Scottish Women Ugly?


Shut the $%$ Up!
Jan 15, 2009

Did your mouth drop?

Did you pre-judge this woman?

Did your heart smile?

Mine did.

sorry but you will have to click on the word UTube at the top of the video to watch it. [ame][/ame]
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Did your mouth drop? Yes
Did you pre-judge this woman? To be honest, no, my husband told me about it so I knew. But, I would hope I wouldn't I don't think she's ugly though, just a little work on the eybrow and some good clothes,, :clap2:

Did your heart smile? Yes

Mine did.

sorry but you will have to click on the word UTube at the top of the video to watch it.

Pretty damn cool! Inspiring.

I am assuming that the sound of her voice not matching up with her lips was just due to internet connection lag.

I think that she could be on Broadway or the Opera with some refining and training.
Gosh even Glenn Beck just spoke about it tonight at the end of his show.

I agree Willow, pluck the eyebrows, new hairdo, and clothes and she would clean up very nicely but her voice was fantastic and so was her spirit!
Make sure you check out the websites listed with the original YouTube video. Just click (more info).

I did it shows the lyric's. How fitting for her also. I read someone said that the show found her and asked her to appear so I'm guessing they all knew she could sing if true but the judges and other probably never knew how good.
I don't understand what the fuss about this woman is. Yes she seems perfectly nice and her voice is one of an angel, however; what the media is REALLY saying about her is that she's ugly and despite her ugliness she has a nice voice. It's quite disgusting, actually and I feel sorry for the lady because of what the media is doing to her.

Just because you don't have good looks, doesn't mean you can't sing.
Yeah, who could EVER have imagined that a woman who wasn't a raving beauty could possible sing?







Beauty is in the ear of the beholder, I guess.

More? I could do this all damned day long, ya know.

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I don't understand what the fuss about this woman is. Yes she seems perfectly nice and her voice is one of an angel, however; what the media is REALLY saying about her is that she's ugly and despite her ugliness she has a nice voice. It's quite disgusting, actually and I feel sorry for the lady because of what the media is doing to her.

Just because you don't have good looks, doesn't mean you can't sing.

You make a very valid point. In the age of looks before talent, the media is saying, "Hey, look, here's an unattactive person who can sing!"

Think of all the no-talent hacks out there who have record deals because they have fake boobs or a handsome face. Technology can make anyone "seem" like they have talent, but this lady is the real deal.

I say good for her for sticking to her guns and not wanting a makeover, she's happy with who she is. :cool:

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