Scientists think they found proof of a parallel universe


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016

Composite; NASA
Originally Published By:

NASA detects huge Earth ‘bubble’

Scientists believe they may have discovered evidence of a parallel universe that crashed into our own in a galactic impact mirroring a car crash.

Since 2004, when it was first spotted by NASA, scientists have been baffled by the discovery an unusually cold region of space which is 1.8 billion light years across and colder than its surroundings.

It was thought the region might have been a trick of light or it was colder because it had 10,000 less galaxies than other areas of the same size.

Now a new study has stumbled upon an incredible possibility, that the ‘Cold Spot’ cannot be explained as a void and was not due to “line-of-sight” effects.

Instead, researchers at Durham University believe it could be the first evidence of the “multiverse.”

They believe a parallel universe could have smashed into ours affecting it in a way similar to a multiple vehicle pileup.

That impact was so incredible, according to this research, that it pushed energy out of a huge region of space resulting in the Cold Spot.

“Perhaps the most exciting explanation is that the Cold Spot was caused by a collision between our universe and another bubble universe, believe it or not,” said Professor Tom Shanks, an astronomer at Durham University and a co-author of the study.

“If further, more detailed, analysis proves this to be the case then the Cold Spot might be taken as the first evidence for the multiverse.”

“I remember some scientists suggesting that there could be detectable effects on the galaxy distribution after this ‘cosmic shunt’ of two universes colliding.

“Basically colliding universes could leave a slightly anisotropic galaxy distribution in our own universe — a bit like a pileup on the motorway.

“So we can look for this to test how seriously to take these ideas.”

According to The Guardian, “each universe carries its own different version of reality.”

“There will be one where you wrote this column and I read it, even a really weird one in which Donald Trump uses Twitter to spread nothing but amusing cat videos,” Stuart Clark wrote in the publication.

The Cold Spot occurred at the formation of the universe more than 13 billion years ago.

Scientists Believe NASA's Cold Spot Is Proof Of A Parallel Universe [VIDEO]

Maybe there's one that doesn't have religious people and assholes called conservatives and at this time in their history our exploring the the next star system, cured cancer and live for a thousand years.

It's been rumored the still have dirt roads and outhouses.

Composite; NASA
Originally Published By:

NASA detects huge Earth ‘bubble’

Scientists believe they may have discovered evidence of a parallel universe that crashed into our own in a galactic impact mirroring a car crash.

Since 2004, when it was first spotted by NASA, scientists have been baffled by the discovery an unusually cold region of space which is 1.8 billion light years across and colder than its surroundings.

It was thought the region might have been a trick of light or it was colder because it had 10,000 less galaxies than other areas of the same size.

Now a new study has stumbled upon an incredible possibility, that the ‘Cold Spot’ cannot be explained as a void and was not due to “line-of-sight” effects.

Instead, researchers at Durham University believe it could be the first evidence of the “multiverse.”

They believe a parallel universe could have smashed into ours affecting it in a way similar to a multiple vehicle pileup.

That impact was so incredible, according to this research, that it pushed energy out of a huge region of space resulting in the Cold Spot.

“Perhaps the most exciting explanation is that the Cold Spot was caused by a collision between our universe and another bubble universe, believe it or not,” said Professor Tom Shanks, an astronomer at Durham University and a co-author of the study.

“If further, more detailed, analysis proves this to be the case then the Cold Spot might be taken as the first evidence for the multiverse.”

“I remember some scientists suggesting that there could be detectable effects on the galaxy distribution after this ‘cosmic shunt’ of two universes colliding.

“Basically colliding universes could leave a slightly anisotropic galaxy distribution in our own universe — a bit like a pileup on the motorway.

“So we can look for this to test how seriously to take these ideas.”

According to The Guardian, “each universe carries its own different version of reality.”

“There will be one where you wrote this column and I read it, even a really weird one in which Donald Trump uses Twitter to spread nothing but amusing cat videos,” Stuart Clark wrote in the publication.

The Cold Spot occurred at the formation of the universe more than 13 billion years ago.

