Scott Walker is Toast...

So, the Governor of Wisconsin, as a leading Republican in the State, and in countering a concerted Recall effort by the Democrats, participated in discussions and activities designed to ensure that his own party weathered the Recall Storm in the best shape possible?

Did I get that right?

If so...

Why is that illegal?

I admit to complete ignorance in the matter.

Anybody care to serve-up a workable layman's description of why that is considered wrongdoing?
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He should have destroyed the hard drive like democrats do. The poor little whiners are still hurting from their failed recall. Fun to watch.

Of course they'll keep going after him. While the left dismisses serious stuff like the IRS scandal and the deliberate destruction of evidence, they feign shock at mere accusations that are having difficulty sticking.
Democrats have been trying to impeach, prosecute, drag down, lie about, and generally harass Gov. Walke ever since he put the government workers' unions in their places.

They are especially enraged over the fact that, when they tried to hold a recall election against him, he won it by an even greater margin than in his original election to the Governor's office.

Sounds like the whiners are still at it, digging and inventing any charges they can.
The Democrats wasted millions trying to recall him simply because he did what the voters wanted. I remember all the so called educated people trashing their capitol building and the democrat politicians running away and leaving the state rather than do their job. Then you ignorant asswipes wonder why people accuse you of hating America. It's because your actions speak louder than your rhetoric.
I read the NBC link. What's incriminating in what he said to Rove. Is it illegal to communicate what's going on in a campaign? I'm waiting to hear what Scott Walker has to say. It's no surprise that Walker is just the latest target of the left to scale down the republicans presidential hopes in 2016. They must consider him the most dangerous.

So far the courts have gone against the left.

They must have a judge in their pocket.

Or maybe not.

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