Scott Brown praises Palin; suggests Obama born out of wedlock

Brown, Coakley, And the Outrage Gap - Paul Krugman Blog -

Wow. A video clip has surfaced from 2008 in which Scott Brown, the Republican candidate for Senate in Massachusetts, clearly suggested that President Obama may have been born out of wedlock.

I’m sure some will try to dismiss this as an isolated stray remark. But it’s clear if you watch the video that there’s a broader context: Brown is clearly aligning himself with the Limbaugh wing of the GOP, in which slurs along these lines are standard fare. And as Steve Benen points out, claims about Obama’s illegitimacy were an integral part of the birther craziness.

My opinion: What an asshole.

For the record Scott:

At the age of 23, Obama had come to Hawaii to pursue his education, leaving behind a pregnant wife and infant son in his home town of Nyang’oma Kogelo in Kenya. Dunham and Obama were married on the Hawaiian island of Maui on February 2, 1961, despite parental opposition from both families.[5][15] Dunham was three months pregnant at the time of her marriage.[1][5] Obama Sr. eventually informed Dunham about his first marriage in Kenya but claimed he was divorced. Years later, she would discover this was false.[14] Obama Sr.'s first wife, Kezia, later said she had granted her consent for him to marry a second wife, in keeping with Luo customs.[16]
On August 4, 1961, at the age of 18, Dunham gave birth to her first child, Barack Obama II.[17]
Ann Dunham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This could be suicide, depending on how much it is broadcast. Praising palin is like a republican praising Nixon in say... 1976.

Watch the video Elvis.

This is a tempest in a teapot...
...minus the tempest...


...and the teapot.
Usual denial by the left. Simple concept. Obama's daddy was married LEGALLY in Kenya. He did not get a divorce and then married in the US. The second marriage IN THE US , according to US law is Illegal. US law in all 50 States is that one can only legally be married to ONE person. That INCLUDES all legal foreign marriages.

The fact it was an illegal marriage does not effect the status of Obama as a citizen though. The State of Hawaii as several times now STATED for the record he was born there. The State is run by Republican Governor and Lt Governor. I seriously doubt they would cover up his birth if it were not in Hawaii. Both of them campaigned for McCain.

Desperate times call for real desperate attempts to smear the opponent. The left is so lost it will do anything at this point.
[Conservatives win and win big when they run as CONSERVATIVES. Not democrat-lite, not moderates, but CONSERVATIVES. This election in Mass is a perfect example. Scott Brown is not a moderate, he is a Conservative and proud of it.

Yepper, Zander, like we did in 2008. That thinking is not only moronic and wrong, it is also bad for the country. Meld conservatives to the center and eliminate the wing nuts. Got it? Good.
Usual denial by the left. Simple concept. Obama's daddy was married LEGALLY in Kenya. He did not get a divorce and then married in the US. The second marriage IN THE US , according to US law is Illegal. US law in all 50 States is that one can only legally be married to ONE person. That INCLUDES all legal foreign marriages.

The fact it was an illegal marriage does not effect the status of Obama as a citizen though. The State of Hawaii as several times now STATED for the record he was born there. The State is run by Republican Governor and Lt Governor. I seriously doubt they would cover up his birth if it were not in Hawaii. Both of them campaigned for McCain.

Desperate times call for real desperate attempts to smear the opponent. The left is so lost it will do anything at this point.

the elitist white liberals don't consider the african marriage valid
I believe the laws should apply to everyone. However, you seem to be missing the point.

And I'll tell you what. You find the real birth certificate that says he's born in Kenya. Then get back to me with the long form stuff. Obama has already released a sufficient amount of evidence to proof that he was born here legally.

in a court of law, if a court ever allowed the case to're wrong

he has not presented enough evidence....

only to the wierdos~

what a strong counter argument....what strong evidence....

thanks for proving once again, you're nothing but a liberal claiming to be a member of the gop
Certain types that come to mind ~ Hitler Youth, Aryan Brotherhood, the wing nut reactionaries ~ a time comes when it becomes obvious they cannot react with objectivity and critical thinking skills to evidence that overthrows their simplistic faith in the unsustainable.

That's where you are at, Yurt. Make do with it.
According to Michelle Obama, she implies Baracks mother was single at his birth.

Obama's Mother "very single when she had him"-Michelle Obama 7-10-08

h t t p://

The democrats have sprung a last minute "gotcha" video of Scott Brown saying he wasn't sure if Obama's mother was married at the time of his birth.

This transcript shows Michelle Obama saying: "Barack saw his mother, who was very young and very single when she had him, and he saw her work hard to complete her education and try to raise he and his sister."

This took place at a speech at the July 10th 2008 round table discussion at Pierson Auditorium on the campus of the University of Missouri - Kansas City.