Scientists Believe NASA's Cold Spot Is Proof Of A Parallel Universe [VIDEO]

But ...

But ...

Other scientists are postulating that we are in effect holograms, so would this be a matter of parallel holograms?

Is there a Killy Binetta on the other side? Is he a raging lunatic Progressive?

I really wanna know. It's important.


Composite; NASA
Originally Published By:

NASA detects huge Earth ‘bubble’

Scientists believe they may have discovered evidence of a parallel universe that crashed into our own in a galactic impact mirroring a car crash.

Since 2004, when it was first spotted by NASA, scientists have been baffled by the discovery an unusually cold region of space which is 1.8 billion light years across and colder than its surroundings.

It was thought the region might have been a trick of light or it was colder because it had 10,000 less galaxies than other areas of the same size.

Now a new study has stumbled upon an incredible possibility, that the ‘Cold Spot’ cannot be explained as a void and was not due to “line-of-sight” effects.

Instead, researchers at Durham University believe it could be the first evidence of the “multiverse.”

They believe a parallel universe could have smashed into ours affecting it in a way similar to a multiple vehicle pileup.

That impact was so incredible, according to this research, that it pushed energy out of a huge region of space resulting in the Cold Spot.

“Perhaps the most exciting explanation is that the Cold Spot was caused by a collision between our universe and another bubble universe, believe it or not,” said Professor Tom Shanks, an astronomer at Durham University and a co-author of the study.

“If further, more detailed, analysis proves this to be the case then the Cold Spot might be taken as the first evidence for the multiverse.”

“I remember some scientists suggesting that there could be detectable effects on the galaxy distribution after this ‘cosmic shunt’ of two universes colliding.

“Basically colliding universes could leave a slightly anisotropic galaxy distribution in our own universe — a bit like a pileup on the motorway.

“So we can look for this to test how seriously to take these ideas.”

According to The Guardian, “each universe carries its own different version of reality.”

“There will be one where you wrote this column and I read it, even a really weird one in which Donald Trump uses Twitter to spread nothing but amusing cat videos,” Stuart Clark wrote in the publication.

The Cold Spot occurred at the formation of the universe more than 13 billion years ago.

Scientists Believe NASA's Cold Spot Is Proof Of A Parallel Universe [VIDEO]

do they have their own dead goyim god nailed to two sticks?

Composite; NASA
Originally Published By:

NASA detects huge Earth ‘bubble’

Scientists believe they may have discovered evidence of a parallel universe that crashed into our own in a galactic impact mirroring a car crash.

Since 2004, when it was first spotted by NASA, scientists have been baffled by the discovery an unusually cold region of space which is 1.8 billion light years across and colder than its surroundings.

It was thought the region might have been a trick of light or it was colder because it had 10,000 less galaxies than other areas of the same size.

Now a new study has stumbled upon an incredible possibility, that the ‘Cold Spot’ cannot be explained as a void and was not due to “line-of-sight” effects.

Instead, researchers at Durham University believe it could be the first evidence of the “multiverse.”

They believe a parallel universe could have smashed into ours affecting it in a way similar to a multiple vehicle pileup.

That impact was so incredible, according to this research, that it pushed energy out of a huge region of space resulting in the Cold Spot.

“Perhaps the most exciting explanation is that the Cold Spot was caused by a collision between our universe and another bubble universe, believe it or not,” said Professor Tom Shanks, an astronomer at Durham University and a co-author of the study.

“If further, more detailed, analysis proves this to be the case then the Cold Spot might be taken as the first evidence for the multiverse.”

“I remember some scientists suggesting that there could be detectable effects on the galaxy distribution after this ‘cosmic shunt’ of two universes colliding.

“Basically colliding universes could leave a slightly anisotropic galaxy distribution in our own universe — a bit like a pileup on the motorway.

“So we can look for this to test how seriously to take these ideas.”

According to The Guardian, “each universe carries its own different version of reality.”

“There will be one where you wrote this column and I read it, even a really weird one in which Donald Trump uses Twitter to spread nothing but amusing cat videos,” Stuart Clark wrote in the publication.

The Cold Spot occurred at the formation of the universe more than 13 billion years ago.

