Scientists Suggest That The Universe Knew

100,000 isn't so far off as a million. Can one believe human society can live that long? Remember the Bible tells us of our extinction.
Are you saying you believe the earth could be 100,000 years old? Maybe you should think about the several naturally occurring isotopes which have half lives of millions to billions of years.

For example half of Potassium-40 decays to Argon-40 in 1.25 billion years. If the earth were only 6000 years old the daughter product, Argon-40 would not exist in situ.

You just don't get it. All I said was I can relate 100,000 years to 6,000 that we had so far. You can't even explain what happens to Earth in a million years. Evolution needs billions of years which no one can observe so it is stupid and a bunch of lies. Otherwise, you'd have solid evidence such as transitional fossils. Like I said, you believe in bullshit because atheists and their evolution are the s-word and can't figure things out.
You believe in immaculate conception and virgin births , talking snakes and resurrections etc yet you tell me not to be stupid.

Hahahahahahaha. You are too ignorant and stupid. There are no talking snakes. It was Satan talking through the snake. One would need faith to believe and understand The Immaculate Conception as well as being saved forever. All I can say for the latter is you'll get what you deserve after your death. That's the truth.
Yes, it does. There is no rational reason for such close genetics without evolution. Only false witness bearing hypocrites continue to believe what they allege to believe.
Hahahahahahahahahaha. God re-used the same parts. That's smart and makes sense for an intelligent creator. Unlike you, who is stupid, stupid, stupid and who continues to believe in lies.
Show us the relevant passages in the Holy Bible, usually false-witness bearer on these forums.
Man, you are such a dumb shit. It must come from your parents. It's your argument, so go find it yourself you stupid POS.

There's that xtian spirit we know and are repulsed by.
Let's face it. After awhile, one gets tired of getting no evidence for atheism and atheistic science. I think that's the atheistic spirit. It's based on beliefs in lies since there is no evidence.

I've asked for and gotten nothing for abiogenesis (debunked) and speciation. No explanation of what a million years of Earth and the universe means. Atheism and evolutionary time and existence is difficult to relate to when it has no origins nor transitional evidence. I can't relate to a million years. It's difficult to relate to hundreds of thousands of years.

I can torture atheists and their scientists and we'll get nothing but rhetoric. OTOH, Christians have contributed the most science throughout history. More evidence for God and real science.
You choose to ignore the evidence.

OTOH, the Christian church literary held back the advancement of learning for 800 years during the Daark Ages.
You just don't get it. All I said was I can relate 100,000 years to 6,000 that we had so far. You can't even explain what happens to Earth in a million years. Evolution needs billions of years which no one can observe so it is stupid and a bunch of lies. Otherwise, you'd have solid evidence such as transitional fossils. Like I said, you believe in bullshit because atheists and their evolution are the s-word and can't figure things out.
Potassium-40 decays to Argon-40 with a half life of 1.25 billion years. Countless examples of K40 and A40 have been found. If the earth were only 6000 years old the daughter product, Argon-40 would not exist in situ at all.

That is very basic science. If "creation science" devotees still believe that creation was only 6,000 years ago, then "creation science" is not a science, but a sham.

james bond

So we have a Satan now doing his ventriloquist trick through the snake.

Virgin births ay? I understand it perfectly. It's you godbotherers who believe it's a unique story privileged for your hideous God only. You're the joke son.

As for the obligatory threat that God will punish me after I die, don't make me vomit. The arrogance of you to think you can predict the destination and punishments for those who disagree with you. Simultaneously believe you will get eternity or some other bullshit. You have been conned son. You're just another delusional godbotherer.
Who's laughing now silly man?
james bond
There is nothing in the bible regarding DNA and fossils dating. That is a blatant lie and a pathetic defence.

I'll ask again, if the flood occurred, where did the water go? It's not that hard dickhead. How did kangaroos in Australia and elephants in India get there and back after it?

You see, you have nothing to support your claims other than some hideous old book full of lies.

Take some advice, bow out of this debate because like religion and God, you're on a loser.
Now who's laughing? I can hear your teeth grinding now. You don't have the smarts to get over me son.
You choose to ignore the evidence.
Why would I do that? You have no evidence. For example, you state singularity but where did the infinite energy come from?

OTOH, the Bible states, i.e. God told us, let there be light. He created the EMS which contains all the energy in the universe that it will ever need.
james bond

So we have a Satan now doing his ventriloquist trick through the snake.

Virgin births ay? I understand it perfectly. It's you godbotherers who believe it's a unique story privileged for your hideous God only. You're the joke son.

As for the obligatory threat that God will punish me after I die, don't make me vomit. The arrogance of you to think you can predict the destination and punishments for those who disagree with you. Simultaneously believe you will get eternity or some other bullshit. You have been conned son. You're just another delusional godbotherer.
Who's laughing now silly man?
You should already know that it was a trick by Satan. We know the devil likes to hide and this is how he was able to take dominion of the world. Could he done the same trick through Darwin? Darwinism led to social Darwinism, eugenics, Hitler, Nazism, and the Holocaust. Coincidence? I think not.

If you understand the Immaculate Conception, then you wouldn't have said that. I already stated that would involve faith first which is the key. Anyway, I think I'll get the last laugh after you die and are delivered to Satan. Nothing silly about that unlike atheism, singularity, Darwinism, evolution, evolutionary thinking and the like.

What I have is what God stated happened in paradise. We had heaven on Earth here, but it has been compromised. The KCA explains it all.

What you have is what Satan created under Darwin. It leads to horrible life after death as I mentioned above. Again, it isn't what I said but what God said (no arrogance on my part). Instead, we have you questioning your creator.

