Scientists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data From Government Websites

Researchers Are Preparing for Trump to Delete Government Science From the Web

When Donald Trump takes over the federal government on January 21, his administration will also gain complete control over much of the .gov suite of websites, which currently hosts a treasure trove of publicly available, taxpayer-funded scientific research. The academic world is bracing itself: Will that data remain available after his transition?

Scientists and university professors all around the country and in Canada believe we’re about to see widespread whitewashing and redaction of already published, publicly available taxpayer-funded scientific research, databases, and interactive tools, such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Sea Level Rise viewer, NASA’s suite of climate change apps, and the Environmental Protection Agency’s maps of the country’s worst polluters. They also expect to see censorship, misrepresentation, and minimization of new government-funded research, specifically regarding climate change.

These fears are not based merely on a sense of dreading-the-worst from a man who has called climate change a Chinese hoax, nominated a climate change denier with close ties to the fossil fuel industry as head of the EPA, the CEO of ExxonMobil as Secretary of State, and will reportedly name the fossil fuel-friendly Rick Perry asSecretary of Energy. During the George W. Bush administration, which similarly denied that climate change is being caused by humans, there was widespread censorship and destruction of public-facing climate change information and research.

“Policies and practices have increasingly restricted the flow of scientific information emerging from publicly-funded climate change research,” a 138-page reportpublished in March 2007 by the Government Accountability Project begins. “This has affected the media’s ability to report on the science, public officials’ capacity to respond with appropriate policies, and the public’s grasp of an environmental issue with profound consequences for our future.”

The investigation found that the Bush administration systematically changed scientists’ press releases, misrepresented scientific findings to Congress, and neglected or deleted information on government websites.

Much More: Scientists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data From Government Websites

This is scary stuff. Since taxpayers have already paid for this information it should be protected and made freely available to the public.

I think erasing it is the furthest thing from their minds. I am sure they are going to launch a fraud investigation and every scrap of evidence will be highly protected.
Obama actually was the Soviet Union, implementing all of the old school Soviet Union policies. Spying on his own citizens. Killing them with drones without a trial. Creating government-controlled healthcare.

The wholesale collection of data started after 9-11. Presidents have the power to defend the nation against sworn enemies. He implement over-regulated government mandated insurance coverage.
Don't even attempt to discuss the United States Constitution with me buttercup. You're not qualified.

Presidents do not have the authority to spy on U.S. citizens without a signed warrant from a judge. It's called "felonious wiretapping". Felonious. As in, a felony.
Researchers Are Preparing for Trump to Delete Government Science From the Web

When Donald Trump takes over the federal government on January 21, his administration will also gain complete control over much of the .gov suite of websites, which currently hosts a treasure trove of publicly available, taxpayer-funded scientific research. The academic world is bracing itself: Will that data remain available after his transition?

Scientists and university professors all around the country and in Canada believe we’re about to see widespread whitewashing and redaction of already published, publicly available taxpayer-funded scientific research, databases, and interactive tools, such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Sea Level Rise viewer, NASA’s suite of climate change apps, and the Environmental Protection Agency’s maps of the country’s worst polluters. They also expect to see censorship, misrepresentation, and minimization of new government-funded research, specifically regarding climate change.

These fears are not based merely on a sense of dreading-the-worst from a man who has called climate change a Chinese hoax, nominated a climate change denier with close ties to the fossil fuel industry as head of the EPA, the CEO of ExxonMobil as Secretary of State, and will reportedly name the fossil fuel-friendly Rick Perry asSecretary of Energy. During the George W. Bush administration, which similarly denied that climate change is being caused by humans, there was widespread censorship and destruction of public-facing climate change information and research.

“Policies and practices have increasingly restricted the flow of scientific information emerging from publicly-funded climate change research,” a 138-page reportpublished in March 2007 by the Government Accountability Project begins. “This has affected the media’s ability to report on the science, public officials’ capacity to respond with appropriate policies, and the public’s grasp of an environmental issue with profound consequences for our future.”

The investigation found that the Bush administration systematically changed scientists’ press releases, misrepresented scientific findings to Congress, and neglected or deleted information on government websites.