Scientists Believe NASA's Cold Spot Is Proof Of A Parallel Universe [VIDEO]

But ...

But ...

Other scientists are postulating that we are in effect holograms, so would this be a matter of parallel holograms?

Is there a Killy Binetta on the other side? Is he a raging lunatic Progressive?

I really wanna know. It's important.


A look-alike we would have one on earth !
A Totalitarian Needs His Followers to Reject Their Own Thoughts

There is a fourth spatial dimension. That's where the electron goes during the quantum leap before returning to a different shell of the atom. The maximum velocity in 4D is c^2, the equivalent of a light-year leap in three minutes.

Nothing is irrational, but the Quantum Quacks want to enforce a mind-numbing irrationality, much like Heisenberg's Nazi politics. In a logical reality, his Uncertainty Principle merely means that apparent randomness is controlled by factors outside of 3D.

Entanglement, the way these literally absent-minded professors want us to look at it, is impossible. Instead of their fantasy of two different particles, with one affected by what happens to the other but doesn't happen to itself, there is only one particle going back and forth through the fourth dimension.
Objects are known to disappear, even if they are not microscopic. What would the object change to when transferring to a level 4 universe?

Anyways, the canonical form of gravity has been found to be explained simpler when using the idea of the multiverse.

Also, the time model, used in each of these theories, doesn't have to be linear. In fact, relativistic quantum electrodynamics can be written such that time stops being an argument, and everything becomes just a simultaneous collection of infinite static universes.

But I think what is most interesting from the point of view of wormholes is life itself. If, as per the video, universes create new rules by touching each other, then life itself can be a process that is a manifestation of such an interaction.

Moreover, during the interaction, matter and energy cross between the universes, as a consequence and part of life itself. So things end up where they don't belong. What is the consequence of that? Let's speculate.

Here is another problem too. Mathematically, there is no need to find anything already existing in the center of a black hole, and it is against the grain of known physics, to expect wormholes. It is however intuitive, that such a singularity simply creates a new universe, as hinted in the video by the formation of new bubbles.

So the other end of a black hole is a white source, in fact our universe can be the result of such a white source. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle also demands, that the black hole dissipates. Has our Big Bang happened as a consequence of a white hole reaching a critical size?

And is this the answer, why typical things such as ghost ships always feature the same problem, beginning with missing equipment all the time? I think the secret is that instead of wormholes, a connection exists between the structure and size of every object in every universe, through interactions in a multiverse scenario, and this can be proven mathematically!

Maybe there's one that doesn't have religious people and assholes called conservatives and at this time in their history our exploring the the next star system, cured cancer and live for a thousand years.

You should really read some from the time period of the later Space Race and how Space Enthusiasts were viciously attacked by lefties.
A Totalitarian Needs His Followers to Reject Their Own Thoughts

There is a fourth spatial dimension. That's where the electron goes during the quantum leap before returning to a different shell of the atom. The maximum velocity in 4D is c^2, the equivalent of a light-year leap in three minutes.

Nothing is irrational, but the Quantum Quacks want to enforce a mind-numbing irrationality, much like Heisenberg's Nazi politics. In a logical reality, his Uncertainty Principle merely means that apparent randomness is controlled by factors outside of 3D.

Entanglement, the way these literally absent-minded professors want us to look at it, is impossible. Instead of their fantasy of two different particles, with one affected by what happens to the other but doesn't happen to itself, there is only one particle going back and forth through the fourth dimension.

For the analysis of quantum long range effects and electron steady state eigenfunction switching, I would like to add the extra dimension(s) in the time argument only, because otherwise it easily breaks the equations of the M theory.

Plus Heisenberg was not all that b

Maybe there's one that doesn't have religious people and assholes called conservatives and at this time in their history our exploring the the next star system, cured cancer and live for a thousand years.

You should really read some from the time period of the later Space Race and how Space Enthusiasts were viciously attacked by lefties.

I am not aware of such an event, maybe it was too far before my time. What are you talking about? Sounds criminal.

Maybe there's one that doesn't have religious people and assholes called conservatives and at this time in their history our exploring the the next star system, cured cancer and live for a thousand years.