You should DEE (discover, explore, and evaluate). I don't think you've done that and like most atheists took the easy way out. You never explored the other side.
james bond
There is nothing in the bible regarding DNA and fossils dating. That is a blatant lie and a pathetic defence.

I'll ask again, if the flood occurred, where did the water go? It's not that hard dickhead. How did kangaroos in Australia and elephants in India get there and back after it?

You see, you have nothing to support your claims other than some hideous old book full of lies.

Take some advice, bow out of this debate because like religion and God, you're on a loser.
Now who's laughing? I can hear your teeth grinding now. You don't have the smarts to get over me son.
This is why I want the atheists to find out for themselves. They are stupid as shit though. The only way they'll learn is by fire and brimstone, but then it will be too late. The Earth is covered by 3/4 water genius. What other planet is like that hahahahahahahahahahaha?

Loser? Me? I think not. Just look in the mirror if you want to see the loser.
james bond
What is it the atheists will find out and where is your proof anything exists?
I'm calling you a liar and you have nothing but faith.

If the earth was covered by water, it would be deeper than mount Everest to cover it. So I ask again, where did the water go? I'll tell you. It didn't happen and you have no evidence it did. Again, you are a liar. .
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Keep going.
Potassium-40 decays to Argon-40 with a half life of 1.25 billion years
That's a great point and I had to look it up. In fact, I touched upon it earlier with asking about relativism since it's difficult for a creationist to relate to Darwin or evolutionary times. The rebuttal lies with we do not know the amount Potassium-40 there was in the beginning. Instead, the creation scientists have done experiments with rocks from Mt. St. Helens and have discovered volcanic rocks dated to hundreds of thousands of years using your method, but the rocks were about ten years old.

It's not creation science that is a sham, but evolutionary science that you believe in due to atheism.
james bond
Are you saying that modern science doesn't have the capacity to tell the age if a rock?
Where's you evidence that a mistake was made by them in regard to the instance you quoted? I'll bet you have nothing but lies.
james bond
Are you saying that modern science doesn't have the capacity to tell the age if a rock?
Where's you evidence that a mistake was made by them in regard to the instance you quoted? I'll bet you have nothing but lies.
I already debunked that argument. Not if they don't know what was there to start with? As for the rest, it's stupid like you.
Not if they don't know what was there to start with?
This is just so stupid. You either have zero understanding of radiation at all, or you do and you are just trolling your little heart out. Or maybe you are just here to lie to yourself "out loud"?

Ever feel like... everyone understands but you? Like, anyone who knows anything about radiation and chemistry seems to get it... and you don't?

Call your doctor. You might have AIDS.
james bond
Where's your evidence? You don't have anything but a big mouth.
Why do you belch lies line that, attempting to justify some pathetic poke at non believers?
At least show links or post facts.
You are a liar.
Not if they don't know what was there to start with?
This is just so stupid. You either have zero understanding of radiation at all, or you do and you are just trolling your little heart out. Or maybe you are just here to lie to yourself "out loud"?

Ever feel like... everyone understands but you? Like, anyone who knows anything about radiation and chemistry seems to get it... and you don't?

Call your doctor. You might have AIDS.
It's you who probably has gotten AIDS already you fruitcake.

After a while, I figure the atheists are too stupid to figure things out for themselves because evolution gives them no truths to base their beliefs on.

One doesn't need to know the exact science of radiometric dating to figure this out. It's like an egg timer which is accurate because of the amount of sand falling is constant. If the timer was empty on the top and then turned over, then we know how long it was. We don't know what the rock or timer started out as in the case he presented so it could be way off. Anyway, Wuwei just brought up what most atheists are taught to believe in due to evolutionary thinking. They need billions of years old Earth and universe or else their beliefs are wrong. The build up on the seafloor nor magnetic field losing its strength back them up. They don't even use Earth rocks. He carefully neglected to mention they measured the age of meteors. More embarrassment for the atheists!
james bond

You believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet it's atheists who are stupid????
Do you ever read anything you write?

Atheists have the whole world of science backing them, you have a 2000 book supposedly written by a son of God or some other bullshit, filled with impossible deeds by him, and the rest is lies.
Grow up.
james bond
Where's your evidence? You don't have anything but a big mouth.
Why do you belch lies line that, attempting to justify some pathetic poke at non believers?
At least show links or post facts.
You are a liar.
Hahahahahahahaha. I caught you in your lie and now your feelings are hurt.

If the earth was covered by water, it would be deeper than mount Everest to cover it.
First, your side can't explain the 3/4 water but the Bible has. Back then, the pre-flood Earth had different topography and didn't have the elevations that we have today. A global flood would be able to cover a flatter pre-flood Earth. It states in the Bible that the Earth as it was back then perished due to the mass changes in topography. The higher elevations that you bring up were created then. The evidence for this is that the Himalayas and Mt. Everest and other high elevations are comprised of ocean-bottom sediments. The flood helped formed these higher elevations and topography. Otherwise, you can't explain how it happened. Evolutionary glaciers and such taking long time are all BS. Today's Earth topography happened rapidly. See how science backs up the Bible and not evolution?
james bond
What year was the great flood keeping in mind when this silly boat was built?
Be very careful with your answer because I can date when Everest started. I know about tectonic plates and the dates.
Get it wrong and we'll see who laughs the loudest.
You believe in immaculate conception and virgin births etc yet it's atheists who are stupid????
Do you ever read anything you write?
I already stated that those things require faith. Those are religious aspects and not scientific ones. Regarding science, you can't explain our origins nor how the universe and Earth came to be. You can't explain where the energy came from. You can't even explain how space and time started. You can't explain why the chicken came before the egg. This was proven already.

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