Go to link provided above of transcript of her speech. She says it in the 10th Paragraph-8th Sentence.
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Brown will win because this isn't a referendum on Palin. It is a referendum on The Senate health care plan which is increasingly detested by everyone who isn't well to the left of center and hasn't been bought off by the supporters of this bill which would be we the people.
Brown, Coakley, And the Outrage Gap - Paul Krugman Blog -

Wow. A video clip has surfaced from 2008 in which Scott Brown, the Republican candidate for Senate in Massachusetts, clearly suggested that President Obama may have been born out of wedlock.

I’m sure some will try to dismiss this as an isolated stray remark. But it’s clear if you watch the video that there’s a broader context: Brown is clearly aligning himself with the Limbaugh wing of the GOP, in which slurs along these lines are standard fare. And as Steve Benen points out, claims about Obama’s illegitimacy were an integral part of the birther craziness.


My opinion: What an asshole.

For the record Scott:

At the age of 23, Obama had come to Hawaii to pursue his education, leaving behind a pregnant wife and infant son in his home town of Nyang’oma Kogelo in Kenya. Dunham and Obama were married on the Hawaiian island of Maui on February 2, 1961, despite parental opposition from both families.[5][15] Dunham was three months pregnant at the time of her marriage.[1][5] Obama Sr. eventually informed Dunham about his first marriage in Kenya but claimed he was divorced. Years later, she would discover this was false.[14] Obama Sr.'s first wife, Kezia, later said she had granted her consent for him to marry a second wife, in keeping with Luo customs.[16]
On August 4, 1961, at the age of 18, Dunham gave birth to her first child, Barack Obama II.[17]

Ann Dunham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And of course you have a link to Sarah Palin making a comment that Obama was born out of wed lock---:lol::lol::lol:

Obviously another liberal who does not have the reading comprehension skills or the attention span of a nat to get through a 413 page book--but think they know something anyway.

There is ABSOLUTELY nothing in your source that even mentions the name Palin--

There is ABSOLUTELY nothing in your source that can be construed that Scott Brown said anything either---that would indicate to ANYONE that he believed Obama was born out of wed-lock.

So your post must be just for the liberals on this board that are looking for a last minute SMEAR of Scott Brown.

Geez--can't you guys come up with something better than this--LOL
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Certain types that come to mind ~ Hitler Youth, Aryan Brotherhood, the wing nut reactionaries ~ a time comes when it becomes obvious they cannot react with objectivity and critical thinking skills to evidence that overthrows their simplistic faith in the unsustainable.

That's where you are at, Yurt. Make do with it.


yurt is right. but i will make these stupid strawman points because my liberal friends will love me.

you haven't actually debated a single point, haven't shown anything to the contrary. all if you is what a 5 year old could're stupid.....then again, that is par for the course for you.

let me remind you: obama's father was married to a woman in africa at the time he made vows to obama's mother. there is no dispute that this has been an issue as to the validity of that marriage.

do you have anything intelligent to say, or are we to be treated with more of your preschool mumblings
And Yurt proves my point: absolute simplistic belief in the unsustainable.
And Yurt proves my point: absolute simplistic belief in the unsustainable.

no proved mine

you have no debate, only ad homs

i know your lib friends love you, but come on, if you're not going to offer even a scintilla of counter point/debate....why bother doing so repeatedly? you only make me look good and you look like nothing but a hack, except of course to your liberal friends, because we all know you're not a member of the gop.....

so once again....counter my points, if not, then stfu. simple as that. i don't think you can counter the point(s) i raised, hence your cowardly dance.....
And Yurt proves my point: absolute simplistic belief in the unsustainable.

no proved mine

you have no debate, only ad homs

i know your lib friends love you, but come on, if you're not going to offer even a scintilla of counter point/debate....why bother doing so repeatedly? you only make me look good and you look like nothing but a hack, except of course to your liberal friends, because we all know you're not a member of the gop.....

so once again....counter my points, if not, then stfu. simple as that. i don't think you can counter the point(s) i raised, hence your cowardly dance.....

has the little pansy at least turned his pm's back on?
Certain types that come to mind ~ Hitler Youth, Aryan Brotherhood, the wing nut reactionaries ~ a time comes when it becomes obvious they cannot react with objectivity and critical thinking skills to evidence that overthrows their simplistic faith in the unsustainable.

That's where you are at, Yurt. Make do with it.


yurt is right. but i will make these stupid strawman points because my liberal friends will love me.

you haven't actually debated a single point, haven't shown anything to the contrary. all if you is what a 5 year old could're stupid.....then again, that is par for the course for you.

let me remind you: obama's father was married to a woman in africa at the time he made vows to obama's mother. there is no dispute that this has been an issue as to the validity of that marriage.

do you have anything intelligent to say, or are we to be treated with more of your preschool mumblings

It's kind of hard to defend made-up bull-shit. You liberals make something up & then, according to you, someone else is supposed to come along & defend the made up bullshit of your liberals buddies--:cuckoo::cuckoo:

That's a new one--:lol::lol:
Your arguments have been demolished over and over, and all you can say is that you don't believe it.

