Scientist Think They have The First Human-Sheep Hybrid


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Wow, the excitement over this is huge, and many human diseases can be eradicated if they can pull this off.

Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids | Daily Mail Online
Scientists have created the first ever human-sheep hybrids, paving the way for organs to be grown in animals which can be transplanted into humans.

The successful Stanford University project could even open the door to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes by creating healthy pancreases to regulate blood sugar.

While scientists have previously developed human-pig hybrids, sparking excitement that they could use them grow human organs, no team has been able to take it to the next step.

But Stanford's team, which has already successfully transplanted pancreases into mice, is tipped to be the first after now that they have produced a human-sheep model to use.​

Well I got news for them, they are late by about 70 years.

We already have human-sheep hybrids running around.

They're called Trump supporters. (jk)

If this is true, this is excellent news for the medical world. It's amazing how far science had come.
If this is true, this is excellent news for the medical world. It's amazing how far science had come.

oh yes, the organs available will be astonishing, but the other ripple cures will be hhuge as well, like curing diabetes 1&2
Wow, the excitement over this is huge, and many human diseases can be eradicated if they can pull this off.

Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids | Daily Mail Online
Scientists have created the first ever human-sheep hybrids, paving the way for organs to be grown in animals which can be transplanted into humans.

The successful Stanford University project could even open the door to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes by creating healthy pancreases to regulate blood sugar.

While scientists have previously developed human-pig hybrids, sparking excitement that they could use them grow human organs, no team has been able to take it to the next step.

But Stanford's team, which has already successfully transplanted pancreases into mice, is tipped to be the first after now that they have produced a human-sheep model to use.​

Well I got news for them, they are late by about 70 years.


Excellent point about the dems.

They have been talking shit about growing pancreases as a diabetes cure for a long fucking time now.

They need to fast track this shit. People are dying ever day, quite horribly.

Other organs too, of course. Healthy hearts, or kidneys.

A good point about this is, that this type of treatment would not just extend life, but massively extend productive and/or quality life.

We could actually see major financial SAVINGS, as people do not need extensive long term care.
Wow, the excitement over this is huge, and many human diseases can be eradicated if they can pull this off.

Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids | Daily Mail Online
Scientists have created the first ever human-sheep hybrids, paving the way for organs to be grown in animals which can be transplanted into humans.

The successful Stanford University project could even open the door to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes by creating healthy pancreases to regulate blood sugar.

While scientists have previously developed human-pig hybrids, sparking excitement that they could use them grow human organs, no team has been able to take it to the next step.

But Stanford's team, which has already successfully transplanted pancreases into mice, is tipped to be the first after now that they have produced a human-sheep model to use.​

Well I got news for them, they are late by about 70 years.


Excellent point about the dems.

They have been talking shit about growing pancreases as a diabetes cure for a long fucking time now.

They need to fast track this shit. People are dying ever day, quite horribly.

Other organs too, of course. Healthy hearts, or kidneys.

A good point about this is, that this type of treatment would not just extend life, but massively extend productive and/or quality life.

We could actually see major financial SAVINGS, as people do not need extensive long term care.

I called Mitch McConnells office and they insist he is not a Democrat.

Could have fooled me, and I asked them why they are open on Sunday, and they asked why did I call them if I thought they would be closed.

Good point.
Wow, the excitement over this is huge, and many human diseases can be eradicated if they can pull this off.

Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids | Daily Mail Online
Scientists have created the first ever human-sheep hybrids, paving the way for organs to be grown in animals which can be transplanted into humans.

The successful Stanford University project could even open the door to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes by creating healthy pancreases to regulate blood sugar.

While scientists have previously developed human-pig hybrids, sparking excitement that they could use them grow human organs, no team has been able to take it to the next step.

But Stanford's team, which has already successfully transplanted pancreases into mice, is tipped to be the first after now that they have produced a human-sheep model to use.​

Well I got news for them, they are late by about 70 years.


Excellent point about the dems.

They have been talking shit about growing pancreases as a diabetes cure for a long fucking time now.

They need to fast track this shit. People are dying ever day, quite horribly.

Other organs too, of course. Healthy hearts, or kidneys.

A good point about this is, that this type of treatment would not just extend life, but massively extend productive and/or quality life.

We could actually see major financial SAVINGS, as people do not need extensive long term care.
And what about PETA?
Wow, the excitement over this is huge, and many human diseases can be eradicated if they can pull this off.

Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids | Daily Mail Online
Scientists have created the first ever human-sheep hybrids, paving the way for organs to be grown in animals which can be transplanted into humans.

The successful Stanford University project could even open the door to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes by creating healthy pancreases to regulate blood sugar.

