to do something on immigration, they just have to....imo.

the Businesses bought congress off again, and you guys did believe Republicans would be different, and follow what they said they would do, but YOU don't have the money, and Businesses who want cheap labor, do....

Hey, us liberals were sold Universal Health care and got O-care/Romney care we too were sold a bill of goods by our representatives, or our UNrepresentatives....

the worse thing in the house bill to me is the measure to Insure derivatives, and the next bust from their risky actions to fall at the tax payer's expense while they walk scott free....AND the loosening up of campaign funds so the wealthy can give them even more money....
After their ruling on Obamacare I seriously doubt we have a Republican SCOTUS.

There are five Republicans on the court and four Democrats, hence a Republican majority. The problem is that people like you think the Republican Party stands for something it doesn't.
"The Senate approved a $1.1 trillion spending measure Saturday night funding most of the government through September, removing the threat of a shutdown for much of 2015.

The bipartisan 56-40 vote sends the bill to President Barack Obama, who is expected to sign it into law."

Senate passes spending bill avoids government shutdown -

This is what responsible governance looks like.

Not the nonsense posted by rightwing extremists subscribing to this thread.
that's 4 years old, but looks like Wall Street finally got what they wanted....

Examiner Editorial: The Obama Wall Street bailout continues
Imagine if a U.S. senator came forward with an idea for a third economic stimulus package. But unlike President Obama's first stimulus, which cost about $800 billion and included both tax cuts and transfer payments for the working poor and middle class, this stimulus would be given almost entirely to the rich. Worse, unlike Obama's second stimulus, which passed in December 2010 at a cost of about $900 billion and included tax cuts for working Americans and an extension of unemployment benefits, this new stimulus plan would be infinitely large. About $960 billion would be pumped into the economy in the first two years alone.
Examiner Editorial The Obama Wall Street bailout continues

Republicrats and Democans are two peas in a pod.

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