SCOTUS tells Biden to finish border wall.

There were 80 to 90 riots as compared to 1 by the right.

There were not that many. That one was a invasion of our capitol to stop the certification of the election. The first time the Capitol had been invaded since the British did it in the war of 1812. In addition, mobs on the right are threatening members of school boards and state legislators.
Hey commie, answer my question--what have you done to support this country. Your question is asinine and stupid and doesn't deserve a response. But a great one was given to you in post #72

HaHaHa, link those threats and when you do, remember the democrat thug that shot up a congressional softball game, BLM thugs that broke into a gated community and threatened city council members, BLM/Antifa thugs that rioted for over 100 days straight in Portland, BLM/Antifa members that violently seized six blocks of Seattle and a Police precinct for six weeks. Fuck off, you're a hypocritical moron.

Asking what the Constitutional basis for the Supreme Court to do this is asinine? Without a constitutional basis, the order is illegal.

Let's talk about the right winger who shot Gabby Giffords and others in a clearly political assassination attempt. Or the Trump supporter who sent mail bombs to Trump's political opponents.
There were not that many. That one was a invasion of our capitol to stop the certification of the election. The first time the Capitol had been invaded since the British did it in the war of 1812. In addition, mobs on the right are threatening members of school boards and state legislators.
there were that many retard.
Correction. Biden tried to reverse it.
Which brings me back to my original question. Who, other than the president, has the authority to determine if a national emergency exists? When the president says a national emergency doesn't exist, can the SC overrule him? When and how did they get that authority?
TX should call their bluff. IF the Dems are willing to actually fight against a state that is trying to stop an invasion then the rest of the nation's voters need to SEE THAT and make their own judgments about what they support. I think Abbot should mine a zone about 500 yards deep for the entire length of his border with Mexico. TX should make it clear that those who come to illegally invade this state will risk death or dismemberment and they will get no compensation if either occurs to them.
What part of the Constitution allows the US Federal government to ignore US Federal laws on immigration?

What part of the Constitution allows Hunter Bide to launder money by selling his paintings all around the world for millions of dollars?

What part of the Constitution allows the IRS to target conservatives and when caught, pays no penalty for doing so even though a court found them guilty?

What part of the Constitution prevents Obama and Biden from running guns across the border to give to drug lords while in the same breath taking guns away from law abiding citizens?

What part of the Constitution allows Cuomo to throw Covid patients in old folks homes, watches them all die, and they try to hide the numbers while sexually assaulting a myriad of women with impunity? He should be in jail.

I think you will find that democrats do whatever the hell they want.

"We the people" died years ago.

What laws were passed by Congress and signed by Trump? A EO or a rule change is not a law. It can be reversed by the next President.

There is no evidence of money laundering. What part of the Constitution allows you to smear people with misinformation?

The IRS went after liberal groups as well using keywords like progressive. The IRS does have the right to ensure that organizations that receive tax breaks are not abusing it. They should not have done it that way but they have the right to do so,

Biden did not run any guns toto give to drug lords.

He may very well be in jail but hat Republicans are doing on Covid is worse. They are refusing to take safety precautions to protect their citizens and ban local governments from doing it. Republican governors are becoming the biggest mass murderers in history. Texas has had more Covid deaths than NY and are only 3,thousand behind California. Florida has surpassed New York as well and is third in the number of covid deaths.

What I am finding is that Republicans are the greatest enemies of this country.

The party of Ronald Reagan died years ago.

This time, I got a linky!!! :spinner:

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed the Biden administration a stunning defeat with regard to construction on former President Donald Trump’s border wall, which currently sits incomplete as illegal immigrants continue to flood across the open border.

The country’s high court ordered lower courts to vacate previous rulings about the wall, citing “changed circumstances” in the case. Environmental activists, activist judges, Democrats in Congress and private law organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union have of course opposed the wall since before concrete was ever poured.
Better late than never...
Asking what the Constitutional basis for the Supreme Court to do this is asinine? Without a constitutional basis, the order is illegal.

Let's talk about the right winger who shot Gabby Giffords and others in a clearly political assassination attempt. Or the Trump supporter who sent mail bombs to Trump's political opponents.
You should sue them. :auiqs.jpg:

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