Scott Brown lies to cover up ties to Tea Party

Well gee, I just can't understand why Scott Brown wouldn't want to have himself associated with TeaPartiers....:eusa_whistle:

Yeah god forbid he supports freedom of speech and all that stuff unlike Jokely who watches as one of her thugs manhandles a reporter who was trying to ask her a tough question


But why would the top cop from Massachusettes stop a crime from being committed? She never did it in MA as the AG.

Coakley is out of it. Pretty much always has been.
Actually--I doubt many of the Tea partiers are that familiar with the general purpose of the tea party protests.

I went to one here in Miami--more like spectated than joined. And I got different responses from different people but the general idea was that they were against governmental programs and increase taxes.

Besides that, it was small(about 100 people at most) and looked like a family affair. The sausage vendors made money that day!!
Actually--I doubt many of the Tea partiers are that familiar with the general purpose of the tea party protests.

I went to one here in Miami--more like spectated than joined. And I got different responses from different people but the general idea was that they were against governmental programs and increase taxes.

Besides that, it was small(about 100 people at most) and looked like a family affair. The sausage vendors made money that day!!

It's street theater by silly white folks who have diversity envy.
Pretty funny.

Brown Says He's Unfamiliar with Tea Partiers; Campaign Pix Say Otherwise | TPMDC

Edit for the slow: The story has been corrected. Apparently Brown did not lie, he just refused to answer questions about his association with tea parties.

Wow, Yoe mention Brown and the Right Wing Lunacy @ USMB goes whacko...they bring up Acorn, la raza and Martha Coakley.

Deflection or diseased brains?

Dainty, you are an imbecile. Seriously, what a fucktard. Imagine bringing up Coakley when discussing Brown.


That's like bringing up John Fn Kerry when discussing President George W. Bush. Shocking.

(It is shocking how fucking stupid you are Dainty!)
. .. Imagine bringing up Coakley when discussing Brown.


That's like bringing up John Fn Kerry when discussing President George W. Bush.... [/QUOTE]

Imagine it? Most people from out of state who backed Brown have no clue who Martha is (Tookey Trial).

Most people in MA., never liked the woman.

Martha who? Who cares?


now resume your fascination with me. trolling after me is just another symptom of a chronic case of Dante Fevah.


Talk to the :eusa_hand:
This thread is hysterical. Damn, the left hates Brown.

I don't know about that, But then again unlike you I cannot project my own hateful myopic vision onto others like you can.

I think Brown is turning out to be a fraud and a delusional one at that. But in my book, all populists are delusional.

Who are you? Do I know you? Have we met?

For some odd reason you think you know something about me.
. ..
Imagine bringing up Coakley when discussing Brown.


That's like bringing up John Fn Kerry when discussing President George W. Bush....

Imagine it? Most people from out of state who backed Brown have no clue who Martha is (Tookey Trial).

Most people in MA., never liked the woman.

Martha who? Who cares?


now resume your fascination with me. trolling after me is just another symptom of a chronic case of Dante Fevah.


Talk to the :eusa_hand:

Dainty, you fucking scumbag liar, you should someday TRY to be honest.

I haven't paid any attention to you recently, as you know. You must crave my attention though, you poor insecure loser.

This probably explains why you keep forcing yourself into my field of vision with your imbecilic neg reps. Then, when you succeed in getting me to take note of the insignificant little shit that you always are, you triumphantly proclaim that I have some kind of Dainty Fevah. :eusa_liar:

If dishonesty were painful, you'd die in agony.
This thread is hysterical. Damn, the left hates Brown.

I don't know about that, But then again unlike you I cannot project my own hateful myopic vision onto others like you can.

I think Brown is turning out to be a fraud and a delusional one at that. But in my book, all populists are delusional.

Who are you? Do I know you? Have we met?

For some odd reason you think you know something about me.

eat shit you sick puppy.

. ..
Imagine bringing up Coakley when discussing Brown.


That's like bringing up John Fn Kerry when discussing President George W. Bush....

Imagine it? Most people from out of state who backed Brown have no clue who Martha is (Tookey Trial).

Most people in MA., never liked the woman.

Martha who? Who cares?


now resume your fascination with me. trolling after me is just another symptom of a chronic case of Dante Fevah.


Talk to the :eusa_hand:

Dainty, you fucking scumbag liar, you should someday TRY to be honest.

I haven't paid any attention to you recently, as you know. You must crave my attention though, you poor insecure loser.

This probably explains why you keep forcing yourself into my field of vision with your imbecilic neg reps. Then, when you succeed in getting me to take note of the insignificant little shit that you always are, you triumphantly proclaim that I have some kind of Dainty Fevah. :eusa_liar:

If dishonesty were painful, you'd die in agony.
you have now resumed your fascination with me. trolling after me is just another symptom of a chronic case of Dante Fevah.

good boy.

now let's play a game.

Brown = Sarah Palin in drag to these people.
Any popular conservative that comes on the scene is bound to feel their viral.
Desperate cries of a dying movement. Stomp them.
I don't know about that, But then again unlike you I cannot project my own hateful myopic vision onto others like you can.

I think Brown is turning out to be a fraud and a delusional one at that. But in my book, all populists are delusional.

Who are you? Do I know you? Have we met?

For some odd reason you think you know something about me.

eat shit you sick puppy.


I snipped ^ everything Dainty said that was either dishonest or ghey and stupid.

Didn't leave much. In fact, it didn't leave anything!

On the bright side, at least Dainty is now on record as a proven liar!

I don't recall ever coming across him before. He's definitely another one to add to the brain damaged list.

Having LiarBillBitchy on your side does wonders for your sad profile.
I snipped ^ everything Dainty said that was either dishonest or ghey and stupid.

Didn't leave much. In fact, it didn't leave anything!

On the bright side, at least Dainty is now on record as a proven liar!

I don't recall ever coming across him before. He's definitely another one to add to the brain damaged list.

Having LiarBillBitchy on your side does wonders for your sad profile.
Who are you?

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