Scientists Suggest That The Universe Knew

Yes, it does. There is no rational reason for such close genetics without evolution. Only false witness bearing hypocrites continue to believe what they allege to believe.
Hahahahahahahahahaha. God re-used the same parts. That's smart and makes sense for an intelligent creator. Unlike you, who is stupid, stupid, stupid and who continues to believe in lies.
^^Put this stupid shit on ignore. Do we really want every thread in the science section to be a Bond masturbation thread?
Such jealousy. The superior intellect usually comes out on top. I can only think that all you have are rude comments while I continue to present real evidence and logical arguments while all you have are ad hominem attacks. I even presented the fraud of evolution in this thread and no rebuttals. You losers need to go home and lick your wounds that I've inflicted upon your psyche haha.
Yes, it does. There is no rational reason for such close genetics without evolution. Only false witness bearing hypocrites continue to believe what they allege to believe.
Hahahahahahahahahaha. God re-used the same parts. That's smart and makes sense for an intelligent creator. Unlike you, who is stupid, stupid, stupid and who continues to believe in lies.
Show us the relevant passages in the Holy Bible, usually false-witness bearer on these forums.
Man, you are such a dumb shit. It must come from your parents. It's your argument, so go find it yourself you stupid POS.
Sure I do. I can't help it if you do not understand archaeologic and scientific evidence. What have you presented? Nothing but worthless opinion.
I certainly do understand your scientific evidence. According to your evidence the earth is over 100,000 years old. Not 6,000.
Yes, it does. There is no rational reason for such close genetics without evolution. Only false witness bearing hypocrites continue to believe what they allege to believe.
Hahahahahahahahahaha. God re-used the same parts. That's smart and makes sense for an intelligent creator. Unlike you, who is stupid, stupid, stupid and who continues to believe in lies.
Show us the relevant passages in the Holy Bible, usually false-witness bearer on these forums.
Man, you are such a dumb shit. It must come from your parents. It's your argument, so go find it yourself you stupid POS.

There's that xtian spirit we know and are repulsed by.

Of course it does

*****HAPPY SMILE*****

Yes, it does. There is no rational reason for such close genetics without evolution. Only false witness bearing hypocrites continue to believe what they allege to believe.
Hahahahahahahahahaha. God re-used the same parts. That's smart and makes sense for an intelligent creator. Unlike you, who is stupid, stupid, stupid and who continues to believe in lies.
Show us the relevant passages in the Holy Bible, usually false-witness bearer on these forums.
Man, you are such a dumb shit. It must come from your parents. It's your argument, so go find it yourself you stupid POS.

There's that xtian spirit we know and are repulsed by.
Let's face it. After awhile, one gets tired of getting no evidence for atheism and atheistic science. I think that's the atheistic spirit. It's based on beliefs in lies since there is no evidence.

I've asked for and gotten nothing for abiogenesis (debunked) and speciation. No explanation of what a million years of Earth and the universe means. Atheism and evolutionary time and existence is difficult to relate to when it has no origins nor transitional evidence. I can't relate to a million years. It's difficult to relate to hundreds of thousands of years.

I can torture atheists and their scientists and we'll get nothing but rhetoric. OTOH, Christians have contributed the most science throughout history. More evidence for God and real science.
Sure I do. I can't help it if you do not understand archaeologic and scientific evidence. What have you presented? Nothing but worthless opinion.
I certainly do understand your scientific evidence. According to your evidence the earth is over 100,000 years old. Not 6,000.
At least, I can relate somewhat to 100,000 years old. I would expect to hear about changes throughout history and not about humans living in caves. No evidence for it. Also, I would be convinced of the seafloor build up. I would not expect to see a ridge around the world and be looking for oceans underneath a planet for life. I would not expect a magnetic field being necessary. I would not know about the EMS being in existence. It's no wonder there isn't life anywhere else but on Earth. Are you too stupid to figure any of this out? Of course, you are. Atheists believe in lies, i.e. evolution and its evolutionary history and thinking. I don't even know what their scientists have contributed to science. Do you? Just admit you're a dumb POS and then maybe you can actually understand science.
The universe is actually a very hostile place for life as we know it.

