SCOTUS tells Biden to finish border wall.

What laws were passed by Congress and signed by Trump? A EO or a rule change is not a law. It can be reversed by the next President.

There is no evidence of money laundering. What part of the Constitution allows you to smear people with misinformation?

The IRS went after liberal groups as well using keywords like progressive. The IRS does have the right to ensure that organizations that receive tax breaks are not abusing it. They should not have done it that way but they have the right to do so,

Biden did not run any guns toto give to drug lords.

He may very well be in jail but hat Republicans are doing on Covid is worse. They are refusing to take safety precautions to protect their citizens and ban local governments from doing it. Republican governors are becoming the biggest mass murderers in history. Texas has had more Covid deaths than NY and are only 3,thousand behind California. Florida has surpassed New York as well and is third in the number of covid deaths.

What I am finding is that Republicans are the greatest enemies of this country.

The party of Ronald Reagan died years ago.
What part of the Constitution allows you to be so unhinged?
You are the one who should STFU. The laws on asylum say the request must be made in the US not Mexico. There is nothing in any US asylum laws about remaining in Mexico.
No, the laws on asylum say they must be made in the first country you enter once leaving your home country, Dipshit.

This time, I got a linky!!! :spinner:

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed the Biden administration a stunning defeat with regard to construction on former President Donald Trump’s border wall, which currently sits incomplete as illegal immigrants continue to flood across the open border.

The country’s high court ordered lower courts to vacate previous rulings about the wall, citing “changed circumstances” in the case. Environmental activists, activist judges, Democrats in Congress and private law organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union have of course opposed the wall since before concrete was ever poured.

The purpose of these lawsuits was to stop the construction of the border wall. Since the Biden administration has stopped all construction of the border wall, the Supreme Court is not going to be looking at any of these cases which had been appealed to the Supreme Court, because they’re moot now that the wall is no longer being built.

The supreme court is not going to order that the wall being built. That’s not within their purview. There’s simply telling the lower courts that there is no longer a wall being built and therefore they should vacate their rulings in regard to the construction of the wall.

This is a big LOSS for Trump and Trumpkins everywhere. Tear down the wall
How do you think we keep the Cubans out of GTMO?

But the US never had the right to Guantanamo.
The Spanish American war was started on a lie, the Spanish never sank the USS Maine.
The US then installed dictators like Batista, who had no valid right to give or lease us bases.
We should abandon it and give it back.

The only use we have for it, Afghan POWs, was always illegal.
The Geneva Convention does not allow for removing POWs from their country, and those held there either had to be charged with crimes of given full POW rights. We did neither, which is not legal.
The Supreme Court on Monday erased a lower court ruling that had found against President Trump’s border-wall emergency and sent the case back to the judge to take another look, given the “changed circumstances” with President Biden now in office.

Mr. Trump, after watching Congress cut his request for wall money, had sought to siphon funding from Pentagon accounts toward the wall, drawing a flurry of lawsuits.

A federal district judge in California had ruled the funding shift illegal and a panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed. But the Supreme Court had allowed the construction to continue while the case made its way through the courts.
The only 'riot' that actually affected the US in terms of changing it forever, was the one on Jan 6th. That easily supercedes any other riot that took place. In most places, the police took care of it, with the notable exception of Seattle. However, that city soon came back into the fold.

The Jan 6th riot was a direct assault on the US and what it stands for. It was a bunch of intellectually inept, conspiracy-theory-believing, mainly white middle-aged, election-denying, close-to-naziesque-type behaviour enabling nimrods. It was a disgrace.

At the end of the day, you have a bunch of people who seriously believe that the election was stolen, with NO evidence. Not one shred of provable, verifiable evidence. You know, what is weird - especially on this board - one of the catch cry for climate deniers is "where's the empirical evidence". Yet, when it comes to the election, they don't want ANY evidence, let alone empirical. Apparently all the Repub election verifiers, Trump-appointed judges, GoP governors, were all in on it. It is beyond ridiculous how much of a Banana Republic Trump and his Deplorables want the place to become. It's embarrassing, childish and just downright laughable. And I would laugh, if it wasn't so tragic.

Don't worry about China or Russia fucking the US over. Trump and his Deplorables and these "the election was stolen" rubes are going to turn the country into a shithole.
You still haven’t answered what metrics you used to determine the Right causing MORE violence than the Left. By using metrics, that means you use empirical evidence to support your claim. What you did was provide an opinion piece on the significance of January 6th. In part, you site these Right wingers behind Jan 6 being conspiracy theorists about the election with “no evidence”, no empirical data.

Interestingly enough, you introduce your own conspiracy about GOP governors and judges “being all in on it” yet to quote your or own phrase - there is NO EVIDENCE.
You don't call another million illegals pouring into our country an invasion?? Just shows what an idiot you are.

In case its escaped your notice. These illegals cost we tax payers BILLIONS every year. You might want to waste billions on illegals but most American don't.

Oh and you voted for a disaster. Congrats.
LMAO Try telling that to the citizens of Portland, Seattle and Indi. They were the victims of looting, murder and arson. I doubt they would call those idiot you defend "Peaceful."

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