You should really read some from the time period of the later Space Race and how Space Enthusiasts were viciously attacked by lefties.

I am not aware of such an event, maybe it was too far before my time. What are you talking about? Sounds criminal.

MOSTLY, not physically. But if you are unaware of the strong anti-tech current in the lefty movement, you need to educate yourself or not comment on the issue.

Maybe there's one that doesn't have religious people and assholes called conservatives and at this time in their history our exploring the the next star system, cured cancer and live for a thousand years.

You should really read some from the time period of the later Space Race and how Space Enthusiasts were viciously attacked by lefties.

I am not aware of such an event, maybe it was too far before my time. What are you talking about? Sounds criminal.

MOSTLY, not physically. But if you are unaware of the strong anti-tech current in the lefty movement, you need to educate yourself or not comment on the issue.
I don't usually listen to leftists, although their crimes bother me.
A Totalitarian Needs His Followers to Reject Their Own Thoughts

There is a fourth spatial dimension. That's where the electron goes during the quantum leap before returning to a different shell of the atom. The maximum velocity in 4D is c^2, the equivalent of a light-year leap in three minutes.

Nothing is irrational, but the Quantum Quacks want to enforce a mind-numbing irrationality, much like Heisenberg's Nazi politics. In a logical reality, his Uncertainty Principle merely means that apparent randomness is controlled by factors outside of 3D.

Entanglement, the way these literally absent-minded professors want us to look at it, is impossible. Instead of their fantasy of two different particles, with one affected by what happens to the other but doesn't happen to itself, there is only one particle going back and forth through the fourth dimension.

Objects are known to disappear, even if they are not microscopic. What would the object change to when transferring to a level 4 universe?

Anyways, the canonical form of gravity has been found to be explained simpler when using the idea of the multiverse.

Also, the time model, used in each of these theories, doesn't have to be linear. In fact, relativistic quantum electrodynamics can be written such that time stops being an argument, and everything becomes just a simultaneous collection of infinite static universes.

But I think what is most interesting from the point of view of wormholes is life itself. If, as per the video, universes create new rules by touching each other, then life itself can be a process that is a manifestation of such an interaction.

Moreover, during the interaction, matter and energy cross between the universes, as a consequence and part of life itself. So things end up where they don't belong. What is the consequence of that? Let's speculate.

Here is another problem too. Mathematically, there is no need to find anything already existing in the center of a black hole, and it is against the grain of known physics, to expect wormholes. It is however intuitive, that such a singularity simply creates a new universe, as hinted in the video by the formation of new bubbles.

So the other end of a black hole is a white source, in fact our universe can be the result of such a white source. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle also demands, that the black hole dissipates. Has our Big Bang happened as a consequence of a white hole reaching a critical size?

And is this the answer, why typical things such as ghost ships always feature the same problem, beginning with missing equipment all the time? I think the secret is that instead of wormholes, a connection exists between the structure and size of every object in every universe, through interactions in a multiverse scenario, and this can be proven mathematically!

Math. Fuck yeah!

Composite; NASA
Originally Published By:

NASA detects huge Earth ‘bubble’

Scientists believe they may have discovered evidence of a parallel universe that crashed into our own in a galactic impact mirroring a car crash.

Since 2004, when it was first spotted by NASA, scientists have been baffled by the discovery an unusually cold region of space which is 1.8 billion light years across and colder than its surroundings.

It was thought the region might have been a trick of light or it was colder because it had 10,000 less galaxies than other areas of the same size.

Now a new study has stumbled upon an incredible possibility, that the ‘Cold Spot’ cannot be explained as a void and was not due to “line-of-sight” effects.

Instead, researchers at Durham University believe it could be the first evidence of the “multiverse.”

They believe a parallel universe could have smashed into ours affecting it in a way similar to a multiple vehicle pileup.

That impact was so incredible, according to this research, that it pushed energy out of a huge region of space resulting in the Cold Spot.

“Perhaps the most exciting explanation is that the Cold Spot was caused by a collision between our universe and another bubble universe, believe it or not,” said Professor Tom Shanks, an astronomer at Durham University and a co-author of the study.