There are more things in the universe that can kill life than Carter has Liver Pills.

Fortunately (with God's hand) the elements came together just right for life to flourish here on earth. However, even with that there are extinction level events that happens now and then.
At least, I can relate somewhat to 100,000 years old.
That's over 13 times the 6,000 years of young earth you have been promoting. So now you can relate to it?
100,000 years is the limit of dating with C14. Dating with other isotopes give billions of years. You are ignoring an important part of science.

At least, I can relate somewhat to 100,000 years old.
That's over 13 times the 6,000 years of young earth you have been promoting. So now you can relate to it?
100,000 years is the limit of dating with C14. Dating with other isotopes give billions of years. You are ignoring an important part of science.

100,000 isn't so far off as a million. Can one believe human society can live that long? Remember the Bible tells us of our extinction.

Also, not if you believe the libby global alarmists of today. We do not have evidence for humans living 100,000 years. Instead, we have evidence of gigantic catastrophism. We had a global flood which you can't wrap your head around. It killed off most of the dinosaurs and changed Earth.
james bond
There was no global flood. That is a total myth And complete bullshit.
The dinosaurs were killed by an asteroid striking the earth 65 million years ago

Not one single event on this earth has any biblical relevance to any stupid God regardless of what bibles etc say.
james bond
There was no global flood. That is a total myth And complete bullshit.
The dinosaurs were killed by an asteroid striking the earth 65 million years ago

Not one single event on this earth has any biblical relevance to any stupid God regardless of what bibles etc say.

Don't be a stupid. Where is your evidence for your claim of no global flood? Instead, you have no evidence and believe in evolutionary lies by the atheists and their scientists. They used to believe in an infinite universe when it was shown to them that God is infinite and life is infinite, your soul remains, through the Bible. It was shown they were WRONG. Generally speaking, the truth comes first and then the lies.

The evidence is there. I just presented one with the mass extinction of dinosaurs. They survived the global flood, but humans hunted them down.
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james bond

So YOU are saying the global flood was 65 million years ago which suggests the bible was written before that. How does that fit with your chronology of events?

If the earth was covered by water to the depth of Mont Everest, where did all the water go to make the earth as it is today?
Don't tell me it ran over the side of the flat earth or God disposed if it.

Show me any information when science accepted that God was intimate. I know you can't so stop embarrassing yourself.
You are a liar and a fraudulent charlatan.
james bond

Here's another one for you.
You believe in immaculate conception and virgin births , talking snakes and resurrections etc yet you tell me not to be stupid.
Are you kidding?

You God has never been seen, heard or interacted with by anyone on earth and least of all you. To suggest you know God and how he thinks and what he wants is a blatant arrogant lie and you know it.

I ch asllenges you to provide one thing about your religion which can be independently verified . I know you can't.
You can try your God crap on someone else who is gullible.
100,000 isn't so far off as a million. Can one believe human society can live that long? Remember the Bible tells us of our extinction.
Are you saying you believe the earth could be 100,000 years old? Maybe you should think about the several naturally occurring isotopes which have half lives of millions to billions of years.

For example half of Potassium-40 decays to Argon-40 in 1.25 billion years. If the earth were only 6000 years old the daughter product, Argon-40 would not exist in situ.

james bond

So YOU are saying the global flood was 65 million years ago which suggests the bible was written before that. How does that fit with your chronology of events?

If the earth was covered by water to the depth of Mont Everest, where did all the water go to make the earth as it is today?
Don't tell me it ran over the side of the flat earth or God disposed if it.

Show me any information when science accepted that God was intimate. I know you can't so stop embarrassing yourself.
You are a liar and a fraudulent charlatan.
My claim is in the Bible which you are too ignorant to look up. I have the fossil record and seafloor evidence.

Anyway, you could not come up with any evidence that the global flood didn't happen, so we can just ignore your lying claims haha.

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