Much More: Scientists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data From Government Websites

This is scary stuff. Since taxpayers have already paid for this information it should be protected and made freely available to the public.

I think erasing it is the furthest thing from their minds. I am sure they are going to launch a fraud investigation and every scrap of evidence will be highly protected.

Why would you think that? We already know he's going to purge anyone who doesn't toe the Exxon mobil line.
Why would you think that? We already know he's going to purge anyone who doesn't toe the Exxon mobil line.
The scientific community seems pretty united hon, it's you political wackjobs that are still "discussing" it.
You are correct. They are 100% united that "Global Warming" is a farce. It was Al Gore's idea to make money after seeing how the right cashed in on Y2K fear. He simply took it to the next level and did for the left, instead of the right.

Ask yourself one simple little question Fenton. Why was the left forced to rebrand their false narrative from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change"? If you're not a partisan hack, you'll ask yourself that question in a sincere way. The answer of course is because we had colder than normal weather and all of the data proved that the planet was in fact not warming.

Yes. We should be like rightwingnuts loons and pretend a hence doesn't exist.

Hint: science exists whether uneducated hacks believe innit or not.
Indeed it does. And all science says that the left invented "Global Warming" for wealth and power.

It's a shame that progressive such as yourself reject science and reality in favor of ideology.
Researchers Are Preparing for Trump to Delete Government Science From the Web

When Donald Trump takes over the federal government on January 21, his administration will also gain complete control over much of the .gov suite of websites, which currently hosts a treasure trove of publicly available, taxpayer-funded scientific research. The academic world is bracing itself: Will that data remain available after his transition?

Scientists and university professors all around the country and in Canada believe we’re about to see widespread whitewashing and redaction of already published, publicly available taxpayer-funded scientific research, databases, and interactive tools, such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Sea Level Rise viewer, NASA’s suite of climate change apps, and the Environmental Protection Agency’s maps of the country’s worst polluters. They also expect to see censorship, misrepresentation, and minimization of new government-funded research, specifically regarding climate change.

These fears are not based merely on a sense of dreading-the-worst from a man who has called climate change a Chinese hoax, nominated a climate change denier with close ties to the fossil fuel industry as head of the EPA, the CEO of ExxonMobil as Secretary of State, and will reportedly name the fossil fuel-friendly Rick Perry asSecretary of Energy. During the George W. Bush administration, which similarly denied that climate change is being caused by humans, there was widespread censorship and destruction of public-facing climate change information and research.

“Policies and practices have increasingly restricted the flow of scientific information emerging from publicly-funded climate change research,” a 138-page reportpublished in March 2007 by the Government Accountability Project begins. “This has affected the media’s ability to report on the science, public officials’ capacity to respond with appropriate policies, and the public’s grasp of an environmental issue with profound consequences for our future.”

The investigation found that the Bush administration systematically changed scientists’ press releases, misrepresented scientific findings to Congress, and neglected or deleted information on government websites.

Much More: Scientists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data From Government Websites

This is scary stuff. Since taxpayers have already paid for this information it should be protected and made freely available to the public.

Removing leftwing propaganda, just another reason to love Trump.

For a liberal, hes doing alot of conservative things,.conservatives wouldnt do.

Where are all the lefties telling us hes a closet liberal......cmon grow a pair and speak.
Researchers Are Preparing for Trump to Delete Government Science From the Web

When Donald Trump takes over the federal government on January 21, his administration will also gain complete control over much of the .gov suite of websites, which currently hosts a treasure trove of publicly available, taxpayer-funded scientific research. The academic world is bracing itself: Will that data remain available after his transition?

Scientists and university professors all around the country and in Canada believe we’re about to see widespread whitewashing and redaction of already published, publicly available taxpayer-funded scientific research, databases, and interactive tools, such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Sea Level Rise viewer, NASA’s suite of climate change apps, and the Environmental Protection Agency’s maps of the country’s worst polluters. They also expect to see censorship, misrepresentation, and minimization of new government-funded research, specifically regarding climate change.