While scientists have previously developed human-pig hybrids, sparking excitement that they could use them grow human organs, no team has been able to take it to the next step.

But Stanford's team, which has already successfully transplanted pancreases into mice, is tipped to be the first after now that they have produced a human-sheep model to use.​

Well I got news for them, they are late by about 70 years.

This isn't without risks, as organs can still be rejected.

There are moral questions to this too, it isn't anything new but there are restrictions to using human genes in many countries.

On the other hand, some people have predicted the use of straight human clones just so other people can farm them for their organs.
Wow, the excitement over this is huge, and many human diseases can be eradicated if they can pull this off.

Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids | Daily Mail Online
Scientists have created the first ever human-sheep hybrids, paving the way for organs to be grown in animals which can be transplanted into humans.

The successful Stanford University project could even open the door to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes by creating healthy pancreases to regulate blood sugar.

While scientists have previously developed human-pig hybrids, sparking excitement that they could use them grow human organs, no team has been able to take it to the next step.

But Stanford's team, which has already successfully transplanted pancreases into mice, is tipped to be the first after now that they have produced a human-sheep model to use.​

Well I got news for them, they are late by about 70 years.

This isn't without risks, as organs can still be rejected.

There are moral questions to this too, it isn't anything new but there are restrictions to using human genes in many countries.

On the other hand, some people have predicted the use of straight human clones just so other people can farm them for their organs.
There is even a movie on that.
We already have human-sheep hybrids running around.

They're called Trump supporters. (jk)

If this is true, this is excellent news for the medical world. It's amazing how far science had come.
Lol, well if you say so, but at least we are hybrid worth something to society. Mindless sheep, where Obama's sheep.
Wow, the excitement over this is huge, and many human diseases can be eradicated if they can pull this off.

Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids | Daily Mail Online
Scientists have created the first ever human-sheep hybrids, paving the way for organs to be grown in animals which can be transplanted into humans.

The successful Stanford University project could even open the door to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes by creating healthy pancreases to regulate blood sugar.

While scientists have previously developed human-pig hybrids, sparking excitement that they could use them grow human organs, no team has been able to take it to the next step.

But Stanford's team, which has already successfully transplanted pancreases into mice, is tipped to be the first after now that they have produced a human-sheep model to use.​

Well I got news for them, they are late by about 70 years.

This isn't without risks, as organs can still be rejected.

There are moral questions to this too, it isn't anything new but there are restrictions to using human genes in many countries.

On the other hand, some people have predicted the use of straight human clones just so other people can farm them for their organs.
There is even a movie on that.
Sci-fi film? What's it called?
Wow, the excitement over this is huge, and many human diseases can be eradicated if they can pull this off.

Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids | Daily Mail Online
Scientists have created the first ever human-sheep hybrids, paving the way for organs to be grown in animals which can be transplanted into humans.

The successful Stanford University project could even open the door to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes by creating healthy pancreases to regulate blood sugar.

While scientists have previously developed human-pig hybrids, sparking excitement that they could use them grow human organs, no team has been able to take it to the next step.

But Stanford's team, which has already successfully transplanted pancreases into mice, is tipped to be the first after now that they have produced a human-sheep model to use.​

Well I got news for them, they are late by about 70 years.


Excellent point about the dems.

They have been talking shit about growing pancreases as a diabetes cure for a long fucking time now.

They need to fast track this shit. People are dying ever day, quite horribly.

Other organs too, of course. Healthy hearts, or kidneys.

A good point about this is, that this type of treatment would not just extend life, but massively extend productive and/or quality life.

We could actually see major financial SAVINGS, as people do not need extensive long term care.
And what about PETA?

They can choke on their own bile and die, for all I care.
Wow, the excitement over this is huge, and many human diseases can be eradicated if they can pull this off.

Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids | Daily Mail Online
Scientists have created the first ever human-sheep hybrids, paving the way for organs to be grown in animals which can be transplanted into humans.

The successful Stanford University project could even open the door to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes by creating healthy pancreases to regulate blood sugar.

While scientists have previously developed human-pig hybrids, sparking excitement that they could use them grow human organs, no team has been able to take it to the next step.

But Stanford's team, which has already successfully transplanted pancreases into mice, is tipped to be the first after now that they have produced a human-sheep model to use.​

Well I got news for them, they are late by about 70 years.

This isn't without risks, as organs can still be rejected.

There are moral questions to this too, it isn't anything new but there are restrictions to using human genes in many countries.

On the other hand, some people have predicted the use of straight human clones just so other people can farm them for their organs.
There is even a movie on that.
Sci-fi film? What's it called?
The Island. Released in 2005.


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