Like I said, you proved my point.
Your arguments have been demolished over and over, and all you can say is that you don't believe it.

Like I said, you proved my point.

The point is you haven't proved anything. The title of this thread has nothing to do with anything.

If you can provide a LINK--which you liberals are excellent at leaving out of all your posts--while you're accusing everyone of everything--& are making new threads or posting what your new conspiracy theory is. How do you expect anyone to respond to it?

I don't have to prove anything. Your buddy Dogbert started this thread--it's up to Dogburt to PROVE IT--not me.---:lol: So far he hasn't done it, & neither have you.
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You guys are mistaking the wing nuts as conservatives. They are not. They are reactionaries and are as great a danger as are the whacko left. I knew things were going south when the Bush propaganda machine was trying to compare him with Winston Churchill after 9-11. Bush did well after the strike (certainly better than Gore), but to compare Bush to Churchill, the greatest defender of democracy and liberty in the 20th century?

We lost because of Palin, that stats are quite clear about that. If Romney had been on the ticket, with the economy beginning to sag, we would have had a fighting chance. The GOP cannot win nationally with the whacko extreme right anymore. With a conservative, program, yes. With a reactionary program, no.
Brown, Coakley, And the Outrage Gap - Paul Krugman Blog -

Wow. A video clip has surfaced from 2008 in which Scott Brown, the Republican candidate for Senate in Massachusetts, clearly suggested that President Obama may have been born out of wedlock.

I’m sure some will try to dismiss this as an isolated stray remark. But it’s clear if you watch the video that there’s a broader context: Brown is clearly aligning himself with the Limbaugh wing of the GOP, in which slurs along these lines are standard fare. And as Steve Benen points out, claims about Obama’s illegitimacy were an integral part of the birther craziness.


My opinion: What an asshole.

For the record Scott:

At the age of 23, Obama had come to Hawaii to pursue his education, leaving behind a pregnant wife and infant son in his home town of Nyang’oma Kogelo in Kenya. Dunham and Obama were married on the Hawaiian island of Maui on February 2, 1961, despite parental opposition from both families.[5][15] Dunham was three months pregnant at the time of her marriage.[1][5] Obama Sr. eventually informed Dunham about his first marriage in Kenya but claimed he was divorced. Years later, she would discover this was false.[14] Obama Sr.'s first wife, Kezia, later said she had granted her consent for him to marry a second wife, in keeping with Luo customs.[16]
On August 4, 1961, at the age of 18, Dunham gave birth to her first child, Barack Obama II.[17]

Ann Dunham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And of course you have a link to Sarah Palin making a comment that Obama was born out of wed lock---:lol::lol::lol:

Obviously another liberal who does not have the reading comprehension skills or the attention span of a nat to get through a 413 page book--but think they know something anyway.


I see now the video is at the first link in the OP and now I am laughing at the text below it:

But it’s clear if you watch the video that there’s a broader context: Brown is clearly aligning himself with the Limbaugh wing of the GOP, in which slurs along these lines are standard fare. And as Steve Benen points out, claims about Obama’s illegitimacy were an integral part of the birther craziness.

So will this actually make political waves? If Brown were a Democrat, it would instantly be a huge scandal. The outrage machine would be working overtime. And the news media would, of course, pick it up.

But Democrats don’t have the same kind of outrage infrastructure. Can they nevertheless find a way to use this? I guess we’ll soon find out.


It is clear that woman who posed the scenario about teen pregnancy in that interview was the one being an asshole, not Scott Brown.

The interviewer interjected about the status of The President's parents' marriage at his birth. SHE brought it up and Scott Brown responded "I don't know about that" and he then immediately politely moved OFF the topic of the status of the marriage.

Scott Brown was merely trying to answer her "family values" question and illustrate that many good families face similar difficult challenges.

Now all the blogs are buzzing over this old video and wondering how they can spin this lie that Scott Brown is so EXTREME. :eusa_liar:

The Coakley people have run what sounds like the world's worst campaign, but here's a redemption tip I pass on from a friend: The Democrats should put together a radio ad featuring the Scott Brown innuendo about Obama, and stuff the airwaves tomorrow and Tuesday morning-(not least on African-American stations. Tomorrow's version should start: "A message from the Democratic Party for Martin Luther King Day." Then something about how this election isn't about Coakley, it's about Barack Obama and the misguided Americans who still can't accept that a black man is the legitimate president of the United States. Scott Brown "Doesn't Know" Whether Obama Was Born out of Wedlock | TPMCafe
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Oh bullshit starkey we lost because McCain Embraced Tarp even as Obama appeared to distance himself from it. Palin had nothing to do with it.
Nope, garyd, we lost because the American electorate will not support a wing nut like Palin on the ticket.

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