Screw the Chinese!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Fuck their society! They are a society of slaves! They are blindly patriotic! They don't value educating their children! I hope Japan and India kick their asses!


Be kind to the Chinese. They have the corner on rare metals that are essential for computers, Ipads, Iphones, modern fridges, state of the art avionics used in fighters, etc., etc.,.
You like that stuff, donchya'?
And then there's the new Chinese Investment Bank that all of our allies are rushing to join. So be kind to them!

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well ..I do like the lower price and the quality of Chinese/American/Europena/Australian things and clothes they copy ....

they are good at what they do

copy or what ever LOL

Chinese are good at that ...cheaper too hehe...

I like..... I do :)
so ..I say

no do not screw the Chinese ....

I am cool with them
Chinese are better than welfare scum hipanics.....or blacks or whatever...
Chinese are better than welfare scum hipanics.....or blacks or whatever...
True. I have worked with and know many Chinese immigrants (the legal kind) who establish businesses and the entire family works to make things happen for them. I don't know any Chinese immigrants (legal or illegal) who are sucking the welfare tit in this country. They come here for the opportunities and the freedom, not the public assistance.
Fuck their society! They are a society of slaves! They are blindly patriotic! They don't value educating their children! I hope Japan and India kick their asses!



Curious why the OP would pick the worlds smartest Children to say "They don't value educating their children!"
Chinese are better than welfare scum hipanics.....or blacks or whatever...
True. I have worked with and know many Chinese immigrants (the legal kind) who establish businesses and the entire family works to make things happen for them. I don't know any Chinese immigrants (legal or illegal) who are sucking the welfare tit in this country. They come here for the opportunities and the freedom, not the public assistance.


Chinese at least have dignity.......unlike blacks and hispanics scum...always asking for money...always crying and complaining... shit that they are!
The big difference is China's Government is willing to sell out the safety of their people for Corporate profits. They pollute to the point of Cancer villages and days off of school for SMOG.

In 2010 there was a bill to lower taxation on American Industry and stop tax deductions for outsourcing. Guess how that went..
The big difference is China's Government is willing to sell out the safety of their people for Corporate profits. They pollute to the point of Cancer villages and days off of school for SMOG.

In 2010 there was a bill to lower taxation on American Industry and stop tax deductions for outsourcing. Guess how that went..

Chinese have dignity!!!!

Unlike scum hispanics and blacks in need of money!

makes me puke!

The big difference is China's Government is willing to sell out the safety of their people for Corporate profits. They pollute to the point of Cancer villages and days off of school for SMOG.

In 2010 there was a bill to lower taxation on American Industry and stop tax deductions for outsourcing. Guess how that went..

Chinese have dignity!!!!

Unlike scum hispanics and blacks in need of money!

makes me puke!


So you are stating Chinese have dignity because they are willing to pollute their Country for work?

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