These fears are not based merely on a sense of dreading-the-worst from a man who has called climate change a Chinese hoax, nominated a climate change denier with close ties to the fossil fuel industry as head of the EPA, the CEO of ExxonMobil as Secretary of State, and will reportedly name the fossil fuel-friendly Rick Perry asSecretary of Energy. During the George W. Bush administration, which similarly denied that climate change is being caused by humans, there was widespread censorship and destruction of public-facing climate change information and research.

“Policies and practices have increasingly restricted the flow of scientific information emerging from publicly-funded climate change research,” a 138-page reportpublished in March 2007 by the Government Accountability Project begins. “This has affected the media’s ability to report on the science, public officials’ capacity to respond with appropriate policies, and the public’s grasp of an environmental issue with profound consequences for our future.”

The investigation found that the Bush administration systematically changed scientists’ press releases, misrepresented scientific findings to Congress, and neglected or deleted information on government websites.

Much More: Scientists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data From Government Websites

This is scary stuff. Since taxpayers have already paid for this information it should be protected and made freely available to the public.

I think erasing it is the furthest thing from their minds. I am sure they are going to launch a fraud investigation and every scrap of evidence will be highly protected.

Why would you think that? We already know he's going to purge anyone who doesn't toe the Exxon mobil line.

Every president purges his admin. Big fucking deal.
Researchers Are Preparing for Trump to Delete Government Science From the Web

When Donald Trump takes over the federal government on January 21, his administration will also gain complete control over much of the .gov suite of websites, which currently hosts a treasure trove of publicly available, taxpayer-funded scientific research. The academic world is bracing itself: Will that data remain available after his transition?

Scientists and university professors all around the country and in Canada believe we’re about to see widespread whitewashing and redaction of already published, publicly available taxpayer-funded scientific research, databases, and interactive tools, such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Sea Level Rise viewer, NASA’s suite of climate change apps, and the Environmental Protection Agency’s maps of the country’s worst polluters. They also expect to see censorship, misrepresentation, and minimization of new government-funded research, specifically regarding climate change.

These fears are not based merely on a sense of dreading-the-worst from a man who has called climate change a Chinese hoax, nominated a climate change denier with close ties to the fossil fuel industry as head of the EPA, the CEO of ExxonMobil as Secretary of State, and will reportedly name the fossil fuel-friendly Rick Perry asSecretary of Energy. During the George W. Bush administration, which similarly denied that climate change is being caused by humans, there was widespread censorship and destruction of public-facing climate change information and research.

“Policies and practices have increasingly restricted the flow of scientific information emerging from publicly-funded climate change research,” a 138-page reportpublished in March 2007 by the Government Accountability Project begins. “This has affected the media’s ability to report on the science, public officials’ capacity to respond with appropriate policies, and the public’s grasp of an environmental issue with profound consequences for our future.”

The investigation found that the Bush administration systematically changed scientists’ press releases, misrepresented scientific findings to Congress, and neglected or deleted information on government websites.

Much More: Scientists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data From Government Websites

This is scary stuff. Since taxpayers have already paid for this information it should be protected and made freely available to the public.

I think erasing it is the furthest thing from their minds. I am sure they are going to launch a fraud investigation and every scrap of evidence will be highly protected.

Why would you think that? We already know he's going to purge anyone who doesn't toe the Exxon mobil line.

Because the evidence of academic fraud is overwhelming. Fraud that has been paid for (stolen from) the American taxpayer.

Yes. We should be like rightwingnuts loons and pretend a hence doesn't exist.

Hint: science exists whether uneducated hacks believe innit or not.
Indeed it does. And all science says that the left invented "Global Warming" for wealth and power.

It's a shame that progressive such as yourself reject science and reality in favor of ideology.
Climate change denial is a political position that has practically nothing to do with science and everything to do with protecting the fossil fuel industry from disruptive innovation.
Some of our guests here cannot make sense of data. So it's "fake".
No worries. I understand AGW is a global scam implemented by climate scientists in order to receive grants to pay for their lunches. I'm not letting my lyin' eyes tell me what's what.

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