“If further, more detailed, analysis proves this to be the case then the Cold Spot might be taken as the first evidence for the multiverse.”

“I remember some scientists suggesting that there could be detectable effects on the galaxy distribution after this ‘cosmic shunt’ of two universes colliding.

“Basically colliding universes could leave a slightly anisotropic galaxy distribution in our own universe — a bit like a pileup on the motorway.

“So we can look for this to test how seriously to take these ideas.”

According to The Guardian, “each universe carries its own different version of reality.”

“There will be one where you wrote this column and I read it, even a really weird one in which Donald Trump uses Twitter to spread nothing but amusing cat videos,” Stuart Clark wrote in the publication.

The Cold Spot occurred at the formation of the universe more than 13 billion years ago.

Scientists Believe NASA's Cold Spot Is Proof Of A Parallel Universe [VIDEO]

This is news? I travel back and forth constantly, I have 3.4×10^14 frequent flyer miles

Composite; NASA
Originally Published By:

NASA detects huge Earth ‘bubble’

Scientists believe they may have discovered evidence of a parallel universe that crashed into our own in a galactic impact mirroring a car crash.

Since 2004, when it was first spotted by NASA, scientists have been baffled by the discovery an unusually cold region of space which is 1.8 billion light years across and colder than its surroundings.

It was thought the region might have been a trick of light or it was colder because it had 10,000 less galaxies than other areas of the same size.

Now a new study has stumbled upon an incredible possibility, that the ‘Cold Spot’ cannot be explained as a void and was not due to “line-of-sight” effects.

Instead, researchers at Durham University believe it could be the first evidence of the “multiverse.”

They believe a parallel universe could have smashed into ours affecting it in a way similar to a multiple vehicle pileup.

That impact was so incredible, according to this research, that it pushed energy out of a huge region of space resulting in the Cold Spot.

“Perhaps the most exciting explanation is that the Cold Spot was caused by a collision between our universe and another bubble universe, believe it or not,” said Professor Tom Shanks, an astronomer at Durham University and a co-author of the study.

“If further, more detailed, analysis proves this to be the case then the Cold Spot might be taken as the first evidence for the multiverse.”

“I remember some scientists suggesting that there could be detectable effects on the galaxy distribution after this ‘cosmic shunt’ of two universes colliding.

“Basically colliding universes could leave a slightly anisotropic galaxy distribution in our own universe — a bit like a pileup on the motorway.

“So we can look for this to test how seriously to take these ideas.”

According to The Guardian, “each universe carries its own different version of reality.”

“There will be one where you wrote this column and I read it, even a really weird one in which Donald Trump uses Twitter to spread nothing but amusing cat videos,” Stuart Clark wrote in the publication.

The Cold Spot occurred at the formation of the universe more than 13 billion years ago.

Scientists Believe NASA's Cold Spot Is Proof Of A Parallel Universe [VIDEO]

This is news? I travel back and forth constantly, I have 3.4×10^14 frequent flyer miles

340 trillion miles, horry sheet! :eek:
Also, the time model, used in each of these theories, doesn't have to be linear. In fact, relativistic quantum electrodynamics can be written such that time stops being an argument, and everything becomes just a simultaneous collection of infinite static universes.

Here is another problem too. Mathematically, there is no need to find anything already existing in the center of a black hole, and it is against the grain of known physics, to expect wormholes. It is however intuitive, that such a singularity simply creates a new universe, as hinted in the video by the formation of new bubbles.

So the other end of a black hole is a white source, in fact our universe can be the result of such a white source. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle also demands, that the black hole dissipates. Has our Big Bang happened as a consequence of a white hole reaching a critical size?
All Is Lava

A wormhole is created during fission. It also occurs in Black Holes, which are more like volcanos erupting back into 4D but not creating a new universe. Like the Big Bang, a Black Hole is an impossible concentration of matter; there is no singularity. The Big Bang was a reverse eruption that let in all 3D matter, energy, light, and space itself. So that eruption from 4D did create a new universe, the one we live in.

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